Donald Trump is running for president

Boy sit down. You in here typing a bunch of nonsense absent of a real point. Somebody gave your Black *** a few talking points & you run with it without a true understanding of anything you're speaking. You've flipped through a few pages of a book and now you're qualified to assess the black condition :rofl: Again, work hard, vote for GOP & hope and pray what's real out here magically disappears. You're an idiot.
I tell you I'm supporting my family by myself, not need any assistance, and in grad school. Yet you wanna slip **** like this in

:smh: :lol:

And the post you were talking about was after the usual NT racist and cornballs were talking that "anyone have a plan" and I specially said my plan was target programs to get many black folk on track after generations of systematic oppression

And I'm sure my ideas of ending the war on drugs, tearing down the prison industrial complex with criminal justice reform, no voter ID laws, increased funding for school in black neighborhoods, expanding pell grants for minority students, undoing Citizens united, undoing gerrymandering, free community college and single payer system will put black folk in the white mans pocket.

Whatever B.

This new plan you're touting is an INCREDIBLY watered down version of that extremist post you made in the previous thread. So watered down that it actually makes SOME kind of sense. Perhaps our discussions are actually having some kind of effect. Cheers to progress.
Tell that to the millions of underemployed Blacks in this country who've taken the steps to succeed yet are held back by a system designed to keep them static. Yes, we should all just work hard, vote republican, & hope systemic racism goes away. That's the solution. The Rico way

Really curious to hear your views. Rico and Rusty going at each other's throats, but we need some new eyes here.
I tell you I'm supporting my family by myself, not need any assistance, and in grad school. Yet you wanna slip **** like this in

:smh: :lol:

And the post you were talking about was after the usual NT racist and cornballs were talking that "anyone have a plan" and I specially said my plan was target programs to get many black folk on track after generations of systematic oppression

And I'm sure my ideas of ending the war on drugs, tearing down the prison industrial complex with criminal justice reform, no voter ID laws, increased funding for school in black neighborhoods, expanding pell grants for minority students, undoing Citizens united, undoing gerrymandering, free community college and single payer system will put black folk in the white mans pocket.

Whatever B.

This new plan you're touting is an INCREDIBLY watered down version of that extremist post you made in the previous thread. So watered down that it actually makes SOME kind of sense. Perhaps our discussions are actually having some kind of effect. Cheers to progress.

Quote my extremist plan b, or better yet link it

If it was so bad

Because if I were to guess, you're talking about the post I made about what a reparations package would look it.

But since you wanna come at me for one post. Show everyone what you talking about
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I don't understand why Rico acts like all black folks except the Martin Baker types are sitting around waiting for handouts. Like yo, it's possible to be successful and making moves in life AND call out the institutionalized BS that goes on in this country.

Acting like it isn't a real factor isn't going to change anything, just like sitting around waiting for a handout isn't going to improve your situation.
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Quote my extremist plan b, or better yet link it

If it was so bad

Because if I were to guess, you're talking about the post I made about what a reparations package would look it.

But since you wanna come at me for one post. Show everyone what you talking about

I wrote this in another thread. I'm would really prefer a system where black people are empowered and able to grow wealth easier. Over just throwing money at the problem:

Because if you throw money at it, people can find was to still exploited black folk and get that money back.

So under my plan black folks get:

-Free healthcare
-Free college
-Low interest business loans
-A federal rent control scheme
-A national holiday on election day, extended voting periods, and a high concentration of polling places in black neighborhoods, and outlaw gerrymandering. (this is help most everyone too)
-Extension of EIC credit the working poor and middle class
-All non violent drug crimes expunged from their records.
-A ton of resources funneled into predominately black schools

This list is not comprehensive, but I figure it is a start to empower black people and undo some of the harm done to the current generation.

-BTW, I don't accept the "America can't afford it" in the context of "we don't have the money, so lets do nothing." But I do in the context of "holy **** we have so much harm to the black community, we will never be able to truly pay them back'" but lets start with.........
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What is extremist about that plan? Is it the fact that Rusty had the audacity to want his folk to be provided with the same opportunities that whites have had for decades? :rofl:
If the goal is to create a balance between white privilege and systematic racism perpetuating the black struggle, that plan would not be the way to do it. It would be totally unfair to hispanics, asians, poor whites, & all other minorities. It would be extremely unfair to force all non-backs to pay for programs that they would never be able to benefit from by default.
Pretty sure that plan was a summary of a reparations package I wrote about in a previous thread.

Where I specifically mention that the government shouldn't give black folk cash in hand for reparations but instead invest in programs that will allow them more social mobility.

But I am sure allowing black folk to educate themselves cheaply, start business, avoid the number one cause of economic ruin, allow more of them to participate in voting, help the working poor (btw the EIC thing is something in the Ryan budget too), and undo some of the harm done by the war on drugs, would teach them to be helpless. :lol:
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If the goal is to create a balance between white privilege and systematic racism perpetuating the black struggle, that plan would not be the way to do it. It would be totally unfair to hispanics, asians, poor whites, & all other minorities. It would be extremely unfair to force all non-backs to pay for programs that they would never be able to benefit from by default.

Black folk are the last ppl you need to be talking to about something being unfair. Let's not even mention the tons of tax dollars that are spent year after year on things that likely have no direct benefit to you :lol: Y'all gotta do better. You can't provide a legitimate reason for why Blacks shouldn't be provided the same opportunities that have overwhelmingly been skewed towards whites since the birth of this nation. Rico x GOP doesn't have the answers from fiddling through a psych book & neither do you.
If the goal is to create a balance between white privilege and systematic racism perpetuating the black struggle, that plan would not be the way to do it. It would be totally unfair to hispanics, asians, poor whites, & all other minorities. It would be extremely unfair to force all non-backs to pay for programs that they would never be able to benefit from by default.

The plan was referring to a previous post specifically asking about targeted programs and reparations for the black community

If you look at the plan itself it is nothing but run of the mill progressive policies

I have no problem with they were national programs and everyone could participate.

But to be honest using the "it is not fair" argument doesn't really fly with me because my taxes go to tons of programs I can't participate in. Everyone's does
That plan was a summary of a reparations package I wrote about in a previous thread.

Where I specifically mention that the government shouldn't give black folk cash in hand for reparations but instead invest in programs that will allow them more social mobility.

But I am sure allowing black folk to educate themselves cheaply, start business and avoid the number one cause of economic ruin, and allow more of them to participate in voting, help the working poor (btw the EIC thing is something in the Ryan budget too), and undo some of the harm done by the war on drugs, would teach them to be helpless. :lol:

Obviously none of us are lawmakers. and most of us don't pretend to have it all figured out. I know systematic racism exists, & I believe that there needs to be plan of action to help push black people (and all other minorities) out of poverty. However, I believe that it can be achieved by reforming our social programs & making them better. Not by getting rid of them.
It's unrealistic because white america just doesn't care about the plight of black people. We make up a small percentage of the population (which I think is BS and a blatant lie but I'll save that for another topic). They are not about to fund programs that they don't benefit from. They'd rather spend that money on funding the military and fighting an imaginary war against "terrorism" and "extremists"

The thing I learned about white people living amogst them and going to school with them is that the majority of them live in their little bubble benefitting from white privilege and are extremely indifferent to the plight of others because it doesn't affect.
If the goal is to create a balance between white privilege and systematic racism perpetuating the black struggle, that plan would not be the way to do it. It would be totally unfair to hispanics, asians, poor whites, & all other minorities. It would be extremely unfair to force all non-backs to pay for programs that they would never be able to benefit from by default.

Black folk are the last ppl you need to be talking to about something being unfair. Let's not even mention the tons of tax dollars that are spent year after year on things that likely have no direct benefit to you :lol: Y'all gotta do better. You can't provide a legitimate reason for why Blacks shouldn't be provided the same opportunities that have overwhelmingly been skewed towards whites since the birth of this nation. Rico x GOP doesn't have the answers from fiddling through a psych book & neither do you.

I'm not trying downplay the horrific things that have been done to back people - if that is what you're getting at. Black people have gone through more sufferings than any other group in history. However, contemporarily speaking, we are now in a position where black people are able to thrive. Many social programs have been set in place to make it easier for blacks and all people alike to excel in this counrty. However, setting up social programs that are meant to ONLY benefit black people is flat out wrong. The struggle is real for many people. Everyone should have equal right to success.
I'm not trying downplay the horrific things that have been done to back people - if that is what you're getting at. Black people have gone through more sufferings than any other group in history. However, contemporarily speaking, we are now in a position where black people are able to thrive. Many social programs have been set in place to make it easier for blacks and all people alike to excel in this counrty. However, setting up social programs that are meant to ONLY benefit black people is flat out wrong. The struggle is real for many people. Everyone should have equal right to success.
ccastro02 ccastro02 What are these social programs currently in that place allow black folk to excel?

And you seem to be ignoring that I said that plan is a reparations package.

You know, to apologize and make up for all the centuries of **** that was done to black people.
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Admits atrocities committed against a specific race of people for an **** load of time. However ignores the fact that the playing field is uneven & everything should be cool for everyone to succeed. K

What social programs help minorities excel?
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Admits atrocities committed against a specific race of people for an **** load of time. However ignores the fact that the playing field is uneven & everything should be cool for everyone to succeed. K

What social programs help minorities excel?

I said in a previous post that to a certain extent systematic racism exists.

The Seek program in NY is one. It gives full blown scholarships to high school kids who come from poor/ working class families that didn't necessarily do well in high school. This is a phenomenally successful program because it gives young minorities the opportunity to attend great colleges even though they wouldn't have qualified under a normal application process. All universities have programs like this that are geared towards black people and other minorities.

There are are also plenty of private companies that have outreach programs that try to recruit minorities fresh out of college for career opportunities.

Both of these programs exist as an attempt to level out the playing field.
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