Drafting the best possible female prospect...

Aug 12, 2008
...is a lot like drafting the best possible athlete for a sports team. Sure, different people have different views on just what makes a perfect partner, but many of the top eligibles at any position have certain traits in common. Here, I'll share 10 things you should be looking for with anyone you plan to take seriously.

10 Pillars of the Draft:

Attractiveness- This girl just looks the part. She's exactly what you've always wanted to look at, and for many people, this is the make-or-break area. It's an awesome thing to have, and many of the greats have this in common, but being a little short in this area hasn't stopped quite a few determined people from enjoying some great success in their careers. It’s a bit overrated, but still…it deserves rating.

Measureables- In pro football, it refers to things like a 40-yard dash time, the height of a vertical leap, and how quickly a player can change direction. In dating, it refers to the visible variances of the female anatomy. In both, measurables are far from everything.

Intelligence/Drive- Intelligence isn't necessarily being a neurosurgeon in her spare time, (or just staying at lots of Holiday Inn Expresses) in regular, everyday life it translates as the simple ability of being able to hold a sustained conversation about something besides last week's episode of "Jersey Shore" or what Kimmy K said about...anything. It also includes the ability to read, write, and spell on at least a high school level (which is less common than it would seem...where are these %%!%+%@ getting diplomas?)

Drive is related, but somewhat separate. One's intelligence has little to do with the way they currently make a living, (said the man as he wrote the eBook at his monkey job) and if someone's paycheck is a reason to date them, you should really consider whether you're looking for a partner or a personal charity.

However, a potential prospect should at least be smart enough to want more for herself at some point. Does she have a goal in life or is she just content to scoop ice cream down at that place with 31 flavors until she's 31? To some drafters, this attribute is not as important as to others...but to those who do hold it in high regard, it's essential.

Track Record- Past actions are a reasonably accurate predictor of future results for both football players and girlfriends. What was she like before you came around? Does she have a reputation? What is it? How did she perform in college? People like to say the past is in the past, but those people obviously do not have criminal records, resumes, or credit reports. A raw number of partners isn’t too useful by itself, but it’s somewhat like a quarterback rating…it doesn’t really matter a couple digits one way or the other, but a very high or low number gives you a pretty damn good idea of the subject’s general performance. If at all possible, inquire with people who know her and get the girlfax before you make a pick.

Recognition- A good prospect recognizes that domestic skills are required of her. Can she cook? Will she clean? How is she with kids? Does she take care of her own if she has them? Will she make you a sandwich or will she make you miserable with hyperfeminist rhetoric? Better to find out now than later.

Probable Faithfulness- There's no real way to know for a fact whether a person's going to cheat on you, but there are a few indicators to detect whether she's a good risk or not. Is she a frequent clubber? You may want to consider that. Close with her ex? Be sure to think twice about him...she might be thinking at least that many times about him. All male friends? No matter how many times she tells you she "just doesn't get along with females", it's a red flag. (Seriously, I challenge that entire concept. If you don't get along with ANY females, they ALL can't be the problem. Just sayin'.)

Technique- Like it or not, sexual competency is a legitimate trait that can separate a Hall of Fame partner from another bust. The fact is that most adult relationships do not work without a healthy sexual aspect, and this requires that both partners be on relatively similar wavelengths in this area. If she does not have this attribute, you'll be looking for someone who does...whether you're with her at the time or not. If you don't believe anything else in these pages, believe that bad things will happen if good things do not in the bedroom.

Personality- It goes a long way in determining the suitability of a partner. She can be hotter than the devil's cleavage and be gifted with a sexual prowess that can make your toes curl the wrong way, but if her personality is for #!*@, then you WILL be miserable whenever you can't see her nipples. If that's not something you're interested in, I suggest you give this trait a very long look. Many is the seemingly can't-miss prospect who fails to ever see their potential because of character issues.

Stability- She can be a great girl...but how often? Is she reasonably level-headed (for a girl) or does she have wild, unpredictable mood swings? How is she during those few days per month when girls are programmed to start malfunctioning? The answers to these questions could be some of the most important in your life. Nobody wants their **** cut off and thrown somewhere because you told her to move from in front of the TV while the game's on.

Intangibles- The extras that separate ordinary from extraordinary. These can be positive or negative, and can severely impact the draft stock of any prospect. Hate smokers? If she smokes, it's just not going to work. Do you love curly hair? All other things being equal, you'll likely pick a curly haired girl over a similarly featured straight haired girl. Hate her taste in movies? That's going to be a sticking point, but if she's great everywhere else, it doesn't have to matter. Does she like sports? That could give a big boost to a prospect that may be lacking in other areas. Does she set her alarm clock way too %%%!%%$ early when she stays over? Consider cutting her figuratively before you do it literally. Is she vain? Vacuous? Vegan? Think carefully…the intangibles are the little things that make a lot of difference.

(yes, that was an NT-exclusive book excerpt...might look like a whole chapter, but it ain't.)

You are a scout.

Look for the signs of a good pick.

Draft carefully.

Don't reach.

Kinda long, skimmed:
You determine how important each trait is to you.

Click something in my sig.

Yes, "technique".

To find out how to assign draft grades, PM me.

Sorry for cussin'...
Originally Posted by beh235

But how do you account for the Tim Tebow's of chicks tho?

What, with subpar ability at their claimed position but a burning desire to compete and win AND a possible overdependence on higher powers to influence every day situations? Well...you see them on social networks all the time, don't you? They usually succeed for a while until people figure out the holes in their game.

As far as how my system translates into drafting grades, that's a whole other story...and it's in my book which is in my sig.
OP what is the age limit cuz Im tryna draft a prospect outta high school.

She is a raw talent and a bit uncoachable, but I think a few years in the system and she could develop into a solid contributor.
Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel


Come on, man...I even put a "tl:dr" at the bottom...part of being a successful troll is at least dodging the spike strips in the OP.

Originally Posted by illwill24

OP what is the age limit cuz Im tryna draft a prospect outta high school.

She is a raw talent and a bit uncoachable, but I think a few years in the system and she could develop into a solid contributor.

Well, as far as age limit, gotta be 18 to play in the bigs...pretty sure it works that way in the League too. Far as a draft grade, I don't even know what to rate her Attractiveness without a pic, but your description sounds like your basic 4th rounder...if she's still on the board at a good spot, take a flyer. However, realize there's likely a reason she didn't go earlier, so it's ill-advised to commit the franchise to such a prospect without years of seasoning...possibly on the practice squad.
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by SoVerSoTowel


Come on, man...I even put a "tl:dr" at the bottom...part of being a successful troll is at least dodging the spike strips in the OP.

Originally Posted by illwill24

OP what is the age limit cuz Im tryna draft a prospect outta high school.

She is a raw talent and a bit uncoachable, but I think a few years in the system and she could develop into a solid contributor.

Well, as far as age limit, gotta be 18 to play in the bigs...pretty sure it works that way in the League too. Far as a draft grade, I don't even know what to rate her Attractiveness without a pic, but your description sounds like your basic 4th rounder...if she's still on the board at a good spot, take a flyer. However, realize there's likely a reason she didn't go earlier, so it's ill-advised to commit the franchise to such a prospect without years of seasoning...possibly on the practice squad.

lol at the thought of putting chicks in the development league. thing is alotta times dudes be giving big time contracts to bust itches aka kwame browns... mike olawakandis
Oh, they damn sure do...that's because, just like the pro squads, they just don't know how to draft properly.

Originally Posted by Dagrandesoda

dont like your list. I'll keep it funky shun.



You like it more than you think, then.



Brains= Intelligence/Drive

Presonality= ...um...Personality.

I'm betting Technique matters to you if you enjoy sex at all, and a girl's Intangibles separate her from any other chick on the street...the other 3 might not be your thing, but that's 7/10 traits, and if you're lucky enough to find one who has 7, you've got yourself a solid pick in the first few rounds.
What if the prospect really does look great on paper, but they've been holding out for more since training camp and now into the season. Should i move on or keep negotiating? even if signed, her dedication to the team is questionable, since it appears she may be holding out for better offers from others.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

What if the prospect really does look great on paper, but they've been holding out for more since training camp and now into the season. Should i move on or keep negotiating? even if signed, her dedication to the team is questionable, since it appears she may be holding out for better offers from others.

Move on. Character issues, that's bad for Intangibles and Personality. If you're looking to sign her to a long term deal, you'll want to watch how she deals with other franchises during the negotiation period, it sounds like she's more an opportunist looking for a big payday or the right media market than the cornerstone of a successful team. Unless her Measurables, Attractiveness, and at least one other trait are off the charts, she sounds like a 4th at best.
I would do it a same way and give a grade. For example give each catergory a grade from 1-10. Assign a number that you'd find acceptable. (for example 75). if shorty cant make the cut, put em on the sideline. If close, keep em with reservations.

Just computed shorty I been talking to as a 72. not sure if standards are too high. lol
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I would do it a same way and give a grade. For example give each catergory a grade from 1-10. Assign a number that you'd find acceptable. (for example 75). if shorty cant make the cut, put em on the sideline. If close, keep em with reservations.

Just computed shorty I been talking to as a 72. not sure if standards are too high. lol

Precisely. You pretty much got the point of that whole chapter...couldn't put it all in the thread for free tho, you know? Depending on what attributes she's high and low in, she could be anywhere from a 2nd to a 4th.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Dis thread 

bookmarked for 5 years from now when I actually care.

Oh, don't get me *@#!+% up, this ain't the whole book, there's definitely plenty in there for those who ain't lookin' for anything serious...in fact, 2 chapters are (partially) called "Casual Dating" and "The Winter Boo Theory"...a book more or less called "$%** for your life" can't be totally monogamous, can it?

See you in 5 years tho...
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I would do it a same way and give a grade. For example give each catergory a grade from 1-10. Assign a number that you'd find acceptable. (for example 75). if shorty cant make the cut, put em on the sideline. If close, keep em with reservations.

Just computed shorty I been talking to as a 72. not sure if standards are too high. lol

Precisely. You pretty much got the point of that whole chapter...couldn't put it all in the thread for free tho, you know? Depending on what attributes she's high and low in, she could be anywhere from a 2nd to a 4th.

I would cop the book if it got info like this. I'd love to see how chicks in the 90's and crap look like.

The only problem is that some things overweigh the others. Fore example if shorty is a 9 in everything except looks nd is a 3, that would compute to 84, but some dudes wouldn;t be caught dead with a 3, no matter what. Guess diffrent catergories should weight diffrently. It's like saying I wouldn;t take Dwight Howard #1 in the draft because he cant shoot free throws. I mean you gotta weigh it diffrently i guess.

btw in order for my newest prospect. solid lottery
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