East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

Yeah I mean Irene is nowhere near the level of Katrina (at least as it's being projected), but at the same time New York is much more crucial to America's infrastructure than New Orleans so even a significantly less amount of damage to the city could have similar effects.
If transit/a small part of the city is wrecked by debris/cars flying around that could slow the city down for months. But this is all hypothetical.
it's not going to be as bad as you think..

BUT, as a native Floridian...you can paypal me 5 bucks and I'll teach you some survival techniques if you're really worried.
There are heavily populated areas in these low level areas in NYC along, add to the fact with all the buildings in Manhattan and flooding of subways.

If directly hit, yeah, it'll just be some wing and rain. 
My chick from Florida bugging the @#$% out like this thing is gonna do damage.
Idk why. I aint een tripping though.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

There are heavily populated areas in these low level areas in NYC along, add to the fact with all the buildings in Manhattan and flooding of subways.

If directly hit, yeah, it'll just be some wing and rain. 
They evacuating Battery Park City and Coney Island
I don't see this being that big for the DC Metro area....

I am still celebrating my birthday on Saturday night in the city, the wind and rain from Irene will just add to the mix.
Is ther any method to protect windows??...I was told making an X on them with ducktape protects them from breaking...I live on a 7th floor apartment...I won't be home because I'll be working...concern for my wife though...
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Is ther any method to protect windows??...I was told making an X on them with ducktape protects them from breaking...I live on a 7th floor apartment...I won't be home because I'll be working...concern for my wife though...

I think you want to protect them from the outside.  The strong winds create a suction on windows, causing them to flex and shatter.
edit: you can't do much living in an apartment brosef...just pray the windows are strong enough!
I don't know how much that tape method works..seems like it will only help to keep the window from shattering into a million pieces..but won't save the window itself.

..I don't think it will be strong enough to blow out windows by the time it reaches you guys..and hopefully no debris will reach all the way up on the 7th floor..
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I don't know how much that tape method works..seems like it will only help to keep the window from shattering into a million pieces..but won't save the window itself.

..I don't think it will be strong enough to blow out windows by the time it reaches you guys..and hopefully no debris will reach all the way up on the 7th floor..

There was some bad wind a few months back that blew out a couple of my windows in my apt and that was only around 45-50 MPH.

Steezy, I'd say if you have time to buy and put in some storm windows that would be your best bet.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Is ther any method to protect windows??...I was told making an X on them with ducktape protects them from breaking...I live on a 7th floor apartment...I won't be home because I'll be working...concern for my wife though...
Tape method is just a myth, does not work.
If you had/have the time storm shutters would work well, or even storm windows.

But just pray your building's windows are strong enough. 
Originally Posted by Jello B Afro

Originally Posted by smoke ya later

east coast is scared!

talk to me when you're a homeowner and have children and a wife you're responsible for
tell me about it...im not scared for myself, as ill be at work...in a hospital with emergency power generators and a bunch of other people far moreprepared to deal with "disasters" however my wife will be alone at home, shes afraid of the dark and freaks out at the slightest thing....God forbid the windows go out...good thing is im only 5 minutes driving distance from home, then again i dunno how safe it would be for me to drive with those winds in cse something goes wrong at home...
storm shutters....yikkess it would run me over 1k and i dont have the time to install them now....FML...i guess ill hope for the best.
new york gonna be straight.........north carolina coast is going to hit the hardest.....my lil cuh a fr at uncw too
Originally Posted by ksteezy

storm shutters....yikkess it would run me over 1k and i dont have the time to install them now....FML...i guess ill hope for the best.

You'll be ok. Honestly, I don't see it being that bad. Do you guys have a family member home she can go by?
Steezy, all we can ever do is hope and pray for the best fam! My thoughts and prayers will be with you guys throughout this potential ordeal .... I along with quite a few in here like AJChick are seasoned vets in the Hurricane experience category as we're Floridians and southerners that have been through it all. Brace up and be safe. Thankfully however, it should pass over quickly. Be safe NT!
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