Drugs and the current generation...

Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by solefood229

Any recreational heroin or crack users on here?



All the time dude and it has yet to take any effect on my life.....

Thanks for proving my point.
Thread seems to have derailed.

I blame it on music and the bad examples these artists are setting nowadays. Seems like that's the thing to promote and entice young listeners with. We've got Northeast rappers still bottle popping and smoking that purp. Southern rappers with their lean/dank and pills. And the West coast just doing it all. And these are the people young adolescents look up to because it's "cool." This is just one genre of music, plenty more.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by SolexSup

17 and a Senior in highschool never messed with any drugs. Was so surprised to see how accepted it was in freshmen year, dude next to me just straight up asked me if i wanted to smoke with him after school and i had known him for like a week
. Been offered it a bunch of times but i never bothered. Dont see the point, kind of lame to have to smoke to have fun.

But I bet you find nothing wrong with having a drink right?
Never had alcohol before either. Im a bundle of joy without it so i dont find it necessary. 
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

How long does a DMT trip last?

reg synthed DMT, about 18-20 minutes. my favorite, 4AcO-DMT, can last up to 6 hours.

go to erowid, read effects and read the experience section.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by PRIME

The only problem I have with weed is how everyone feels the need to glorify it to make themselves look cool.

Young kids glorify it because they want to be "cool"

Older people in their early 20's are horrible role models. Its one thing to smoke weed but don't brag about it on twitter/facebook/tumblr etc and brainwash the youth. Let them stumble upon weed themselves. Force feeding them this "lifestyle" making them believe that life is all about weed and "YOLO" is %*%+*!% up the future.

Again...step outside of yourself and look at the generation we're in. 
You only see the glorification of it because of EXACTLY what you just said.


We're in the digital era. Everyone is connected and see's what everyone else is up to. 

If these things existed 50 years ago...would there be a difference? 

The internet age has had a PROFOUND influence on literally everything that we do compared to earlier generations before us. 
Yes, but thats the problem. If cutting/hardcore drug abuse became the influence then things would be even worse. The internet is the gateway to destruction just as much as it is a tool for bettering our futures. 
Being connected is one thing, but mass influence in the hands of the wrong people is another. Children are gaining access to the internet at a younger and younger age by the year. Its only a matter of time before junior high/grade school kids catch wind of the wrong things. 

When we grew up, doing drugs wasn't "cool". No matter how many stories or people you knew of that smoked or did drugs, there was a high percentage (and more than likely a higher) percentage of kids who were above the influence. 

Drugs aren't bad to everyone, and they don't do bad things to everyone. But once you expand the war field to more soldiers, the more causalities you will have whether its intentional or not. 

If these platforms of connectivity existed 50 years ago yes the same %*%* would have happened back then. But that doesn't make the situation any better. There still wouldn't be any excuse for it. If it was going on back then all out in the open and acceptable like that then the world would be an even more +++%@% up place now. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

I havent smoked weed in 4 years, and i dont think I will ever do it again, its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day

Lol @ these cats calling Me clueless and dumb.

I never said anything bad about green, so don't come at me like that famb.

Drugs ain't for everybody. More drug addicts are failures than success stories. Don't act like there isn't a correlation ...

And I'm not talking about green. I'm talking all this synthetic,chemically unbalanced stuff.

I don't understand how people can bring up extraordinary people to justify their stance.

"Steve jobs did drugs" "bill gates and mark z didn't go to college" ...

Ain't none of you @*%##! making Facebook or iPod shuffles ...
We've got over a hundred thousand people dyeing from the legal and supposedly "regulated" stuff because of abuse stemming from addiction. And, somehow you think that throwing cocaine, herion, meth--the hard stuff--into the mix (legalization) won't make matters worse? Give me a break.

As someone who prescribes medication, this country is severely over medicated.
More people are dying from government approved stuff simply because it is EASIER to access these substances, not because they are more dangerous than the illegal stuff. Go 'head and legalize the hard stuff and you can bet that at least an equal amount of folks, if not more, will die. Personally, I'd rather not wait to be proven right or wrong. Keep the already illegal stuff illegal, and work towards educating the masses on the significant dangers of the already legal stuff.

People have been doing cocaine, heroin, weed, ect. since the beginning of time. Prohibition creates crime.

Secondly, pain pills often lead to heroin use. It did for me and a bunch of my friends (and almost every single dope user on Intervention). People (especially middle class etc) don't just start slamming heroin, they do it because it replaces the pills and it's a hell of a lot cheaper. The thing about heroin is that you can get hepatitis from the dope itself, not to mention if you share needles.

In my experience in dealing with patients who have had children die due to overdose is that the ones that were addicted to pain meds were the ones that ended up overdosing on Crystal Meth. By the way, Methamphetamine is also a government approved drug as well
I am 24 and i have never done any drugs.  My friends have but i always let it be known that i didn't want any and they were always cool with it.

But i agree with a lot of people in here.  Seems like drugs these days are more accepted and more prevalent.  A lot of my friends are well off via their parents.  So perks and xanax seem to be the drug of choice molly has been big by me too, but it took off about a year ago.  Caught me real off guard the first time i saw my friends little brother (21 year old) just crush a perk and snort it off the kitchen table like it was common place. 

Its funny when i said something. "You serious Matt?" he was like, "What man? It's no big deal?" and then i get looked at like im crazy.  I guess i am just not with the times when snorting anything is looked at as eh whatever.  I am all for people smoking weed or drinking or even doing some psychedelics but for some reason snorting anything always makes me look at you like your a crack head.
weed shouldn't even be put in the same category as cocaine, crack, heroin, xanax or any other synthetic substance.
Originally Posted by krazyl3gz

Originally Posted by solarius49

I havent smoked weed in 4 years, and i dont think I will ever do it again, its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day

get off your [un]high horse....     as a person who smokes all the time and has at least a zone of dank at all times, I completely disagree with you.  i do not need it but i chose to use it daily because i can.  idgaf what this weak #+% govt got to say.  its just an herb at the end of the day, just like some tea.   our govt (liars) got the nation fooled and we wonder why people are so wicked.  its cause were concerned on the wrong +!*%.  hell id much rather have our people using herb than indulging in all the pills, greasy foods, alcohol, etc...   it is what it is tho.. 
Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by krazyl3gz

Originally Posted by solarius49

I havent smoked weed in 4 years, and i dont think I will ever do it again, its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day

get off your [un]high horse....     as a person who smokes all the time and has at least a zone of dank at all times, I completely disagree with you.  i do not need it but i chose to use it daily because i can.  idgaf what this weak #+% govt got to say.  its just an herb at the end of the day, just like some tea.   our govt (liars) got the nation fooled and we wonder why people are so wicked.  its cause were concerned on the wrong +!*%.  hell id much rather have our people using herb than indulging in all the pills, greasy foods, alcohol, etc...   it is what it is tho.. 
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by throwedyonasb

Originally Posted by krazyl3gz

get off your [un]high horse....     as a person who smokes all the time and has at least a zone of dank at all times, I completely disagree with you.  i do not need it but i chose to use it daily because i can.  idgaf what this weak #+% govt got to say.  its just an herb at the end of the day, just like some tea.   our govt (liars) got the nation fooled and we wonder why people are so wicked.  its cause were concerned on the wrong +!*%.  hell id much rather have our people using herb than indulging in all the pills, greasy foods, alcohol, etc...   it is what it is tho.. 
lol im not gonna stop blazin just cause a crooked govt says so. and when i said "i can" i mean that im fortunate enough to be able to afford it.

never been much of a sheep.
waaaaaaaiiiiiiit a second. you have 4000 posts on a sneaker message board, all of us "sneakerheads" are atleast somewhat sheep, so kill that conspiracy theorist noise.
Originally Posted by solarius49

waaaaaaaiiiiiiit a second. you have 4000 posts on a sneaker message board, all of us "sneakerheads" are atleast somewhat sheep, so kill that conspiracy theorist noise.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Two things:

1) This is general plehboi.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]2) As soon as someone says "sheep"  you equate that with "conspiracy theory" ?[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]throwed, why are you wasting your time with these dudes? A lot of [/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]people[/color][color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] sheep enjoy having someone do their thinking for them.[/color]
Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by PRIME

The only problem I have with weed is how everyone feels the need to glorify it to make themselves look cool.

Young kids glorify it because they want to be "cool"

Older people in their early 20's are horrible role models. Its one thing to smoke weed but don't brag about it on twitter/facebook/tumblr etc and brainwash the youth. Let them stumble upon weed themselves. Force feeding them this "lifestyle" making them believe that life is all about weed and "YOLO" is %*%+*!% up the future.

Again...step outside of yourself and look at the generation we're in. 
You only see the glorification of it because of EXACTLY what you just said.


We're in the digital era. Everyone is connected and see's what everyone else is up to. 

If these things existed 50 years ago...would there be a difference? 

The internet age has had a PROFOUND influence on literally everything that we do compared to earlier generations before us. 
Yes, but thats the problem. If cutting/hardcore drug abuse became the influence then things would be even worse. The internet is the gateway to destruction just as much as it is a tool for bettering our futures. 
Being connected is one thing, but mass influence in the hands of the wrong people is another. Children are gaining access to the internet at a younger and younger age by the year. Its only a matter of time before junior high/grade school kids catch wind of the wrong things. 

When we grew up, doing drugs wasn't "cool". No matter how many stories or people you knew of that smoked or did drugs, there was a high percentage (and more than likely a higher) percentage of kids who were above the influence. 

Drugs aren't bad to everyone, and they don't do bad things to everyone. But once you expand the war field to more soldiers, the more causalities you will have whether its intentional or not. 

If these platforms of connectivity existed 50 years ago yes the same %*%* would have happened back then. But that doesn't make the situation any better. There still wouldn't be any excuse for it. If it was going on back then all out in the open and acceptable like that then the world would be an even more +++%@% up place now. 

real *$**
Something tells me inhaling smoke purposelly daily nisn't good for you at all regardless if it's herbal or not.Some of y'all are in denial about being addicted to weed though.
smokin in general is bad...
but u can stilll catch me
till i have die or have a kidd
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Something tells me inhaling smoke purposelly daily nisn't good for you at all regardless if it's herbal or not.Some of y'all are in denial about being addicted to weed though.
75% of the food we eat daily isn't good for us either.
Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Something tells me inhaling smoke purposelly daily nisn't good for you at all regardless if it's herbal or not.Some of y'all are in denial about being addicted to weed though.
just imagine how much money one could save if they cut daily use IN HALF...

the time dedicated to rollin' and blowin' could be invested in other thing.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by cap1229

The people with addictive personalities are the ones that shouldnt even attempt to try it. All it takes is one time.

You bring up a good point. 
For example, the dude on the last page who said he's watching his friend's life go down hill because he smokes. That's definitely a sign of an addictive personality and not the drug itself.

The people with the addictive personalities already battle impulse control as is and its really hard for them to stop once they've started and have tasted that high. Alot of ppl only really find what kind of personality they have once they realize how hard it is for them to stop. They can stop eventually but it isnt easy like it would be for someone who does it recreationally and far and in between.
I learned that the hard way. 
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by ThorrocksJs

Something tells me inhaling smoke purposelly daily nisn't good for you at all regardless if it's herbal or not.Some of y'all are in denial about being addicted to weed though.
just imagine how much money one could save if they cut daily use IN HALF...

the time dedicated to rollin' and blowin' could be invested in other thing.

And the time dedicated to fighting the war on drugs could be invested into other things x 999,999,999,999 more than the time dedicated to rollin' and blowin'.
I'd rather be a guy that spends his days smoking weed and hanging out than one of the miserable $#$!! wasting their time trying to fight it. Anyone that's fought the war on drugs is no more accomplished than most marijuana smokers. It's been a complete and utter failure in every aspect. It's time to try something new.
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