******ed astronomy question... Vol.. SPACE

Oct 14, 2005
Since we disregard the question "what is below/above the earth in space" how do you describe the direction? how do you tell if we are upside down ornot??
, if we go down all the way we come up on the other side of earth.. is it just a straight plane that extends?

If someone could put a logical answer to this question it would be appreciated....
space is infinite.

if you keep going "down" from Earth, no, you will not eventually end up above Earth. you'll just keep going.
It goes on forever it both directions. And techincally its the only thing faster than the speed of light. Its growing that quickly. Its a scary thing though.
My dad thinks its a black hole that we live in, which could be right. Who knows. I think Stephen Hawking had the same/similar idea.
When it comes to the universe there are things we know, things we know we don't know, and things we don't even know that we don't know, the latterbeing the overwhelming majority
there are three theories of how space is oriented
1. space is "closed" eventually you stop
2. space is open and infinitely growing. you will never stop
3. space is a loop, like that infinity sign, the sideways 8. space exists within itself.

Our space is actually #2, it is infinitly growing. No you will not end up on top of earth. its like saying you can dig a hole through the earth to china. youwill die
I was wondering about this yesterday. I never really think of space as extending in all directions, maybe because most diagrams are fairly flat in layout. Itscrazy to think there is as much stuff above and below us as on the sides. Space is crazy, man.
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Think of the universe as an apple. The outer edge is ALWAYS expanding.

This'll get you thinking.... expanding over whatt???
OP you're thinking in 2-D. space is very 3 dimensional. This is natural because growing up all charts of the planets' orbits around the sun are on asingle plane when the planets are far from being on a single plane. Not to mention everything in space is moving so there's the fourth dimension of time.When astronauts "fly" to the moon they don't aim the ship at the moon, they (like in a video game) aim at where the moon is going to be not whereit is.
Originally Posted by NYVictory45

I always wondered this. I just assumed space keeps going.
It does. Space never stops expanding I believe
I know almost nothing about astronomy and stuff like that, but I like to think that space is defined in the 4th dimension, and is finite, but we are incapableof finding the end, because we are 3 dimensional beings. The inner cube represents our universe- space, and the outer cube represents the 4th dimension.


Also, I sort of believe that since there are beings in the 3rd dimension, why can't beings exist in the 4th dimension? Just like we as three dimensionalbeings can manipulate things in the 3rd-1st dimensions, can't that mean that 4-dimensional beings can manipulate things in the 4th-1st dimensions? The 4thdimension is time, so what if they see everything as an infintessimal number of strands of time, representing everything in our universe, and can manipulatethose strands? And I developed this theory from animorphs
^ do you even know what a dimension is? we're talking cartography here not star trek....actually just leave.
I just saw everyone saying how space is infinite, I just described why I believed it isn't.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How can anyone say that space is always growing and never ending when weourselves have not even reached a far enough distance to know such a claim?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]How can you say it's closed and eventually it comes to an end, when wehaven't even went a distance long enough to determine it's edge?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 255)]Basically, We haven't traveled anywhere far enough to make a claim on what itis, everything is a hunch, idea, speculation...[/color]
^ not quite. astronomers came up with the big bang theory on more than a hunch. space is rapidly expanding. you don't need to go somewhere to see things

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