Doing a 180 in college. From worst to first. I need some inspiration

If you're ever wondering what field you should go into, consider this: When your mind is wandering, what topic do you find yourself thinking about most? You're obviously thinking about it for a reason, and you're not getting paid for thinking about it. Or, what subjects do you read about for fun? You're not being graded on it, so why do you do it? You enjoy it.
It feels good to win and this is one of the most best feelings you can get. I never took my first high school seriously and I did horrendous. I was getting into fights with everybody and hanging out in the wrong crowd. I did drugs that I should've never done. I was going downhill and I thought my "boys" had my back. Turns out, they were just scum. I had three people that I hung out with. One of them became an alcoholic, one of them is in jail or still in jail and the other one had a kid. I did everything for them and this is how they repaid me! I did so bad I transferred to another high school my senior year. That didn't even work out because I was skipping class and every single day and getting high. I thought you could only get a grade of A, B, C, D or F but I got an "I". The guidance counselor told me they couldn't a determine a grade for me! I was stuck in the crossroads. You know what? I cried that night. I lost my friends, I had no future, I had no job, I had nothing. I decided to retake my senior year of high school. I felt like such a loser. Out of all grades to get "kept back", I kept myself back senior year. 
 I was the laughingstock of my family. And I come from a Chinese family. My mother and father old-school Chinese. My mother didn't even know who I was. 
I decided to go back to my first high school and finish up there. I had "unfinished business". I didn't do well but I graduated with a high school diploma. I was still really lazy when it came to school but I was able to pull through and graduated. It felt good to walk on the podium and shake my principal's hand. I remember telling him "it's been a long road" and then shook his hand. I felt really happy but I heard no clapping. The only people that clapped for me was my family and people being considerate. That's when I knew what kind of person I was. 

I had to pick a school because if I did not, I would've started work at the age of 19. I didn't want that so I applied to this little small school that actually accepted. I didn't really apply to many colleges my junior and two senior years. I knew that I couldn't get into a UMass Amherst or any mid-level school. My "cop out" school became "the school". Here I was, going to a "private" college. It was more like a community college. I was a commuter and the majority of the people that went there were commuters just like myself. I had to go to this college to save face for myself but I absolutely despised this school. I never got the "college experience" that some of you guys had. The worst part of it all was when I would be on my to class, I would bump into people that I knew from high school on the street. We'd make small talk and of course we would ask one another what school we went to. They would say Boston College, Brandeis, UMass Amherst, Colby, Bates, Fairfield and I would say in a defeated voice Bay State College. They would then ask me "where is that?" 

I had absolutely nothing in me to do good in school. By this time, I was probably 20 or 21 and I was starting to understand the importance of school but I was still in "high school mode". My professors not my teachers now would not police me about attendance. I thought being able to leave in the middle of class was the best thing ever! I could just get up off my butt and just walk out ! I was 

Then, registration for spring classes came. The straw that broke the camels back for me was when I failed marketing. I was in a meeting with my advisor and I remember her exact words to this day of what she told me. "You failed marketing. In turn, you need to retake it and repay for this class. This is your money you're wasting". I was doing what I was doing in high school and I was considered an "adult". I was a kid. My mother and father did not care what the hell I did anymore. They were tired. They hired tutors for me when I was young and I just shunned them all. Now, I didn't have to show my report card to them and make them sign it. I was an "adult". In reality, I was a coward. I couldn't even show them my grades at this age. What the !$#@ was that about? I cried myself to sleep that night. 

I was able to graduate with an Associates Degree at Bay State College but an Associates is not going to get you anywhere nowadays. I thought realistically about where I could transfer to and the logical one was UMass Boston. UMass Boston didn't necessarily reject me but they did tell me that I should take a few more classes at a community college to boost up my GPA. This time, I didn't take it as an embarrassment and tackled it head on. In one semester, I made the Dean's List with a 3.75 GPA and I was accepted to UMass Boston. 

Here I am today in my second year at UMB and doing well. I am finally hitting my stride here at this school and this semester has been nothing but a blessing. I haven't had one test or a paper under a 80 (B-) this semester. My professors love me and I didn't miss a single day of school this semester
. I might not know my grades for this semester but I am confident that I did good. And this confidence is a good kind of confidence. You know you've worked so hard and it's finally paying off. I finally did something good for myself and for my mother and father. For the first time in my life, my parents were proud of me. They accepted my path in life wasn't the smoothest but they finally understood that I wasn't going to be at MIT to become an engineer. 

I don't even want to sound corny but I love school. I cherish these days when I am able to go to school. Some people don't have the luxury to even be in a classroom and I take every class as if they were my last class of senior year. There's no place where I would rather be than in the classroom. For that, I am thankful. 
Originally Posted by nealraj006

If you're ever wondering what field you should go into, consider this: When your mind is wandering, what topic do you find yourself thinking about most? You're obviously thinking about it for a reason, and you're not getting paid for thinking about it. Or, what subjects do you read about for fun? You're not being graded on it, so why do you do it? You enjoy it.

Racing, cars, driving

If it was up to me, all of this damn money going to college would go to racing school, learning how to drive stock cars and sports cars and seeing where that can take me. But of course, who would fund that? I'm from NYC, so I don't have any kind of racing experience, but that's something that I've REALLY wanted to do since I was 6 years old, always dreaming of becoming the first really successful African American NASCAR driver. Growing up, driving my Powerwheels Jeep 4x4 from when i was 5 to 7, to racing my bikes outside, to doing driving simulator games on my computer. Put me in a go cart or a racing simulator, I'll wheel that *%!% no problem. I've had people tell me that I'm good, and my parents know (at least I think they do) that with some time and practice, tha'ts something that maybe I could excel in if getting the opportunity to train and practice. I feel like that's my thing, my skill, my love, my passion. Driving, preferably driving really fast. Any opportunity to drive, I'll take it. In an ideal world, I would be racing and learning things that I want to learn at my leisure. That's what would TRULY make me happy for the rest of my life.

But unfortunately, the thing I love/want to do the most, is probably the MOST unconventional *%!% someone can ever desire to do. Especially someone like me so I guess I'm %*@@++. I mean I have a legit plan on what I want and have to do to at least get my feet wet in racing but IDK. But I have to at least try. If not, and I'm forced to work in some box for 50 years then I'm gunna have to blow my brains out.

I like to learn, there are SOOO many things I want to learn about, but its with school, and this whole being forced to learn about *%!% I don't care about that !!*@!%$ driving me insane. I've battled depression for the past 10 years, I'm only 21 and this school *%!% is about to be the end of me, I cant !!*@!%$ stand it. I really don't give a %$$+ about the whole concept of college. I really don't. But if I'm forced to do it, to get some %#!$*# job that I will hate for the last 50 years of my life then I guess I have no !!*@!%$ choice huh? If feeling that way makes me a bum then so be it. %$$+ it. I can honestly see why people sell their souls.

Sorry for the rant but I'm just tired of this *%!%

Damn it felt good to get that off my chest. Holy #%%*
I don't mean to sound harsh but you just have to suck it up and grind through it. You're in college to learn. Nothing else. That should be your first priority. If you're not prepared to work and study hard, then I'm sorry to say it but college isn't for you.
an undergrad degree in Psychology is worthless

and if u have bad grades you gonna have an even worse time
put your mind to it. is it worth it? dont only look at the immediate results, like guy said its not a spring its a marathon. look at the long term benefits. then ask yourself, IS IT WORTH IT? if so, then you have to want it man. i believe everyone can achieve whatever they want if they are smart about it and put the work into it. nothing is handed to us, we have to WORK for it.

in HS, i considered myself a semi smart guy but played ball and put my academics way behind. i had less than a 3.0 gpa and was forced to go to CC. when i realized that ball probably wasn't the best thing to put all my time and effort in, i told myself that i wanted to get into the best 4 year university i can so i can graduate and move on with my life to whatever God has in store for me in the future. busted my $*% for 2 years, and now im at UC Berkeley. its so easy nowadays for people just to live their lives and not do anything because theres no one to tell them to do what they need to do. so its YOU that has to strap up, ask yourself what you want in life, and set your goals and make your dreams a reality. i didnt think i would get into berk, but when i realized that the work is actually possible with hard work and dedication, i realized that i actually can do the work. im pulling decent grades at Berkeley with some A's on my papers here and there, and i love the school.

when things go wrong, just tell yourself that it will always be better in the end. dont be discouraged, and its never too late. heres a video for inspiration. holla i believe we can all do big things if we really want it.

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Racing, cars, driving

If it was up to me, all of this damn money going to college would go to racing school, learning how to drive stock cars and sports cars and seeing where that can take me. But of course, who would fund that? I'm from NYC, so I don't have any kind of racing experience, but that's something that I've REALLY wanted to do since I was 6 years old, always dreaming of becoming the first really successful African American NASCAR driver. Growing up, driving my Powerwheels Jeep 4x4 from when i was 5 to 7, to racing my bikes outside, to doing driving simulator games on my computer. Put me in a go cart or a racing simulator, I'll wheel that *%!% no problem. I've had people tell me that I'm good, and my parents know (at least I think they do) that with some time and practice, tha'ts something that maybe I could excel in if getting the opportunity to train and practice. I feel like that's my thing, my skill, my love, my passion. Driving, preferably driving really fast. Any opportunity to drive, I'll take it. In an ideal world, I would be racing and learning things that I want to learn at my leisure. That's what would TRULY make me happy for the rest of my life.

But unfortunately, the thing I love/want to do the most, is probably the MOST unconventional *%!% someone can ever desire to do. Especially someone like me so I guess I'm %*@@++. I mean I have a legit plan on what I want and have to do to at least get my feet wet in racing but IDK. But I have to at least try. If not, and I'm forced to work in some box for 50 years then I'm gunna have to blow my brains out.

I like to learn, there are SOOO many things I want to learn about, but its with school, and this whole being forced to learn about *%!% I don't care about that !!*@!%$ driving me insane. I've battled depression for the past 10 years, I'm only 21 and this school *%!% is about to be the end of me, I cant !!*@!%$ stand it. I really don't give a %$$+ about the whole concept of college. I really don't. But if I'm forced to do it, to get some %#!$*# job that I will hate for the last 50 years of my life then I guess I have no !!*@!%$ choice huh? If feeling that way makes me a bum then so be it. %$$+ it. I can honestly see why people sell their souls.

Sorry for the rant but I'm just tired of this *%!%

Damn it felt good to get that off my chest. Holy #%%*

"Thereare two kinds of people in the world: those who make excuses and those who getresults. An excuse person will find any excuse for why a job was not done, anda results person will find any reason why it can be done. Be a creator, not areactor." - Alan Cohen

“There's adifference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doingsomething, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed tosomething, you accept no excuses, only results." - Art Turock 

"Thereis no such thing as failure. There are only results." - Anthony Robbins

"Waitingis a trap. There will always be reasons to wait. The truth is, there are onlytwo things in life, reasons and results, and reasons simply don't count."- Dr Robert Anthony

If you're truly passionate about what you say you are, you'll find a way to make it happen, no matter what. You won't accept failure, and people will be amazed at your work ethic. The choice is yours: live a conventional, unfulfilling life or accomplish your goals and be happy.
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

an undergrad degree in Psychology is worthless

and if u have bad grades you gonna have an even worse time
Having any 4-year degree allows you to apply to jobs you normally wouldn't have access to. 
My friend went from minimum wage to salary pay with a degree in sociology. 
Don't quit. Get motivated and get you *#@! done, and well.

If you have pulled of better grades in the past then you know that you have the potential to. Motivation is tough sometimes, but if you really want to get back on track then a complete 180 in college is 100% possible. Considering you are not even half done, it shouldn't be too hard to get your GPA out of the gutter. You have time and plenty of classes left to take, it's just time to get serious.

good luck my man
IDK man, you've constantly said that QC wasn't for you...I think you need to haul #$*, get your grades up and eventually transfer out to another school that's more to your liking. Back in the day they used to give out a Major's handbook when you got to QC and in the back it would list the different types of jobs you could get for that major...i don't think they still do it but you can go check at the guidance office or go talk to an advisor.

QC was good to def wasn't a big party school, I got to study, I got the major I wanted, there were a couple cute chicks here and there, and I got the @#%! out. Do I wish I dormed at another school....yea but I can't change that now.

You need to go buy or get a book of majors and careers and do a self-assessment.
im in a similar position, my current gpa is like 1.8 and im in my 3rd year...
i just gotta focus on studying better and stop clubbkn and playin CoD

i mean damn i cheated hard on a test and still got a 58

ive been thinking of takin a semester off but I dont know if i wanna do that i think i should just grind it out
btw im majoring in Business Administration how important is GPA when looking for a job??
i figure its like someone said early its WHO you know but i havent done any networking in school
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

IDK man, you've constantly said that QC wasn't for you...I think you need to haul #$*, get your grades up and eventually transfer out to another school that's more to your liking. Back in the day they used to give out a Major's handbook when you got to QC and in the back it would list the different types of jobs you could get for that major...i don't think they still do it but you can go check at the guidance office or go talk to an advisor.

QC was good to def wasn't a big party school, I got to study, I got the major I wanted, there were a couple cute chicks here and there, and I got the @#%! out. Do I wish I dormed at another school....yea but I can't change that now.

You need to go buy or get a book of majors and careers and do a self-assessment.

At the end of the day I think you're right. I really need to get out of that school. I'm thinking about just paying for school myself and transferring to LaGuardia or something.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

I was a terrible student in high school, managed to turn things around junior year, got into college. I started out pretty slow, but eventually I figured out how to study effectively and just took off. I did better in college than any of my friends who killed it in high school. tHe key is go to the library, leave the computer at home, and just study. It's the only thing that worked for me.

change of location where u study is huge
Work is inevitable. But personally I dont find it very important to have straight A's as long as you study the subjects you like in or besides school and keep pushing you'll eventually have more then enough knowledge to get you a good job.
I graduated THE top of my high school class (about 500 students), full academic ride, all that jazz. Got to college, didn't know what I wanted to do, didn't really want to be there, some other stuff happened, finished first semester with a 1.38.

Took 5 years total, two summers, a wintersession, and a couple of 18 hour semesters, but I graduated with my bachelor's, a 3.16, and I'm currently working in a field I love.

It can be done bro, but I'll tell you like I tell some of the young high school and college kids I mentor. This is when you learn about real-life decisions. Sometimes, you're going to have to skip the party. The game, whatever. You're going to have to wake up early, go to sleep early, stay up all night. No one is going to force you to do anything. Maybe, MAYBE, your parents might ride your case, but at the end of the day, this isn't high school, you won't get "in trouble" for not doing anything and the only person holding you responsible is you.

You can do it. You've just got to WANT to do it.
Freshman - Quit NAIA basketball team, 3.0 GPA

Sophomore - Transferred, pledged a fraternity, played on the men's volleyball team, dropped out with 1.7 GPA for the semester

(several years of working/survival mode)

(got engaged)

Junior - Dean's List, Tau Sigma Honor Society

Senior - Dean's List, Chapter President of Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society, awarded Outstanding Graduate

It took more effort to fail out of college than to graduate with honors. 

- Take advantage of EVERY resource available; (tutors, faculty, staff, library, computer labs). 
- Sit in the front row of every class so you have to pay attention.
- Get to know your professors; they are probably intelligent and interesting people.
- Volunteer for internships and extracurricular prjoects.
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