ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Damn, no 60

any one looking forward to McCain/ Palin's reaction interviews post loss? It will be hilarious.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

took my post the wrong way?

What you said was blantantly racist.
I don't care how many posts you have.

I do find it hilarious though, that you're trying to explain yourself in an effort to keep your account.

So what I said was racist but what most others have said isn't? PFFFFF. Done.
You've been done for a while now.

You couldn't handle it...

Originally Posted by corwinator3407

There sure are a lot of American flags on the stage for a guy that won't even wear a small one on as a lapel pin. And I guess this will be the second time that Michelle will "feel proud to be an American."


@ dudes still trying to go at me. Weak.
Originally Posted by I R Andre

any one looking forward to McCain/ Palin's reaction interviews post loss? It will be hilarious.
I predict over 15000 blinks in a span of 15 minutes
Originally Posted by corwinator3407

There sure are a lot of American flags on the stage for a guy that won't even wear a small one on as a lapel pin. And I guess this will be the second time that Michelle will "feel proud to be an American."
Man please too little too late. Take your L and sit down some where.
Just came back from voting, gotta keep track of the Senate seats. California High-speed system and Obama #@@%@!!!!
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I feel like weeping right now...
Bruh, yall gonna bring Indy home for us?

I hope so, Bruh. We put in so much work here. So much...

A voteless people is a hopeless people.
O6' to that bruh. I feel you pham. I did the legal observer thing at the polls all day here in OH. So you know I feel as if my efforts werehelpful.
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