Doing 74 in a 55mph I plea guilty or not guilty

Feb 2, 2008
Got the ticket in Nassau County NY.

Tried to read up on what would be the best outcome. I think it might be pleaing guilty.

Im going back to school next week so Id have no chance of going to a court date.

Whats the best route IYO?
holy crap
how expensive is that ticket?
Just get in the car, drive away, and never look back.

74 in a 55? It's better to just start a new life under a fake name.

Don't use Max Power, that's my fake name.
Not that expensive if it's just classified as speeding, but if they're calling it reckless then things might get hectic.
OP try and make the court date cause this will probably be points.

not to thread jack but i got a ticket doing 75 in a 40 zone...but the cop put that i was in a '50' zone on the ticket...can i beat it?? This is in NYC(FDR drive)
Hire a traffic lawyer. I know it doesn't seem that serious and I'm not sure how it works, but you just hire them and they are able to get the ticket dismissed and you don't have to worry about any points on your license. The only thing I'm not sure is if it will work in every state in the U.S. because every state has their own specific laws, but its worth the try. You'll have to pay a little bit more than the citation cost, but I think its worth it cause of the no points.
traffic attorney...

blumberg and bongermino.... they handled the situation for me while i was out here in az.... caught 5 tickets at the illegals...
they by the courts in central islip
its not really worth the time off work & expenses of a lawyer to fight things like this..
just pay the ticket.. most ppl who do fight traff tix are the ppl who insist on sticking it to the man (pause).. and they also have a lot of expendable income. 
If you had time I'd advocate going to court, as in my experience, the judge typically gives you reductions in fines and points, unless you show up and act like a dbag.  But in your case just eat the ticket.
Just pay it cause you guilty and you admit you went over the speed limit

N_'s get speeding tickets everyday B
I got one doing 65 on a 40 in cali. You're looking at a $600 ticket with traffic school.
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

OP try and make the court date cause this will probably be points.

not to thread jack but i got a ticket doing 75 in a 40 zone...but the cop put that i was in a '50' zone on the ticket...can i beat it?? This is in NYC(FDR drive)
Your not beating it.. In 2008 I  got nabbed doing 84 in a 50 on the FDR and paid over $400 for an attorney and it did absolutely nothing. In fact that ticket JUST came off my record on New Years Day. 

In the 5 boroughs you have this TVB nonsense which is not real court, its the cops word versus yours. If you want to prolong it for over a year, you can reschedule it up to 3 times and hope on the third time he doesn't show up and if he does maybe forgets the details which leads to an automatic not guilty for you. 

Since it was on the FDR he probably hit you with laser hiding on the on-ramp and there's nothing you can say that'll make the judge overturn it so just hope the cop gets amnesia when he shows up. Good luck. 
No reckless endangerment.

Not sure about the 2x fine. Cop didnt mention it and I didnt notice any signs when I drove.

My ticket does say Nassau County TVB though.

Id rather save the hassle and get rid of it ASAP. It is my first speeding/point system offense....but I mean if I can avoid paying with rescheduling then why not? 

Originally Posted by CaddyLac

Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

OP try and make the court date cause this will probably be points.

not to thread jack but i got a ticket doing 75 in a 40 zone...but the cop put that i was in a '50' zone on the ticket...can i beat it?? This is in NYC(FDR drive)
Your not beating it.. In 2008 I  got nabbed doing 84 in a 50 on the FDR and paid over $400 for an attorney and it did absolutely nothing. In fact that ticket JUST came off my record on New Years Day. 

In the 5 boroughs you have this TVB nonsense which is not real court, its the cops word versus yours. If you want to prolong it for over a year, you can reschedule it up to 3 times and hope on the third time he doesn't show up and if he does maybe forgets the details which leads to an automatic not guilty for you. 

Since it was on the FDR he probably hit you with laser hiding on the on-ramp and there's nothing you can say that'll make the judge overturn it so just hope the cop gets amnesia when he shows up. Good luck. 
Thanks a lot bro. I thought I could beat it cause he put the wrong mph for the speeding zone. I'm gonna plead not guilty and hope he never shows. I would hate to pay and still get them points

Learned my lesson though
if he doesnt show you're set to go. but if he does show try and talk with the officer see if he'll cut you a deal. i was going 130 in a 55 and got a reckless. talked with the officer and got it dropped to a careless driving with a deferred sentence. went to traffic school and now its off my record luckily. you'll be good
i went 59 in a 45 and got away with no ticket, thing is i was going 75+ til i saw the cop and slammed on the breaks
Plead not guilty. Center your case around how frequent the radar detector is calibrated, and since the police office is likely not an engineer can not use it appropriately.
Originally Posted by FEELLEAL

Plead not guilty. Center your case around how frequent the radar detector is calibrated, and since the police office is likely not an engineer can not use it appropriately.
can you please elaborate
No problem.. I forgot to mention one thing. In NY there's this thing called a "Driver Responsibility Assessment" , if you get 6 or more points on your record in a 18 month period you have to pay $100 a year for 3 years for a nice total of $300. That is ON TOP of your fine. I ended up paying $450 for a lawyer, the fine was "only" $140 but then I got hit with the surcharge cause it was a 6 point ticket for another $300. GRAND TOTAL = $890

So IHustle your in better shape than Cel cause unless you have points already your ticket is only 4 which lets you avoid the surcharge.

Here's the breakdown of over the limit and points:

1 to 10- 3
11 to 20 - 4
21 to 30- 6
31 to 40- 8
Over 40- 11
ticket will be like $250 because you were 15-20 over the limit,
just pay it, and call it a day....
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