Does anyone think JB ishould stop the packages n should sell each retro separately?

Cmon, we ALL think...."the good one in the pack, and the "other" one that comes with it"
I'm not in the "all" then. People really need to stop assuming that everyone only wants oneshoe out of these packages, there are those that genuinely want both shoes in most of these packages, such as myself. Granted, I understand the fact thatsomething better could have been released, but I like the concept of the packages and will purchase the ones that I want and am able to acquire.
Yes, Individual releases would be great. It seems that I already have atleast 1 of the pairs in each pack from what I have read on them and I dont really likethe idea of paying 300+ for one pair of shoes that I am wanting........For example the XIV/IX,pack I already own the XIV,s original and retro so it seems likeI paid 309.99 for a pair of IX,s.....

They can limit the number of pairs that are produced/Make them a hassle to get or even keep the same box idea and make it so you have to make your own 23package....Just please split that packages into seperate releases...
Because JB is smart they've been doin this for about 11 years now. If they put out the not-so-wanted shoe out, nobody would buy it
Originally Posted by memotrujillo

only if they release them separately they should be limited like the thunder edition 4's

No, they shouldn't be.
the packs would be better if they had looking black based shoes (the ones so far that were released are imo
, n some of the ones to be released are also
) if any single release jordan retro shoe I would hope for charcoal 9's (Ilove those shoes).
i dont understand the hate for the shadow X's. when i first saw the OG's i liked them. HOWEVER........

I can def. understand if the hate comes from rather wanted the Chicago Xs instead. those are
This topic has already been answered, yes the majority of us shoe collectors say that it would be much better for JB to release the shoes seperate. Of coursefrom JB's point of view they know exactly what they are doing because these packs will sell no matter what shoe they mix in with a sought after shoe.
Now to eleborate on the point that everyone wants one shoe out of the packs and not the other, everyone meaning the majority of people bought the X/XIII packfor the XIII, and the IX/XIV pack for the IX. Yes of course there are a few people who liked the other shoes in the pack, but not nearly as many who wouldrather be able to buy the IX or XIII's seperate.
For me and I think I speak for a lot of people, JB could have killed it with these packs if they really wanted to, such as the white and black XIII with theChicago X's. Then I like the white and black IX's but maybe the powder blue IX's with oxidized XIV's. My point is that JB could havedefinately come up with some great packs but knowing that people will buy them for one shoe that they want they then can mix in crap (IMO)colorways becausepeople will buy them. Im sure in the future they will still release the other shoes such as Bordeaux VII's, Chicago X's, Powder blue IX's, make more money. JB is a business and they are gonna do what is best for them from a business standpoint and in the end try and make the mostmoney.
Also I know that the packs add up to 23 because of it being the 23rd anniversary and all but there is no reason that these packs should be limited to white,black, and red colorways. I think that is pretty ridiculous, I was all ready to buy up some XI/XII pack's for some Space Jams but I guess that wont behappening.
it seems like i have to write it in a paragraph form to make you all understand (AHAHHHAAHAHAHHAHAAH
no, but it would help people actually take you serious, as you can see most of the replies were just as childish as your spelling/grammar
I haven't bought shoes since December because of it.... just saving my money I guess. 2009 might be better for me, but I'll HAVE to give up an arm anda a leg for the XI/XII package this December.
It would be cheaper. Meaning in the end Jordan would be loosing money. Besides I'm tired of finding someone last minute to go Half's...l0l
i def agree. i dont like the whole package thing. it was ok wit the blacktoes, but not wit the rest. i want the III's but not some XX's. do awaywit packages.
I like the concept!! It helps weed out hypebeasts, resellers, and people try to jump on the wagon. Now i can cop mine a little easier without the hassle.

We also dont have to wait in between for retros... 2 birds with one stone!!!
IMO JB should of stopped after the DMP's but these CDP packages is great idea. But after the packges they should stop
In my opinion they should ask us (the consumers) what we want. I would say have us vote on o.g. colorways of each model and of course Nike Air.
If the colorway is being retro'd for the first time it should be a single release. One and Done.
Here are the packs I want for BOTH shoes:


I also want the V, VI and XIII (got em) seperately. Which means 2 more packs in addition to the X/XIII that I'll try to cop for just one half of it.

I considered the IX/XIV, but both of those can wait. II/XXI isn't worth it for me, VIII/XV isn't even a question.

So 4 packs out of 11 (I think?) that are on the money for me.

JB HAS to put some of these in packages. It's like rotating the retros, they can't just keep putting out III's, IV's and XI's, they gottathrow out those horrendous XV's and LS VIII's to change it up. How else are they going to move those units of shoes that won't sell as well as thebig gun retros? You can picture this question being asked in a meeting, probably answered by someone with this devilish response:

Throw them in a package where the consumer HAS to buy both shoes.
The hype surrounding the packs has died already LOL. I'm not looking forward to any of them really. JB knows this which is why they are going to releasetons of "limited" colors of the XX3 along with all these quickstrike retros including these very boring retro 1's this weekend and in may.

JB business philosophy FLOOD THE MARKET, multiple releases every weekend... teams, fusions and skate shoes oh my.

Like the kid said above the packs were not that limited. I know tons of spots who cant get rid of almost FSR's of the IX/XIV, and you can still get themall at finishline.

They take one look at the market and who the bulk of their consumers are nowadays and just laugh their way to the bank.
packs are a good concept, but I'd also like to see them sold seperately, cause I want hares and carmines, no 16s or 17s for example ...
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