Dom Kennedy, if you're out there....

MyTsharp is a gay fish, probably seeing how many fish sticks he can fit in his mouth as he bumps the tape.

I think this dude performin here @ 111 Minna tonight in San Francisco. One of my old homies is DJing the event
This guy MyT knowing people gonna be heated seeing that

Hard Work is

Dom you gonna have any hard copies of this? I need to get another copy of 25th hour also
Wow I missed what those hats were when I first watched that video. I need one, 7 1/8 if you make it.
smh at MyTsharp knowing damn well our sodium levels were going to rise.

Should have kept that %$+@ to yourself broski.

Spoiler [+]
I HATE YOU SIR!!!!!!!!!!!
We didn't do a instore in SF cause the cd's aren't pressed yet.

Both cities were dope. I'm at the echoplex tonight and then cinnespace on monday.
^ my peoples and I got thrown out of echoplex last night for blazing; 1 cotdamn song into your set.

how's cinnespace in terms of blowing trees? I might be willing to check it out, but I ain't
trying to waste dough going to a show and getting kicked out during the main act again.
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