DRUNK, BLACKOUT NIGHTS UNAPPRECITED...stop playing no i didnt!!!

Originally Posted by DublBagn


As the story goes, after a Roots show in Detroit, my boy is throwing the after party (shout out to Public Media, they always put on a good show!!!!) I slide in the door and grab my VIP pass head up stairs, say whats up to all my people and start drinking.......A beer and a shot.......then another shot, then another shot, then another beer.....all within about an hour....I was "feeling good, feeling great"......the remainder of the night I piece together from my friends stories....

some chick I know said she walked into the VIP (2 hours since my first drink) to me talking to Black Thought for about 20 mins, I see her and proceed to pick her up and hug her and shake her like a rag doll.....then Black Thought proceeds to do the same (he was a bit drunk, she is cute, and he tried to holler at her for the rest of the night)....I danced with a Big Block (word to OP), told a girl I was going to F her tonight.....almost knocked over Questloves monitor, popped a bottle and then dipped out.....

I wake up in my own bed, in basketball shorts and a Tee, car is in the driveway (with no visible damage)......I walk downstairs and my roommate is like, "you were loud as hell last night, came in the door stumbling, dropped $20 in Taco Bell on the table (which i didnt eat but their was only 5 things in the bag and no drink so I dont know what I ordered), turned the TV on super loud, went to your bathroom tossed cookies for 15 mins, then went to sleep"...

smh @ me for not remembering driving home....I have not had a drink since.....
So...you blacked out after 5 drinks?
lol... gotta love those nights...

i text who last night?

i called who last night?

good times though...

moral of the story...

----------------------------------------->a drunk mind speaks a sober heart<-------------------------
I dont think I can agree with you. Whenever I get blackout there are always some wild stories my dudes tell me the next morning. Usually its about medoing something stupid and making a fool outta myself. I always get a good laugh out of them.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DublBagn


As the story goes, after a Roots show in Detroit, my boy is throwing the after party (shout out to Public Media, they always put on a good show!!!!) I slide in the door and grab my VIP pass head up stairs, say whats up to all my people and start drinking.......A beer and a shot.......then another shot, then another shot, then another beer.....all within about an hour....I was "feeling good, feeling great"......the remainder of the night I piece together from my friends stories....

some chick I know said she walked into the VIP (2 hours since my first drink) to me talking to Black Thought for about 20 mins, I see her and proceed to pick her up and hug her and shake her like a rag doll.....then Black Thought proceeds to do the same (he was a bit drunk, she is cute, and he tried to holler at her for the rest of the night)....I danced with a Big Block (word to OP), told a girl I was going to F her tonight.....almost knocked over Questloves monitor, popped a bottle and then dipped out.....

I wake up in my own bed, in basketball shorts and a Tee, car is in the driveway (with no visible damage)......I walk downstairs and my roommate is like, "you were loud as hell last night, came in the door stumbling, dropped $20 in Taco Bell on the table (which i didnt eat but their was only 5 things in the bag and no drink so I dont know what I ordered), turned the TV on super loud, went to your bathroom tossed cookies for 15 mins, then went to sleep"...

smh @ me for not remembering driving home....I have not had a drink since.....
So...you blacked out after 5 drinks?
the shots he ordered could be mixed, which means the alcohol could be more potent than just a regular ol' straight shot.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DublBagn


As the story goes, after a Roots show in Detroit, my boy is throwing the after party (shout out to Public Media, they always put on a good show!!!!) I slide in the door and grab my VIP pass head up stairs, say whats up to all my people and start drinking.......A beer and a shot.......then another shot, then another shot, then another beer.....all within about an hour....I was "feeling good, feeling great"......the remainder of the night I piece together from my friends stories....

some chick I know said she walked into the VIP (2 hours since my first drink) to me talking to Black Thought for about 20 mins, I see her and proceed to pick her up and hug her and shake her like a rag doll.....then Black Thought proceeds to do the same (he was a bit drunk, she is cute, and he tried to holler at her for the rest of the night)....I danced with a Big Block (word to OP), told a girl I was going to F her tonight.....almost knocked over Questloves monitor, popped a bottle and then dipped out.....

I wake up in my own bed, in basketball shorts and a Tee, car is in the driveway (with no visible damage)......I walk downstairs and my roommate is like, "you were loud as hell last night, came in the door stumbling, dropped $20 in Taco Bell on the table (which i didnt eat but their was only 5 things in the bag and no drink so I dont know what I ordered), turned the TV on super loud, went to your bathroom tossed cookies for 15 mins, then went to sleep"...

smh @ me for not remembering driving home....I have not had a drink since.....
So...you blacked out after 5 drinks?
the shots he ordered could be mixed, which means the alcohol could be more potent than just a regular ol' straight shot.
He said beers and shots. At the most, a shot will be straight and be 80-100 proof. If it's mixed, the alcohol content will go down. So if theywere mixed that's even worse.
Blacking out is appreciated. I get to piece together what happened from what my friends tell me (usually me being an idiot).
blacking out around people who do some ayoo stuff FTL

my homie once blacked out and some random dude at the party thought it would be funny to lube his butt up

son woke up feeling straight violated,
My first night out with my fake ID Freshman year of college I woke up with a doorknob in my pocket.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Originally Posted by DublBagn


As the story goes, after a Roots show in Detroit, my boy is throwing the after party (shout out to Public Media, they always put on a good show!!!!) I slide in the door and grab my VIP pass head up stairs, say whats up to all my people and start drinking.......A beer and a shot.......then another shot, then another shot, then another beer.....all within about an hour....I was "feeling good, feeling great"......the remainder of the night I piece together from my friends stories....

some chick I know said she walked into the VIP (2 hours since my first drink) to me talking to Black Thought for about 20 mins, I see her and proceed to pick her up and hug her and shake her like a rag doll.....then Black Thought proceeds to do the same (he was a bit drunk, she is cute, and he tried to holler at her for the rest of the night)....I danced with a Big Block (word to OP), told a girl I was going to F her tonight.....almost knocked over Questloves monitor, popped a bottle and then dipped out.....

I wake up in my own bed, in basketball shorts and a Tee, car is in the driveway (with no visible damage)......I walk downstairs and my roommate is like, "you were loud as hell last night, came in the door stumbling, dropped $20 in Taco Bell on the table (which i didnt eat but their was only 5 things in the bag and no drink so I dont know what I ordered), turned the TV on super loud, went to your bathroom tossed cookies for 15 mins, then went to sleep"...

smh @ me for not remembering driving home....I have not had a drink since.....
So...you blacked out after 5 drinks?

My man JCJ stays breaking balls. I love it.
Originally Posted by tony AYOOO

its funny when people tell me some of the #$@$ i did

... like u walkin around punchin doors and refrigerators til yo hands looked like u had actual boxin gloves on... or walkin around wit a fake shotgunscarin the hell outta ppl
how about when you wake up knowin somethin bad went down so you try not to talk to no one for a couple days hopin kids will forget about it lol
3 stories from the end of this semester:

1) At a friend's party with my roommate. I start the night with a few shots of cap'n morgans, absolue vodka, and some other stuff that I didn'tcare to learn the names of. So i'm good and I'm dippy boppin and two stepoing for the rest of the night. Then some broad hits me with some"let's do shots". Now I'm not some lightweight so I'm like sure. She was a 7ish so I'm okay with the idea. After the first shot itfeels like my mouth's been set ablaze. But she's on her second glass. I take mines and the burning sensation hits again so I ask her what the eff isshe giving me. She whispered everclear and I swear that's all I remembered. I wake up face down on my laptop with my phone buzzing crazy. I look at themessage and it's from my dude face82 and he's asking if I'm alright
So I'm thinking how the hell does Face know? So i read my computerscreen and it turns out I made a drunk thread about never drinking everclear. So monday rolls around and I hear strories of me dancing with some broad on atable, kissing some chick who I could've slept with had I not walked away from her AS she was talking, and some other minor details... whatever.

2) At a get together with some friends. Shots are taken and before I knew it, I'm thrown. So I wake up to the sounds of my roommates banging on my door.I'm on my floor wrapped up in my covers and on my bed is this broad I've been talking to for like... 4 days. So i tell my roommates nothing happened asshe's still asleep. She wakes up shortly after, we exchange a few grins, awkward glances and she dips. I was still holding onto some last ditch hope thatwe didn't have sex... but all that went crashing down as I was cleaning my room and found 3 condoms... smh. I actually posted some of my drunk pics in thelast pyp (the ones of me in my boxers

3) Chilling at the last party of the semester. I've had a few drinks and am talking to this girl whom i wouldn't mind
skipping out on in the AM. The strobe light has me tripping OUT so we vacate the party. Next thing you know, we're in the laundry room talking about thingsI don't remember. I see her the next day and she gives me a recap. Turns out I passed out WHILE going in for a smooch and I land on her shoulder; shecarried me to my room.

Can't wait for the Spring.

I may have some typos because I'm posting from my cell phone.
I have blacked out more then anybody I know!!! I always end up breaking something of mine if im at home. The most Unexplainable things have happened while iblacked out

Halloween I was a complete s-show.....Towards the end of the night im puking in the street, some dude starts talkin smack, so me and my roommate end upfighting with a bunch of Indians in the middle of the street. Cops come, and i run...i have no money, no cellphone, no keys....I magically get a ride home frommy cousin who wasnt even there that was trippin on acid.

A couple weeks before that, I kill a 5th of burnetts vodka at home, take some shots of tequilla(my kryptonite) and end up puking at the bar, getting kicked outthe club, sneaking back in, getting kicked out again, and then getting kicked out the car of the girl i was with.

My birthday, this one girl sets me off, i go off on her, steal her crappy cellphone....nextday at wake up at noon with no recollection of what happened.....

There are soo many more, but since i blcked out i dont exactly remember them....oh yeah, one time my ex locked me outta my apartment, soo i put a gun(where didi get it?) in her face and tell her to open the door....

Things i have woken up with in my bed....cans of beer, chili, cocoa crispies(3x)(my favorite cereal), Moose Tracks ice cream, with a trail leading to my room,Vomit, Cranberry Juice, Pepsi, Fried Rice, Sandwhich meats, and a chimichanga i bought earlier for the drunk munchies......i had to buy a couple more sheetscuz it seemed like i was doing laundry every couple of days.
ive only been black out twice

the first time i drank a fith of vodka by myself (friends were there but I had my own).. started talking bout why i wanted to be a psychologist and how i likehelping ppl loud as hell. called my girl at the tine feeking extra guilty bout some stuff and just kept telling her i loved her and got emotional, smh. than wetook shots of corvosier, big mistake. I started syumbling around talking bout im still standing and soon after that it was a wrap. Here is the stuff I piecedtogether I fell over on this chick who is about 5'2 120 and Im about 6'3 240 dudes had to help me off of her. Passed out on the floor after hurlingtalking bout i gotta take a dump, so ppl lift me on the toilet so i dont crap myself and take pics. My girl said she came in and saw me on the toilet with myeyes rolling. Woke up the next morning in my bed with my boxers on, walked into the living room its puke all over the walls, my pillow is in the bathroom withpuke on it, so is my shirt, and my shorts have puke on the back of them. There is puke in the shower and outside. I felt fine for the first hour when i woke upand then kept puking and feeling like crap for like 7 hrs.

Second time I just was mumbling stuff and ppl were messing with me. Wake up in my dr zombie outfit like !$!
this past weekend i drank one of those flasks of JackD and a bit of lean after, I ended up falling asleep standing up on the train and falling straight down.

I had whiplash for two days.
This is why I just drink to the point of wavyness and never get poopfaced/smashed drunk, then again I got a high tolerance. I went IIIIINNNN my very firsttime.

Was 13 at a party in Colombia...kept on taking whiskey shots [Old Parr] and supposedly got naked and tried to fight the girl who was throwing the party'sfather
Vomited all over my cousin's bed and had a permanent nickname because of that night
First time drinking with the crew
1 shot of tequila at my crib
1 shot of petron at my homeys house
about 5 beers and 3 cigs
I woke up in a half full bathtub soaked with my pants around my ankles I smelled like vomit had a busted lip and my car keys were in the toilet.....no one really told me what really happened that night

You blacked out after 7 drinks?!

What are you 5' 2" 95lbs?
Originally Posted by rocman23

ive only been black out twice

the first time i drank a fith of vodka by myself (friends were there but I had my own).. started talking bout why i wanted to be a psychologist and how i like helping ppl loud as hell.

So you're "that guy,"
. One of my friends once got super hammered and started telling me that he wanted to be a doctor for the reason youstated above, kept repeating himself over and over loud as hell. I got sick of it and told him I'd be right back and not to move. I left without him. Atlike 3 AM when I got back, he was passed out with puke everywhere
hahah good stuff, blackouts are the best. last time i fullon blacked out i went to a party and somehow got on a bus with these girls i thought were
sothat we could go to the bar for the night. so i decide to pick one them up, got to the bar and everyone's trying to explain to me, turns out they were allgross, like real bad. i got the facebook adds the next day and felt like a pile. other girls i knew reminded me of how they tried to get me out of there, but iapparently just wasn't having it. whatever, its all fair game as long as you dont remember it.
blacked out on my 23rd bday and my back was straight hurting the next day and i didnt know why!!!

highlights of the night of what i was told:

I climbed a tree drunk and fell off the branch landing straight on my back on the concrete

we got jack in the box and i srtaight up ate all of my friends tacos and threw what i didnt want (everyone else's burgers and fries) out the window (wecouldnt find it so we had to go back)

walked into some random guys house at like 2 in the morning thinking it was my friends house and just passed out of the couch,.. my friends had to carry me out

got kicked out of a few bars for trying to steal some very hard to steal items...

and a lot of other things...

I prolly shoulda died that night but i didnt because my friends prevented it...

another time i woke up with about 15 cd's in the plastic still around the floor

turns out barnes and nobles alarm was just going off for no reason and i used that time to stuff as many cd's as i could down my pants... threw them in myfriends car and walked in to do the same thing again..


blacking out for the loss.... now i know when its comming so when i do it i tell myself to be extra calm... and act as normal as possible
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