Dover Street Market x Jordan (Retro 1 High w/Nike Air)

I got a 502 gateway error  after hitting place order.. Got an email from them shortly after, hope I'm gucci
same thing happend to me except i only got a blank white page after placing my order, after that i looked at the link and saw ''success'', checked email and got confirmation. hopefully they didnt oversell
got through for an 8.5, submitted order like 20x though, order confirmation as well this time 
Terminal ID. DSM can't process "enough" credit cards through their gateway to the bank's virtual TID. Pretty much DSM has a 50 lane highway trying to merge onto a one lane county road.
this was the issue i had when i first tried to submit on DSML

i thought it was my card

but i never even got to submit with the second card
why is shipping $40 all of a sudden?

edit: cool, DSM now changed my country to Uganda and now to the UK automatically. and i keep switching it back and it keeps reverting it back to either UK or Uganda.
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its really shocking that a lot of people are getting through on these to be honest with what their reselling for
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