Dominican Republic strips DOMINICANS of Haitian descent of citizenship

Sep 23, 2008
Now, intensifying a long and furious debate over their place in this society, the nation’s top court has declared that the children of undocumented Haitian migrants — even those born on Dominican soil decades ago — are no longer entitled to citizenship, throwing into doubt the status of tens of thousands of people here who have never known any other national identity.

“I am Dominican,” said Ana María Belique, 27, who was born in the Dominican Republic and has never lived anywhere else, but has been unable to register for college or renew her passport because her birth certificate was no longer accepted. “I don’t know Haiti. I don’t have family or friends there. This is my home.”

heard about this last week, ain't make a thread because im tired of some of you *** holes slandering dominicans...with that said,

this is ALL bad, if you're born in a country you are Citizen of that country, period...imagine if this happened in da United States and they stripped Mexican Americans

who were born here of their citizenship because they couldn't verify da status of their parents..

with that said, Haitians VS Dominicans is a OLD rivalry.....ever since Haitians invaded and took over twice, and Dominicans celebrate their independence from them

every year since then, so there's always been friction....DONT FORGET that da Dominican republic was da VERY FIRST country sending

massive and sustained aide to Haiti during that Earthquake.
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heard about this last week, ain't make a thread because im tired of some of you *** holes slandering dominicans...with that said,

this is ALL bad, if you're born in a country you are Citizen of that country, period...imagine if this happened in da United States and they stripped Mexican Americans

who were born here of their citizenship because they couldn't verify da status of their parents..

Exactly. How are you just going to displace tens of thousands of citizens just like that? Like the chick above, she has no ties to Haiti anymore so she claim citizenship and her Dominican citizenship is revoked so she's in limbo. DR is setting a real dangerous precedent with this ruling.
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heard about this last week, ain't make a thread because im tired of some of you *** holes slandering dominicans...with that said,

this is ALL bad, if you're born in a country you are Citizen of that country, period...imagine if this happened in da United States and they stripped Mexican Americans

who were born here of their citizenship because they couldn't verify da status of their parents..

with that said, Haitians VS Dominicans is a OLD rivalry.....ever since Haitians invaded and took over twice, and Dominicans celebrate their independence from them

every year since then, so there's always been friction....DONT FORGET that da Dominican republic was da VERY FIRST country sending

massive and sustained aide to Haiti during that Earthquake.
from experience I can tell you that's not true of every country...

some countries require to have been born there meaning jus soli

other require you to have ethnic ties/heritage meaning jus sanguinis
heard about this last week, ain't make a thread because im tired of some of you *** holes slandering dominicans...with that said,

this is ALL bad, if you're born in a country you are Citizen of that country, period...imagine if this happened in da United States and they stripped Mexican Americans

who were born here of their citizenship because they couldn't verify da status of their parents..

Exactly. How are you just going to displace tens of thousands of citizens just like that? Like the chick above, she has no ties to Haiti anymore so she claim citizenship and her Dominican citizenship is revoked so she's in limbo. DR is setting a real dangerous precedent with this ruling.
only thing i can tell you is other countries that aren't da united states can do what they want, even to their peril, i mean look at Israel and their immigrant policies...

Americans sometimes have da inability to take off that US vantage point, so when things like women not being able to drive legally in Saudi Arabia, or fixed marriages

in other countries, or w/e kinda qwerky **** going on around da world, cats gotta remember da US borders stop, and once that happens humans gon human in their own

I'm surprised that it has gotten this bad between Haitians and Dominicans. I've read about the fued of Haitians takin a lot of jobs but never thought it would go this far. How do u do that to people though, ridiculous
Is it wrong that I think Haitian Gangs + Dominican Gangs should get together and pressure the governments to play nicely?

You know, do something positive?
I was just reading about Rafael Trujillo and his distaste for Haitians and even dark skinned Dominicans last week. This world is moving backwards
Pure racism. Imagine if a ruling like that would of been made here and all the mexicans got stripped of their citizenship got sent home. DR has always had that self hate thing going on anyways I mean look at Sammy Sosa :rolleyes
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Racist tension has always been high in DR. They hate darker skinned individuals and the beef is deep rooted on the basis of skin color. Not surprised by this move at all, this will have negative consequences across the board.
Racist tension has always been high in DR. They hate darker skinned individuals and the beef is deep rooted on the basis of skin color. Not surprised by this move at all, this will have negative consequences across the board.
see this is why i ain't make da thread, cuz people assume one thing and take it to da NEXT level...
One of the most racist nations on the planet, right up there with nazi Germany
like this troll right here...

da bottomline is Haiti took over DR and both countries went to war with eachother for centuries...da Dominican independence day

is celebrating its freedom from Haiti, so there's always been that tension.
Everybody knows Dominicans are in denial you can call troll all you want to deflect attention. Wanna hear a troll joke?

Sammy Sosa.
Originally Posted by LordOfCastamere  

Everybody knows Dominicans are in denial you can call troll all you want to deflect attention. Wanna hear a troll joke?

Sammy Sosa.
you just compared da Dominican Republic to Nazi Germany...shut up troll.
Racist tension has always been high in DR. They hate darker skinned individuals and the beef is deep rooted on the basis of skin color. Not surprised by this move at all, this will have negative consequences across the board.
see this is why i ain't make da thread, cuz people assume one thing and take it to da NEXT level...
But it's true.  Trujillo and Hispanidad has altered the DRs perception of black people for the worse.
Oh my god they're stripping people born in the country of citizenship? that's horrifying, imagine that happening to you. This is insane in 2013.
Racist tension has always been high in DR. They hate darker skinned individuals and the beef is deep rooted on the basis of skin color. Not surprised by this move at all, this will have negative consequences across the board.
see this is why i ain't make da thread, cuz people assume one thing and take it to da NEXT level...
But it's true.  Trujillo and Hispanidad has altered the DRs perception of black people for the worse.
oh but da Haitian Dictators that invaded and killed Dominicans while taking over da whole island at least twice didn't?
Everybody knows Dominicans are in denial you can call troll all you want to deflect attention. Wanna hear a troll joke?

Sammy Sosa.

Don't lump everyone together like that. I'm one of the the lightest Dominicans I know and I find it fascinating that one nationality can such a diverse group of people as far as appearance goes. I have family members that are light, dark and in between.
Racist tension has always been high in DR. They hate darker skinned individuals and the beef is deep rooted on the basis of skin color. Not surprised by this move at all, this will have negative consequences across the board.
see this is why i ain't make da thread, cuz people assume one thing and take it to da NEXT level...
But it's true.  Trujillo and Hispanidad has altered the DRs perception of black people for the worse.
oh but da Haitian Dictators that invaded and killed Dominicans while taking over da whole island at least twice didn't?
Oh of course that did happen.  I don't deny it.

But by the time Trujillo came to power that was long ago and Trujillo wasn't so much anti-Haitian as he was Anti-black in general.
you just compared da Dominican Republic to Nazi Germany...shut up troll.

You mad doggie? Your persistent denial is just as bad as my so called exaggeration. Maybe I should blame the media but no news I hear coming out of DR is positive.
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