Double console owners

i own both and i pretty much never play games on the ps3. its basically a blue-ray/ dvd machine.

even though the online is free for ps3, xbox live is so much better imo.

not a fan of the playstation controller either.
i returned the xbox360 twice (because of technical difficulties) before finally just decided to trade it in for a ps3 a few years ago when the ps3 just cameout and i couldn't be happier .... mgs4 is the best game i have ever played btw
Best machine? Definitely the PS3. Solid, does a ton of stuff, Blu Ray, reliable, free internet. Better gaming console? A matter of preference but I like the360 more. I like the controller more, all of my friends have 360 so online gaming is alot more fun as well. The 360 is a garbage machine, it is faulty, but Iwont deny that it is probably one of my favorite consoles as far as game selection and online community. Look at the exclusives for each console (Which isshrinking) and decide.
Originally Posted by Boomatic206

Controller is better for FPS
Online is better
Achievements > Trophies
Gears of War 2 / Halo 3

Controller is better for fighting games.
Free online (but all my friends is on Live)
Internet Browser for TV shows / porn
MGS 4 (haven't really played it yet though)
Killzone 2 which looks

I say get whichever console all your friends are on.
XBOX better games/ bigger network

PS3-Bluray/free internetz........I get free wireless.
Originally Posted by javier5857

Originally Posted by Shaq DIESEL 34

Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

free online

The phrase 'You what you pay for' definitly comes to mind when I see that.
How so?

I have used LIVE and PSN and they are about the same..never had ANY problems with the PSN, hell i'd go to say live has given me more problems than PSN.

Xbox users stay saying this without any proof

i have both and I honestly dont really see the big difference of paying for online. everyone said its so much better on xbox but i dont really see it
have both and 360> Ps3

My 360 broke like 2 weeks ago and I STILL DONT PLAY THAT TRASH PS3

Id rather not play anything then play ps3

strictly for blu rays
360 Wii and PC I own this 3 adn have played PS3 at friends adn any of the 3 blows ps3 out. GET A PC that can game
I got both and i use the 360 way more. I just like 360s game selection better. Also like 360s homescreen better also
i own all 3 but they all have there benefits. ps3 has the best known graphics and a bluray player. the xbox has a better game selection. i think i'll gowith the ps3 all the way. just because of metal gear solid 4 best game of 2008.
Originally Posted by 84jordan03

i own both and i pretty much never play games on the ps3. its basically a blue-ray/ dvd machine.

even though the online is free for ps3, xbox live is so much better imo.

not a fan of the playstation controller either.
Originally Posted by Airjordans23and45

i own all 3 but they all have there benefits. ps3 has the best known graphics and a bluray player. the xbox has a better game selection. i think i'll go with the ps3 all the way. just because of metal gear solid 4 best game of 2008.
SO you would drop $450 just to play a game for two weeks (1week if your a fiend) and NEVER play the game again?

There is no replay value on MGS4.
there are better ways to spend your money if you wanna be entertained for 2weeks
which one is better for madden
thats basically the only game i play
PS3. Free Online. Better features for the console. No ring of death. Highly compatable w/ other components (i.e. external hd). 360 has a lot of exclusive gamesbut they pay out the cheeks for em, word to GTA4: Lost and Damned. Graphics look a lot better to me on the PS3 than the 360. Gears is the main reason I playPS3 but if a game comes on both platforms, I'm gettin it on the PS
Xbox360 if you're a big gamer. It has a better selection, imo of course.

If you're not a big gamer, and love that Blu-ray stuff then go with the PS3. I honestly find no other use for it in my living room.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Xbox 360.

Get which one your friends have though.
I've spent countless hours with my friends on Xbox live

Word! Realest thing in this post.
PS3 is the more powerful machine.
Xbox 360 will give you a better gaming experience. - Basically, the roles have switched. The 360 is the PS2 of this generation and the PS3 is the first Xbox ofthis generation of consoles.

If you get the 360, get one with a late production date, after november 08, because that's when they started putting in new Jasper chips that make theconsole less prone to breaking down.
PS3,cause I had 3 XBOX 360's get the RRoD and I just gave up on them...Of course more people have the 360...If the PS3 actually came out a year and a halfbefore the 360 and cost $100 less,would u wait that long and not get a system to get the 360....or would u just buy the PS3? Sony did screw that up with allthe delays...Can u imagine if it was the other way around? Hey,the 360 finally came out,But if I want to play online,I have to pay $50.00 while the PS3 isfree? And if I want to have wireless,I have to buy a wireless adapter that costs $100.00 while the PS3 already has that installed? It makes it a little moreequal...And I didn't even get into The Blu-Ray player...I've had my Ps3 for over a year with no problems at all...I think the PS3 has better graphicsand I like finding new themes for it...Plus I think the PS3 has better exclusives overall...

The only thing the 360 has over the PS3 is that it got a head start for selling the system and games...
I don't own both but my roommate has a PS3 and it really did not get played that much this semester. We basically used it for blu ray and my roommates werealways on Halo 3 or other games I had on the Xbox. I will say that bang for buck wise PS3 is probably better because Xbox likes to charge for everything andhaving a bluray player is definitely nice. I don't think I would buy a ps3 though since I have an xbox because I really would not play it at all.
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