ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

With that said, come January when he's sworn in, he gotta get this country back on track

There's work to be done!
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by ShawnKempsKids

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

It showed how willing people are to ignore issues and just vote straight down lines which have nothing to do with actual politics.
at you even opening your mouth on something important.
Hey, like I said.. i'm much happier to see Obama win than McCain, but the fact that he's black has NOTHING to do with that preference,because that has nothing to do with how he'll run this country.

I'm done - like i said, i don't wanna play spoiler here.. just had some random thoughts I thought i'd throw in.
notice how the Obama supporters clapped politely when he mentioned McCain, but the McCain fans booed Obama hardcore when McCain mentioned him
can you believe this speech will be in the books for the future generation to read.. this is history we are witnessing.
I'm scared right now..... that thought of Obama getting shot is always going to be in the back of my head anytime he's doing a speech

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by ShawnKempsKids

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

It showed how willing people are to ignore issues and just vote straight down lines which have nothing to do with actual politics.
at you even opening your mouth on something important.
Hey, like I said.. i'm much happier to see Obama win than McCain, but the fact that he's black has NOTHING to do with that preference, because that has nothing to do with how he'll run this country.

I'm done - like i said, i don't wanna play spoiler here.. just had some random thoughts I thought i'd throw in.
naw not you, the white canadian kid from ht.

but more to that though, clearly skin color is no indicator as to how one can run a country, its not even a necessary point to make. But as a black person,whether you voted for barack or not, you've got to appreciate what just happened. If you can't you need to take a look in the mirror. Where proudbecause of where we came from to where we are, i'd think even an outsider would be able to see that.
look at that. Obama supporters dont boo when they hear MCCAIN. pathetic mccain supporters at that rally.
Originally Posted by NayokoChan

notice how the Obama supporters clapped politely when he mentioned McCain, but the McCain fans booed Obama hardcore when McCain mentioned him
itd be the same way if obama lost. best believe that.
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