Dwayne Johnson set to play Folk Hero John Henry vol. Not black enough?

old buddy that played M'Baku >>>

Na. Keeping it a buck I think duke right here is the best fit for the role of JH
The big point that most people are missing behind all this is that the Rock's production company, 7 Bucks production, is producing this film. More than likely the only reason this film being made it all is because of his attached to it.

If they make him look like his pops this could fly... but I'm having a hard time trying to figure who else has the Rock's stature, and box office appeal right now outside of maybe Idris Elba and Michael B. Jordan
There is no paradox here, it is clear where people's frustrations are coming from
Is it though? If his blackness is already in question by simply being mixed he will forever be fighting an uphill battle with everyone's idea of what "blackness" means. This is what I mean by the paradox of "blackness". It's not a concrete concept (though, neither is the concept of race). It shifts, ebbs and flows depending on the individual, to a white audience he may be too black, to a black audience he may not be black enough.

I feel like this further highlights the division we push upon ourselves (speaking about humanity in general), it's especially exacerbated by echo chambers like twitter, where someone is never good enough to be someone else's idea of "X". Or if someone did meet someone else's idea of "X" and does one thing they don't agree with no matter how mundane, suddenly they were never "X" to begin with. And since these discussions mainly take place inside the echo chambers, they almost never get challenged.
Is it though? If his blackness is already in question by simply being mixed he will forever be fighting an uphill battle with everyone's idea of what "blackness" means. This is what I mean by the paradox of "blackness". It's not a concrete concept (though, neither is the concept of race). It shifts, ebbs and flows depending on the individual, to a white audience he may be too black, to a black audience he may not be black enough.

I feel like this further highlights the division we push upon ourselves (speaking about humanity in general), it's especially exacerbated by echo chambers like twitter, where someone is never good enough to be someone else's idea of "X". Or if someone did meet someone else's idea of "X" and does one thing they don't agree with no matter how mundane, suddenly they were never "X" to begin with. And since these discussions mainly take place inside the echo chambers, they almost never get challenged.

Again, if he embraced his black side and wasn't promoted (which he CAN control) to be a racially ambiguous Superman, folks wouldn't trip.

Again, it is pretty clear WHY folks are bothered.

It doesn't need a deep dive like you are attempting to use.

But I am sure you know this already, just trying to play dumb. Or as NT likes to say, "Being an obtuse angle."
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People def say this. Heard it with my own ears, heard somebody say he's not even really black too :lol:

Someone said Kaep wasn’t black :lol:

It is one thing to be questioned based on LOOKS, superficial. But when folks are questioning whether or not you are down for the fight, that is a different story.

Nobody EVER questioned Jessie Williams and/or Kap for that reason.

The Rock? Strikes in both categories.
On the plus side this could help some kids learn about John Henry and maybe other black folk and literary characters.

I feel like most of us could count on one hand how many times John Henry has crossed our minds post-elementary. Could spark an interesting series of movies if other characters and people get adaptations.

A King Hannibal movie could be fire.
I knew that would take “that” turn :lol:

If the rock is in it 95% of the time it’s trash you won’t watch anyway :lol:
Remind me of when Zoe Saldana started as Nina Simone. This ain't that bad tho cus JH is fictional, but same vibes. Think there was a thread too
It is one thing to be questioned based on LOOKS, superficial. But when folks are questioning whether or not you are down for the fight, that is a different story.

Nobody EVER questioned Jessie Williams and/or Kap for that reason.

The Rock? Strikes in both categories.

Rodney CTE Harrison said “Collin kaepernick isn’t even black” and later had to apologize for his extreme ignorance

There’s a sound bite somewhere
I'm looking at anybody sideways like they're not damn cool if they're seriously saying The Rock isn't black enough for something.

****ing it up and they don't even know it.

As for the topic, lot of reasons not to like Rock for being in a movie or playing a role that don't got anything to do with race.

Gotta give props to his team though. John Henry, that Haiwaiin king, and Doc Savage :pimp:
There is nothing wrong with never speaking on public issues. Some people like to keep their opinions to themselves and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Again, if he embraced his black side and wasn't promoted (which he CAN control) to be a racially ambiguous Superman, folks wouldn't trip.

Again, it is pretty clear WHY folks are bothered.

It doesn't need a deep dive like you are attempting to use.

But I am sure you know this already, just trying to play dumb. Or as NT likes to say, "Being an obtuse angle."
Or you know, things have a lot more nuance than twitter would like to admit.
There is nothing wrong with never speaking on public issues. Some people like to keep their opinions to themselves and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Easy to say that from a place of privilege.

When you are the biggest star in the World and half of your genetic makeup is of a black man, folks simply want you to embrace that.

Nothing "wrong" sure, nothing is WRONG. But don't act surprised why many folks in the black community don't really mess with you.
And the nuance here isn't about how he looks, it is about how he acts as the, "All Purpose Player."
And why should he have to be more than that? Also, ******** that this isn't about how he looks. Had he looked like any illustration of JH, nobody would bat would an eye, no matter how silent on black issues the actor they choose was. But since the rock is mixed.......he has to prove/own his blackness to slacktivists on the internet.
And why should he have to be more than that? Also, bull**** that this isn't about how he looks. Had he looked like any illustration of JH, nobody would bat would an eye, no matter how silent on black issues the actor they choose was. But since the rock is mixed.......he has to prove/own his blackness to slacktivists on the internet.
He doesn't HAVE to do anything he doesn't want to do. It is his life and his career. He has been WIDLY successful doing what he has been doing. *Hats Off*

But just know that decision comes with backlash from Black Folks.


But you keep trying to discuss how he LOOKS when there have been examples of folks being light-skinned as hell and folks don't question where they stand.
But you keep trying to discuss how he LOOKS when there have been examples of folks being light-skinned as hell and folks don't question where they stand.
Please read my comment again, I wasn't the one making this about his looks, I think you missed a few things. The lightskinned folks slacktivists do rock with have to go EXTRA hard to "prove" themselves to a bunch of strangers on the internet. They don't have an assumed aura of being "pro black", that's the double standard that I'm pointing out.
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