Doing things alone

Maybe it’s because I’m an only child, but I never felt weird doing things by myself.I travel for work and I go to a lot of cool cites, I’m always out exploring. My co-workers always chill in their hotel rooms doing nothing lol. A couple weeks ago I was in New Orleans. I went to a Saints game and a bunch of dope restaurants by myself. Had a blast!

Major Key: Eating at popular restaurants by yourself = Getting sat immediately.
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Usally when I'm alone do something that I planned doing alone. I try to chat up with people in certain places or situations.

I stopped clothing shopping alone like that. I know usally bring a female friend to get a female person perspective on what she thinks. Then I smash my female friend afterwards. Kill two birds with one stone.
Just realized one thing that you shouldn’t do alone is going to the “strip club”

Why not? I used to do it regularly. No different than doing anything else dolo IMO.

I might hit the Wizards-Celtics game up alone on Christmas night.
Still going solo dolo, theater, I'll be damned if I'm not going to watch a movie I like, because of someone not wanting to go.
Mall, and shopping.

Next step would be a bar. But man going on a Friday night or Saturday seems kind of weird :lol:
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