Dover Street Market x Jordan (Retro 1 High w/Nike Air)


Someone in Uzbekistan gonna be doing this in your J's ....

made it to the order review page for a 10.5.... clicked it and it went blank... but i jus got an email with a conformation & order Number?! weird, but hope it goes thru
They have a customer service line I'm going to give them a call during lunch.. hopefluly they realize there is no New York, Uzbekistan...
It just kept doing the same thing giving me errors when I was trying to purchase the shirt.

Kept going at it, finally managed to get it.

This release reminded me of old times. Server crashing, random drop time, and every man MANUALLY for himself. 

Backdoor methods didn't really exist and Bots didn't do much good either. Even though I struck out, most fun I had during a release in years.
It was nice not worrying about bots or atc services scooping up entire inventories... 
my conformation email came about 3 min later.... my status jus chsnged to processing aswell
so how quickly that DSM actually ship their orders? never been able to cop from here before and I'm wondering if it's kith-level slowness before I get a tracking number. Out of town starting next Thursday for a week - will they come before then I wonder...
Mine was never payment review, straight processing. I just got a weird vibe, but i had the same on my cork am90s and those actually shipped. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst i guess
uzbekistan order still in payment review. I sent them an email and i'm calling their line. nobody is picking up... ugh if i miss out on these i'll be so pissed.
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