Earwax Unappreciation. Vol. I'm literally deaf in one ear..

Had my ears flushed a while ago with even worse buildup.
I used a rolled rag tip, and q-tips daily, but all I was doing was packing the wax down onto my eardrum.
Only use a damp rag to clean the outer visible part of your ear.

The flush was much appreciated...hearing was at superhero status.
at least we cant call ductales on his ***
Originally Posted by Joe Billionaire

i use my pinky nail it seems to get the gunk out

man that is just disgusting!!!!

and to the op cant believe you wanna show off with this crap yo
@ these replies

Earwax buildup mot of the time isn't a case of hygiene, but more of genetics. Some people have ear shapes that don't allow the excess earwax (thateveryone produces) to be naturally drained from the ear. Real talk, I know the feeling of having both ears packed with earwax, the sight at the doctor'soffice was just as disgusting if not worse than pic in the OP.
My hearing got way more sensitive as a result of this, tho
you can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean out your ears if they get THAT clogged. just lay on one side, drop a capful of peroxide in your ear....let it fizzfor a lil bit and then rinse out.
These types of threads are both disgusting and intriguing.

@ wet ear wax.

Dry wax FTW.
Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

The flush was much appreciated...hearing was at superhero status.
mos def appreciated. had the flush twice, probably from jamming q-tips in my ears the wrong way. it's a little like someone poking at yourbrain, and i'm surprised by how much pressure the eardrum can take. but after the solution sits in your ear canal for a bit and finally drains out allwarm and whatnot, it's nasty but a

and the superhuman hearing is great while it lasts. i tried holding my arm straight out, and barely rubbed my fingertips together, but heard it loud and clear
No matter how clean any of you think you are, or how talented you are with a qtip, you'll never clean your ears like a doctor will with that vacuum theyuse.
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