eBay scam?? I don't know , I'm a new seller

Prices in the NT classified are generally :x  , :lol:  and :smh:  at the same time.

When the site changed a couple years back it went to hell.

Exactly!!!! Dudes trying to get rich in there. I remember when there were deals to be had, now you see guys asking over ebay prices...

Pretty much :lol: I don't even bother to glance in there most of the time anymore.
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The wait is crazy , I shipped my Olympic 7's out this morning , when should I recieve the money?
A few factors play into how long they hold it, but 21 days is the ETA/maximum wait time.
 If there are no problems with a transaction, the money will typically be released within 21 days after the buyer pays. If there are problems, such as a dispute, claim, chargeback, or return, we'll release the payment when the issue is resolved. After you fulfill the order and mark it as processed, typically the payment will be released sooner.
The money may be released early if:
  • You ship directly using USPS, UPS, or FedEx, or pay for shipping and print labels on PayPal. Once we know that the item was delivered, we'll release the payment within 3 days, OR
  • You mark an order as shipped or processed. (This applies even if you don't provide tracking information through USPS, UPS, or FedEx or if the order does not require shipping.) We'll calculate the expected delivery date and release the payment within 7 days of that date, OR
  • You mark the item as processed and we know that the buyer has received it and is happy with the item. We'll release the payment within 7 days.
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