eBAY auctions won...don't post live links

Those prestos are

love them i think crisone has a pair of those same prestos
I had no luck on eBay today.

I forgot about an auction and the other one my laptop froze up with 3 secs left.

I woulda had OG Neon AM '95 and Fire Red V's each for less than $50 shipped. Oh well.
Originally Posted by HipHopCaliber

Is that the ominous sign of jealousy I see oozing out of your post? I'm sorry you probably work 8 hoursa day flipping burgers all the while anticipating the highlight of your day, the moment when you can log onto NT. I'm on eBay [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]maybe[/color] two hours a day, so I still have time to go out, go toschool, have a social life, and go wherever I want, whenever I deem necessary.
Why am I even defending myself? Carry onfella's

PS thanks Chris lol

These should have been here today but good ol fed ex let them sit for 3 days before shipping

Got them for 170 (5 less than the retros and IMO alot better)

Been worn 2 times, come with OG box. Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?


Originally Posted by JordanHead21

These should have been here today but good ol fed ex let them sit for 3 days before shipping

Got them for 170 (5 less than the retros and IMO alot better)

Been worn 2 times, come with OG box. Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?



MY SIZE TOO! wowwwww u got lucky. lemme get those!
Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?
Originally Posted by SC415

I won my 2nd pair of bred 13's size 12 for 181. Is that a steal?
I'll be the bad guy since someone will say it eventually... You guys are aware of eBay'scompleted auctions function, no? It's a very valuable resource to buyers and sellers alike, giving you instant access to all completed auctions in the lasttwo weeks for any particular search term. You can compare your purchases to the going price and determine for yourself whether you got a good deal or asteal without having to ask. If you have to ask there is even a price check forum in this site. If you buy somethingfor collecting purposes and you are happy with what you paid then it really doesn't matter, does it? With respects to reselling I usually only use the termsteal if I think I can make at least 100% profit. Maybe 20-30% is worth it to you, I don't really know and neitherdoes anyone else in this thread; you have to make that judgment for yourself. Continue to read this thread, the price check forum, and browse eBay andyou'll pick it up in due time. Most of us didn't have any tutors when we first started, but instead we've learned to use our own intuition. Enjoy

Completed auctions for Space Jam's
Completed auctions for black/red XIII's

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?
Originally Posted by SC415

I won my 2nd pair of bred 13's size 12 for 181. Is that a steal?
I'll be the bad guy since someone will say it eventually... You guys are aware of eBay's completed auctions function, no? It's a very valuable resource to buyers and sellers alike, giving you instant access to all completed auctions in the last two weeks for any particular search term. You can compare your purchases to the going price and determine for yourself whether you got a good deal or a steal without having to ask. If you have to ask there is even a price check forum in this site. If you buy something for collecting purposes and you are happy with what you paid then it really doesn't matter, does it? With respects to reselling I usually only use the term steal if I think I can make at least 100% profit. Maybe 20-30% is worth it to you, I don't really know and neither does anyone else in this thread; you have to make that judgment for yourself. Continue to read this thread, the price check forum, and browse eBay and you'll pick it up in due time. Most of us didn't have any tutors when we first started, but instead we've learned to use our own intuition. Enjoy

Completed auctions for Space Jam's
Completed auctions for black/red XIII's


I know it was a steal, as do most people who looked at it. It was a little bit of sarcasm. I see people paying over 300 for the same shoes i got for lessthan 200. I've boughten tons of shoes off ebay, i just posted that just to keep the thread alive. Not trying to sound like a prick, but I've boughtenabout 15 pairs in the last 3 months I know what/how to look for shoes. Thanks for the advice though
Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?
Originally Posted by SC415

I won my 2nd pair of bred 13's size 12 for 181. Is that a steal?
I'll be the bad guy since someone will say it eventually... You guys are aware of eBay's completed auctions function, no? It's a very valuable resource to buyers and sellers alike, giving you instant access to all completed auctions in the last two weeks for any particular search term. You can compare your purchases to the going price and determine for yourself whether you got a good deal or a steal without having to ask. If you have to ask there is even a price check forum in this site. If you buy something for collecting purposes and you are happy with what you paid then it really doesn't matter, does it? With respects to reselling I usually only use the term steal if I think I can make at least 100% profit. Maybe 20-30% is worth it to you, I don't really know and neither does anyone else in this thread; you have to make that judgment for yourself. Continue to read this thread, the price check forum, and browse eBay and you'll pick it up in due time. Most of us didn't have any tutors when we first started, but instead we've learned to use our own intuition. Enjoy

Completed auctions for Space Jam's
Completed auctions for black/red XIII's

thanks for that AmericanDream.. I didn't know about that..
Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?
Originally Posted by SC415

I won my 2nd pair of bred 13's size 12 for 181. Is that a steal?
I'll be the bad guy since someone will say it eventually... You guys are aware of eBay's completed auctions function, no? It's a very valuable resource to buyers and sellers alike, giving you instant access to all completed auctions in the last two weeks for any particular search term. You can compare your purchases to the going price and determine for yourself whether you got a good deal or a steal without having to ask. If you have to ask there is even a price check forum in this site. If you buy something for collecting purposes and you are happy with what you paid then it really doesn't matter, does it? With respects to reselling I usually only use the term steal if I think I can make at least 100% profit. Maybe 20-30% is worth it to you, I don't really know and neither does anyone else in this thread; you have to make that judgment for yourself. Continue to read this thread, the price check forum, and browse eBay and you'll pick it up in due time. Most of us didn't have any tutors when we first started, but instead we've learned to use our own intuition. Enjoy

Completed auctions for Space Jam's
Completed auctions for black/red XIII's


I know it was a steal, as do most people who looked at it. It was a little bit of sarcasm. I see people paying over 300 for the same shoes i got for less than 200. I've boughten [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bought[/color] tons of shoes off ebay, i just posted that just to keep the thread alive. Not trying to sound like a prick, but I've boughten [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bought[/color] about 15 pairs in the last 3 months I know what/how to look for shoes. Thanks for the advice though

Also, I bought my first pair for $115 shipped on here about a month ago. I think you could've paid less on here, but if you think it's a steal thenit's a steal.
Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Little bit of yellowing but its to be expected. Good steal?
Originally Posted by SC415

I won my 2nd pair of bred 13's size 12 for 181. Is that a steal?
I'll be the bad guy since someone will say it eventually... You guys are aware of eBay's completed auctions function, no? It's a very valuable resource to buyers and sellers alike, giving you instant access to all completed auctions in the last two weeks for any particular search term. You can compare your purchases to the going price and determine for yourself whether you got a good deal or a steal without having to ask. If you have to ask there is even a price check forum in this site. If you buy something for collecting purposes and you are happy with what you paid then it really doesn't matter, does it? With respects to reselling I usually only use the term steal if I think I can make at least 100% profit. Maybe 20-30% is worth it to you, I don't really know and neither does anyone else in this thread; you have to make that judgment for yourself. Continue to read this thread, the price check forum, and browse eBay and you'll pick it up in due time. Most of us didn't have any tutors when we first started, but instead we've learned to use our own intuition. Enjoy

Completed auctions for Space Jam's
Completed auctions for black/red XIII's


I know it was a steal, as do most people who looked at it. It was a little bit of sarcasm. I see people paying over 300 for the same shoes i got for less than 200. I've boughten bought tons of shoes off ebay, i just posted that just to keep the thread alive. Not trying to sound like a prick, but I've boughten bought about 15 pairs in the last 3 months I know what/how to look for shoes. Thanks for the advice though

Also, I bought my first pair for $115 shipped on here about a month ago. I think you could've paid less on here, but if you think it's a steal then it's a steal.

Thanks? I didn't know this was English class.
Originally Posted by JordanHead21

Originally Posted by NikeAirsNCrispyTees

Originally Posted by JordanHead21

I know it was a steal, as do most people who looked at it. It was a little bit of sarcasm. I see people paying over 300 for the same shoes i got for less than 200. I've boughten [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bought[/color] tons of shoes off ebay, i just posted that just to keep the thread alive. Not trying to sound like a prick, but I've boughten [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]bought[/color] about 15 pairs in the last 3 months I know what/how to look for shoes. Thanks for the advice though

Also, I bought my first pair for $115 shipped on here about a month ago. I think you could've paid less on here, but if you think it's a steal then it's a steal.

Thanks? I didn't know this was English class.

It's not, smart*$s. I was just trying to be a little bit helpful. Try using first grade grammar the next time you have a job interview and see how wellthat works out for you.
Originally Posted by AmericanDream

Originally Posted by HipHopCaliber

Is that the ominous sign of jealousy I see oozing out of your post? I'm sorry you probably work 8 hours a day flipping burgers all the while anticipating the highlight of your day, the moment when you can log onto NT. I'm on eBay [color= rgb(0, 204, 255)]maybe[/color] two hours a day, so I still have time to go out, go to school, have a social life, and go wherever I want, whenever I deem necessary.
Why am I even defending myself? Carry on fella's

PS thanks Chris lol


Sorry, you have the wrong person. I've never flipped a burger nor am I jealous of anything. I get my fair share of steals so there's no need for me tobe jealous of you. Don't try to speak on anything related to me since you probably don't even know my full name. However, I do know that if you won anauction with that listing title then I'm probably right. You have no life. Not to mention that you spending two hours per day on ebay only supports myargument. At any rate, I do applaud your hustle. Keep doing what makes you happy and what makes you money. Don't try to act like you know anything about meor my life though because you clearly do not.
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