Drinking from plastic water bottles raises level of bisphenol-A chemical in body by 70%.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

what about the rubbermaid type containers you store your left overs in? are any plastics safe?

if i remember right you shouldn't put food in them while its still hot...when you're putting away leftovers let them cool off first...i think...

Whats the long term effects of putting hot for away?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

what about the rubbermaid type containers you store your left overs in? are any plastics safe?

if i remember right you shouldn't put food in them while its still hot...when you're putting away leftovers let them cool off first...i think...

Whats the long term effects of putting hot for away?

when the food is hot chemicals from the plastic get in it...

Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Can't wait until boxed water is distributed nationally.

Julius F. Wrek
boxed like Juicy Juice and Hi-C? but then there's aluminum inside those
and they say that causes cancer

I don't believe so.


Boxed Water Is Better

I think I'll invest in a Klean Kanteen soon.

Julius F. Wrek
Originally Posted by raptors29

Nothing is safe for human consumption. "Kill us all, kill us all, kill us all". You lose more years on your life worrying about stuff like this than you do consuming this.

So not true.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by WallyHopp

what about the rubbermaid type containers you store your left overs in? are any plastics safe?

if i remember right you shouldn't put food in them while its still hot...when you're putting away leftovers let them cool off first...i think...

Whats the long term effects of putting hot for away?

when the food is hot chemicals from the plastic get in it...
Good thing we let the food sit. I never knew that.Thanks. Seems like everything is dangerous nowadays.
While acute toxic poisoning isn't the average experience related to ingesting chemicals that leach into our foods, the point of this post is mainly tohighlight the reality that we are all consuming measurable amounts of synthetic chemical products in our every day lives.

I think society needs to internalize the realities, the consequences of mass consumption of petrochemicals. I understand it's difficult to look past theconvenience of plastic, but perhaps the impact of plastic pollution on human health and the environment can motivate a movement towards reducing consumptionand demanding better alternatives.
Plastic is LAME! Stop using it as much are you can...

I hardly ever get plastic bags at stores, I try to not buy any plastic bottles. I reuse a Sobe bottle, drinking out of a glass bottle is better, you don'tget that plastic taste in it.
I'm to the point that I dont even care anymore...listening to all these reports would have you starve to death.
I bought something similar to the Klean Kanteen a couple months back. It keeps my water much colder, plus it saves me money so I don't have to constantlybuy water bottles, in addition to the environmental and health aspects.
Obviously, its not that serious, I can guarantee you everyone here drank from a plastic nursing bottle as a baby. I don't know when people started takingthese "sky is falling and everything we do is bad for everything and everyone" morons seriously, but it needs to stop.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Originally Posted by freakydestroyer

Originally Posted by Julius Wrek


Can't wait until boxed water is distributed nationally.

Julius F. Wrek
boxed like Juicy Juice and Hi-C? but then there's aluminum inside those
and they say that causes cancer

I don't believe so.


Boxed Water Is Better

I think I'll invest in a Klean Kanteen soon.

Julius F. Wrek

But aren't boxes made from cardboard, which is made by cutting down the rainforests? I think its safe to say we should just all just drink directly fromthe faucet...oh but the PVC pipes in the sink are
plastic. Iguess we'll all just have to stand outside when it rains and hold our mouths open for water...
AntBanks81, I feel you. I'm sorta a health freak but its just too much, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweetners, (even now I'm hearin steviaisn't good for us) toothpaste (aluminum) , deodorant. Organic food.....food from restaurants. They all use Sysco, hell even if you try an avoid it youreating who knows these days, not to mention companies lie. Idc if it says the bottle is safe these companies lie, these supplement companies lie, the damngov't is a lie, this whole damn world is just crazy man.
Isn't bathing everyday bad for us? What I mean by that is like the soap we wash with? Wasn't this a topic few years back now? Same with those hand germsanitizers? You're taking away good bacteria or something. I mean seriously everything is an issue.......We shouldn't drink milk, Red Meat causescancer, I can't have damn peanut butter, I've been switched to natural. Like it goes on and on and on. Even if you avoid a bottle what do you guyscare? If you live in a major city your breating in terrible quality air everyday. Like somebody said if it isn't one thing, its another. /rant.
All I'm sayin is be as healthy as you can be nobody can avoid it all. New information is always coming out. Don't we have the Flu to worry about thisseason anyways? Plastic bottle is on the bottom of the list an I'm still not gonna get a damn flu shot, lyin gov't/media ill tell ya what.
see, another example of why america is gettin too soft. got people scared of drinkin outta water bottles

shoot, im sure there are mad pollutants in the air too, yall gonna stop breathin?

if you had a microscope to see all the microbes chillin on your body right now, what would yall do? geez, yall will be aiight.
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

see, another example of why america is gettin too soft. got people scared of drinkin outta water bottles

shoot, im sure there are mad pollutants in the air too, yall gonna stop breathin?

if you had a microscope to see all the microbes chillin on your body right now, what would yall do? geez, yall will be aiight.
As a matter of fact, according to our own government and some 'tards at the EPA, Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant. So every time we inhale, weare inhaling massive amounts of this "pollutant" and everytime we exhale we are "polluting" the earth. Apparantly, trees need polution tolive, as we all learned in elementary school that trees breathe carbon dioxide and turn it into oxygen. So apparantly, yes, we should all stop breathingbecause we are killing the earth with every exhale....the only way to save our planet is to impose a "breath" tax on every one based on the amount ofbreaths they take: people who breathe less and exhale less of the pollutant carbon dioxide will be taxed less, those who breathe heavily and cause globalwarming by exhaling carbon dioxide in the the atmosphere will pay a higher tax. This will encourage everyone to breathe less, thus reducing carbon dioxideemissions and saving Earth. Also, each person will only be allowed to exhale a certain amount of carbon dioxide per year, any one who goes over the limit willbe penalized with an additional tax. People who breathe less and do not reach the emissions limit can sell their left over carbon dioxide "credits"to people who breathe more, allowing people like athletes to continue to take large breaths and not be penalized for exhaling too much carbon dioxide.
Originally Posted by Julius Wrek

I think I'll invest in a Klean Kanteen soon.

Julius F. Wrek
With all the hypebeasting that goes on in the world I thought more people would be up on Sigg or Klean Kanteens by now.



Klean Kanteen.
how healthy are water fountains? I'm stuck in an office most of the day it's either plastic bottles in my fridge or refill a bottle from the waterfountain.

it's gonna turn into the 18th century where you'll have to drink beer cause it's the cleanest beverage that won't make you sick (unless youdrink too much)
Originally Posted by infamousod

how healthy are water fountains? I'm stuck in an office most of the day it's either plastic bottles in my fridge or refill a bottle from the water fountain.

it's gonna turn into the 18th century where you'll have to drink beer cause it's the cleanest beverage that won't make you sick (unless you drink too much)
Water fountains are pretty clean. But I still don't like to drink out of them.

I keep thinking people coulda sneezed on them, especially little kids.

Get a few people to sign a petition or request form and ask for a water cooler. That's what we did at work.
Who knows how many times I've used a water fountain in my life not to mention everytime I'm @ a track or gym to fill up a plastic bottle. Ha, I neverget sick if it matters. I really think idc about any of this kind of news anymore. Even Multi vitamins are bad for you/companies lie about label claims. Arecell phones still ok? W/e happen to causes brains tumors or w/e from back in the day?
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