ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

I am white, I voted for Obama, and I am extremely happy, but....

OJ still did it.
Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Because, people like Malcolm and Martin, AND Medgar Evars (who died after coming home from helping people register to vote) fought for this day.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]And to be just FORTY years removed from the civil rights movement and to have a man of color become president is unprecedented. Malcolm fought for equality in his own brand, and he wasn't killed by whites, he was killed by his very own people. Who, like you, were afraid of change and cynical of the ideas that Malcolm could bring forth.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]In essence, since you listen to Ghost so much, a bunch of "shark biters" was crampin' his style.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]My grandfather and great uncles were[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]beaten[/color] [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]in Richmond, Virginia for rallying to vote. I'm 25 years old, and I NEVER thought I would see this day. If anything you should show some respect for the people that helped put all of us in this position, not just black or white. That's why I get so upset when you say its all about race. Not once did that man ask the black vote to pick him because of his skin, it was because he was an American. The white right-wing voters put the emphasis on his race, not the BO camp.

I don't %*!# with Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, so I didn't vote just cause he was black, but because he has common sense.
[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]I can't believe I'm getting upset over this on such a momentous day. I hope you got what you wanted.[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 102, 0)]My-T.[/color]

They fought for the day you COULD vote for a black man if he was the best candidate in your opinion... not just so you could vote for someone because he was black. They fought for equality, not blind following and ignorance about the issues.

That's what you're not understanding.

Yes it's great to see a black man make it so far in politics considering where this country was 40 years ago - but you completely missed the point about what those men fought for. And that's what bugs me about this all. I think many of those men and women that fought for equality would be really disappointed in the way some people treated this election, so if you are gonna claim them as your heroes you better be holding up the same ideals they did... simply voting for any black man and not even knowing what he stands for is not holding up their ideals.

So, you're essentially saying that black people are uninformed and uneducated and only voted obama because he was black? Ok. Essentially, you're ignorant.

Lets just say every black person voted because he was black. So, 13-14% of the U.S. made him president? Ignorance.
You have no reading comprehension... i said THIS guy is using what MLK and X fought for in the wrong way for this argument he's trying tomake. Nowhere did I say all black people are uninformed and unedcuated... for the thousandth time, i voted for Obama - he was the better choice of the two..but that doesn't make him a good choice. And while it's great that black man CAN be elected, it doesn't necessarily mean it's a good thingthat THIS black man was voted in...

It's about character, not color.

Get out of here with calling me ignorant.. you have no idea what you're talking about, picking out one statement of mine, taking it out of context, andthen trying to call me ignorant.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

This feels like the day OJ got off when there were alot of White Folks mad....
And the Day he got locked up they said "we got em"

How come the White people who voted for OBAMA aren't being chided for their pick of someone not based on Race.. altho we all have stated it wasn't because of race either??

I don't get it.

A man who speaks alot of sense, who happens to be black and so many folks are mad?

Just Damn.
like i said before... Obama got 30% of the Evangelical Christian vote in Ohio... People who are pointing their fingers at minorities for votingfor Obama only because hes black have no right to do so... Point the finger elsewhere, if someone told me 3 days ago that Obama would get 3/10 Evangelicals iwould have laughed, now that hes done it, its clear (at least to me) that the simple fact is 51+% of the United States of America thought he was a bettercandidate.

I voted for Obama, I'm a registered Republican.

I cant believe these self proclaimed Patriots are saying things like "He will never be my President" "This country has gone downthe..."..... Guess what, he IS your president now, you need to deal with it and support him, hes not even in office yet and people are trying to write himoff as the worst president ever... Cant we just see what this guy can do before we write him off? Or are we seriously caught up in the color of his skin to apoint where we are blind to the fact that he is now our Commander in Chief.

I cant wait to see what this man can do for us in office.
i still dont think all black people voted for him just because he was black. more than 90% of blacks vote democrat all the time. yes him being black made moreblack people go and vote. but had he been a republican i dont think anyone would have said "well he is black so i will vote for him anyways even though idont agree republicans."
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?

I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.

I hope so.

The reason why Im not optimistic is because in his political career thus far Obama has shown no penchant for "change".
He has advisers and backers such as Rubin, Bezinski, and Soros who are part of the establishment that's got us into our present mess of a country.

I'm being serious here when I say that if Obama said that he'd appoint Rev. Wright as Sec. of State or another post I'd applaud him for that and I'd jumped on the bandwagon faster than Diddy running to a Prison shower room. Seriosuly.

That would be real change.

Obama has shown me nothign thus far therefore I can only assume that he's spewing a bunch of empty rhetoric. Also, for the msot part that rhetoric doesn't adresses fundamental problems and is awfully vague.

so your blind and deaf i take it
I choose to look at actions rather than words.

Words are like a-holes...

Take Ron Paul as an example. His congressional record speaks for itself.

What has Obama done? Voted in favor of: Extending the Patriot Act, Telecom Immunity Act, Bailout

That doesn't look like change to me.

ron paul is a racist

Way to refute my points.

you said all i need to hear
im done
i dont deal with racists or racist supporters
h a g n !
First time I ever heard Ron Paul being called a racist.

well you should do a little more research about who you support
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Even he was .04% black, he's still waaay more black than any president we've ever had. (If that matters).

Not true. I have to go to class but many other presidents have had more than that much black in them.
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

you come out and basically just say you voted for him because he was black, even if you found out he was a bad politician... then you come back and say you didn't vote for him just because he was black..

Where was this stated?


Okay - last time. When I said that he was more politician than black man, you came back with the "i don't care
"... what any reasonable person should infer from that is, "i don'tcare what he actually stands for, i just care that he's black". If that's not what you meant to put out, YOU DID.

You're completely nonsensical thus far in our conversation.
Originally Posted by nicefro

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Even if he was .04% black, he's still waaay more black than any president we've ever had. (If that matters).

Not true. I have to go to class but many other presidents have had more than that much black in them.
Really? Who?
Originally Posted by Falcon4567

I'm really loving how classy the Bush administration is being in the last couple of months; they're going out of their way to rush security clearances for Obama's new staff even going so far as to offer them a chance to sit down during video conferences with the generals on the ground in Iraq.

I'ma tell you like george bush told me...F yall _ I'm outta here!

dudes packing up tryna disappear quietly with his bundle of cash-

i was joking with wifey yesterday like you know how they always go to former presidents for quotes and interviews and they write books and do speechtours...can they even do that with bush? like really when/if things start changing can they go to him like what do you think about this Mr. Bush
Originally Posted by selfmadepimp

i still dont think all black people voted for him just because he was black. more than 90% of blacks vote democrat all the time. yes him being black made more black people go and vote. but had he been a republican i dont think anyone would have said "well he is black so i will vote for him anyways even though i dont agree republicans."
this is what people can debate ... in my opinion, the majority of new voters were heavily influenced by things such as hating bush, color of hisskin and his speaking ability ... new voters turned almost every important state for obama in his favor ...

i just wish he was arepublican so we could see the true side of people ... but since that wasnt the case, the republicans should look at their best minoritypolitician and endorse him in 12' ... thats when we will see what the deal is
Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by therealjondoe

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

So are these bad times gonna' create "good times"?

I'm not even trying to be smart on this one, I'm generally curious. But you have to admit, alot of you are very cynical.

And Daytona. I'm sure you would love for me to.

I hope so.

The reason why Im not optimistic is because in his political career thus far Obama has shown no penchant for "change".
He has advisers and backers such as Rubin, Bezinski, and Soros who are part of the establishment that's got us into our present mess of a country.

I'm being serious here when I say that if Obama said that he'd appoint Rev. Wright as Sec. of State or another post I'd applaud him for that and I'd jumped on the bandwagon faster than Diddy running to a Prison shower room. Seriosuly.

That would be real change.

Obama has shown me nothign thus far therefore I can only assume that he's spewing a bunch of empty rhetoric. Also, for the msot part that rhetoric doesn't adresses fundamental problems and is awfully vague.

so your blind and deaf i take it
I choose to look at actions rather than words.

Words are like a-holes...

Take Ron Paul as an example. His congressional record speaks for itself.

What has Obama done? Voted in favor of: Extending the Patriot Act, Telecom Immunity Act, Bailout

That doesn't look like change to me.

ron paul is a racist

Way to refute my points.

you said all i need to hear
im done
i dont deal with racists or racist supporters
h a g n !
First time I ever heard Ron Paul being called a racist.

well you should do a little more research about who you support

Maybe you should stop making things up.
I've never heard Paul utter anything racist. Maybe you can produce that tape/ audio recording?

Or is it guilt by association? Such as "Obama must be racist because Rev. Wright and a few racist Black Panthers support him!"
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

you come out and basically just say you voted for him because he was black, even if you found out he was a bad politician... then you come back and say you didn't vote for him just because he was black..

Where was this stated?

Okay - last time. When I said that he was more politician than black man, you came back with the "i don't care
"... what any reasonable person should infer from that is, "i don't care what he actually stands for, i just care that he's black". If that's not what you meant to put out, YOU DID.

You're completely nonsensical thus far in our conversation.

Last time?

I didn't participate actively in this thread until the man won..and the way you "infer" is amazing.

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

for the thousandth time, i voted for Obama - he was the better choice of the two.. but that doesn't make him a good choice.

How does that make sense to you? He's the better choice but not a good choice?

Ignorance. If you voted for obama then why are you bickering.

MyT, we got your back... You salty closet racists wanna play the race card? THEN MEXICANS VOTED OBAMA IN
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by nicefro

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Even if he was .04% black, he's still waaay more black than any president we've ever had. (If that matters).

Not true. I have to go to class but many other presidents have had more than that much black in them.
Really? Who?

see what im talking about ... i hope you voted for obama
Originally Posted by nicefro

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Even he was .04% black, he's still waaay more black than any president we've ever had. (If that matters).

Not true. I have to go to class but many other presidents have had more than that much black in them.

why the want to dismiss the one drop rule now?

I think some dudes posting in this thread need to look past his color and "blacks voted because he's black" and and "white guilt"...thepeople have spoken and decided he was best suited for the job...and it showed in Indiana, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and a #%%+ load of other states...let'sremember there are way more white people then so-called minorities according to the US Census...let's judge him in his ability to lead and not discount hisability to lead because of his skin color...

as Jeezy stated:

Obama for mankind
We ready for damn change so y'all let the man shine

did you know that illinois leads the country in almost every tax category? ie. sales, gas, property, electricity, and the list goes on and on. i do because ilive here.

after all of the wonderful things he's done for his own state, why shouldn't he be in charge of the nation?

they're both idiots but obviously race didn't matter. the point is, know your facts before you speak.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by nicefro

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Even if he was .04% black, he's still waaay more black than any president we've ever had. (If that matters).

Not true. I have to go to class but many other presidents have had more than that much black in them.
Really? Who?

jackson, harding, jefferson, coolidge
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