Drivers Test tomarrow

remember to check for traffic, looking over your shoulders and at your mirrors, exaggerate on it.
Signal as you're backing out of the parking space. Adjust the rearview, even if you don't need to, before you start. Put on your seatbelt BEFORE youstart the car. Exaggerate all of motions, to make sure the instructor sees it. If you mess up on something, like P-Parking or Reverse Parking, ask politely ifyou could try it again. Most of all, be confident. Believe you know what you're doing. They can sense a nervous person from a mile away, and there'snothing worse than a nervous driver.
Signal for everything, stop nice and easy (brake ahead of time), check traffic when your going through intersections
Make sure to check both ways when crossing an intersection, although not exactly necessary, they look for that.
you need to signal for everything, od it just to be safe. do it when you're about to park, when you're exiting your parking space, for each turn you doon your 3 pt turn & for everything else. they cant fail you for being too safe. other than that, if you can drive it well should be fine
damm I guess just try to remember everything, prepare before the day and stuff.

your hella lucky, you get to drive soon lol

You're going to fail.
DO NOT be nervous... do not make any critical errors, go over that list of critical errors on the site or manual.
do what everyone else says, exaggerate your motions, make sure they know you are checking for traffic, use your signals, and look over your shoulder whenswitching lanes.

but most importantly you really need to practice and get the hang of everything before taking the test. I learned a damn long and hard way by failing multipletimes, and every time I took the test I was sleepy as hell

but good luck bud.
Originally Posted by SchruteFarms

anyone know how long the test is usually?

my test was about 5 mins. shouldn't be too long unless you're caught in traffic and what not
Just remember if someone nods their head at you, at the intersection you have to race them. And respond by revving your engine twice.

No seriously though, just drive extra careful. Signal for everything and check for other cars all the time. Its really not that hard. Good luck.
You automatically pass if you run over a small family.
Also, you get the provisional title removed if the small family has a pet or toddler.
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