Apr 13, 2010
 don't know about you guys, but I wondered why Nike's Twitter RSVP made the sneaker community reply via DM (Direct Message) instead of an @ mention. I suggested to my local Niketown that the @ mention would dispel any rumors of cheating when giving out any desired shoe release due to anyone and everyone having the ability to see the order and time of each response for the shoes. As many of you might have seen this issue happened today @ Nike's flagship store 21 Mercer. They issued winning confirmations to users who were not the first to DM. Well I did a little research on why they do not ask the sneaker community to respond via @ mention. It is because Twitter has trending rules. If Nike were to ask us to respond via @ mention due to them adding a hashtag, that hashtag would most likely end up as a trending topic. If Nike's hashtag from the RSVP's were to fall into twitters algorithm of immediate popularity the Nike store who caused it to be a trend would be penalized by twitter. If it were to repeatedly happen it could result in the loss of a verified twitter account and potentially the removal of the Twitter RSVP. In order to shut it down, it would have to be a collective effort from #NT
Tried DMing them and it would work. Got really pissed, and then realized you could only DM them during the time they are doing the RSVP. Like there's a designated 5 minutes where you can DM them, and then it won't work.
I get what OP is saying, when you DM most people can't prove that store employee's aren't just easily selling this stuff to friends and family, like we all know 21 Mercer did this afternoon.
Man, I was thinkin that %%% from day one. How can we prove your DM went through? I was reading tweets from customers to NTLV. Cats were sending their DM's through in 15-30 secs & still got screwed. A coworker & I discussed this earlier
Nike just needs to admit that this really isn't a RSVP but more like a raffle. Send a DM within the 5-10 minute window and have your name entered in for a drawing. Obviously this isn't on a first-come, first-serve basis so why lie to people?
DM's are delayed, and an over-active inbox can cause messages to disappear. This is common issue for Twitter, and they're always working to fix it but have yet to find a concrete solution. I think Twitter RSVP's should be done publicly as well.

A few tips:

SMS Notifications are delayed by at least 1 minute, and in terms of a Twitter RSVP for a hot release ... 1 minute is too late.

TweetDeck is delayed by at least 35 seconds, and as some of us experienced over the weekend ... 35 seconds is too late.
ya, this rsvp system just seems like a way to quell the uproar
while keeping business as usual

like someone said above - it is more like a raffle than anything else
glad i'm not dealing with it (bs)
i feel bad for everyone that was on top of everything with the rsvp and still missed out. bogus.
dont have a twitter account but now am gonna make one due to more kicks being released like this...
Never liked the camping thing either but at least if ur first in line you know ur gonna get ur pair!
The RSVP system has its flaws.

1: Does not work if Nike does not follow their own procedure of "first DM, first serve" *ahem 21Mercer*
2: Nike is playing us with a long @*+ time frame of when a RSVP will open up.
3: What happens if more than 1 (if not 10s or hundreds of people) DM at the exact same time for the last RSVP spot?

IMO, only fair shot for everyone is an online raffle like how HOH did for the Yeezy 2. But limit 1 entry per billing address.
I tried a RSVP to get the Yeezy 2 and after camping out online on SolesInc twitter for two days the link was released and I sent the email directly once the link hit. I wear a sz 8.5 which in most cases I know more poeple are looking for the other sizes still didn't receive an email saying I got them smh. They said first email first serve so i wonder how i missed it. I have camped out also and sometime its just better for the common fact there are other sneakers heads there and most the time we are just arguing about shoes and our favorite CW's so time passes quick. really i'm tired of camping whether its outside or online just my .02
Originally Posted by blakperl

Man, I was thinkin that %%% from day one. How can we prove your DM went through? I was reading tweets from customers to NTLV. Cats were sending their DM's through in 15-30 secs & still got screwed. A coworker & I discussed this earlier

I feel this

I literally sent a dm to nsw montalban for the yeezys within 5 seconds and ended up short
People who love the RSVP system are dumb as hell. RSVP actually draws more people than an actual release then if it where first come first served, lottery or wristbands. The RSVP system rewards non-locals. For my Niketown, they receive dm from people who don't even live in state @ times. Also people are willing to come from hundreds of miles for a guaranteed pair.
The RSVP system is 1000% easier for me than camping out. I am 2/2 so far with the red/white XIs and the Miami Vices and couldn't believe how easy it was. With the Miami Vices, I was so confident I got my pair that I sent my DM in and went to take a nap right afterwards.
Originally Posted by AirFly21

People who love the RSVP system are dumb as hell. RSVP actually draws more people than an actual release then if it where first come first served, lottery or wristbands. The RSVP system rewards non-locals. For my Niketown, they receive dm from people who don't even live in state @ times. Also people are willing to come from hundreds of miles for a guaranteed pair.

.00001% chance is still better than 0. theres no way in hell i have the time to camp so ill take my chances on twitter rsvp.
Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

Originally Posted by AirFly21

People who love the RSVP system are dumb as hell. RSVP actually draws more people than an actual release then if it where first come first served, lottery or wristbands. The RSVP system rewards non-locals. For my Niketown, they receive dm from people who don't even live in state @ times. Also people are willing to come from hundreds of miles for a guaranteed pair.

.00001% chance is still better than 0. theres no way in hell i have the time to camp so ill take my chances on twitter rsvp.

Twitter RSVP is a great thing. People in the BAY AREA line up for everything
Originally Posted by Matt Barkley Heisman Number 8

Originally Posted by AirFly21

People who love the RSVP system are dumb as hell. RSVP actually draws more people than an actual release then if it where first come first served, lottery or wristbands. The RSVP system rewards non-locals. For my Niketown, they receive dm from people who don't even live in state @ times. Also people are willing to come from hundreds of miles for a guaranteed pair.

.00001% chance is still better than 0. theres no way in hell i have the time to camp so ill take my chances on twitter rsvp.
Word, I think its awesome.  I just signed up for a twitter solely for this.  I'm excited.  At least now I have a shot at stuff.  Like dude said, it may be marginal, but before I had ZERO chance because I have a job and a family and I don't have an opportunity to camp out for sneakers or make friends with the employees.
People gotta understand ...there are THOUSANDS of ppl DM'ing whether it be duplicate accounts or someone's mom....all for a limited amount of may have been mr. 5 seconds....but there are hundreds of others that beat you. And you're also competing for your size....not a random your chances are slim.

Me personally, i haven't had success but it's better than goin outside campin....
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