East Coast NTers...First an Earthquake, now a Hurricane? Vol. Irene

^ This.
About to start drinking my boredom away with my family though
Deep down NYers are enjoying this, people will be getting drunk tonight....I remember the black out....the streets were LIVVVEEEEE
Lol why dudes saying they going out tonight? Yall would stay in if it was just regular rain, why yall tryna be hard?

I'm betting that tonight on the news, we see a dude in some Foams or Jordans getting punked around by the storm.
Katrina got stronger because the gulf has warmer waters. The northern Atlantic does not have warmer waters than the southern Atlantic. And the news is sensationalizing this. Completely.

Land and cooler waters = a dying storm. Trust me on this one. I'm not getting paid to sell a story.
Time Warner Cable is already going out on the UWS of the city according to my friends over there

It's barely even raining!
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