Does anyone have parents who are addicted to drugs?

I have unfortunately dealt with this for most of life. Both of my parents started using cocaine and heroin when I was in the 4th grade. On top of that they were both alcoholics too. It was pretty rough because they both ended up losing their jobs and lost everything they owned, My mom is now serving 5 years for possession and my father passed away last year. It gets easier with time to accept. I'm 21 now and It does not really bother me anymore like it used it. Drugs really are a scary thing though. They change people so much. When you are on drugs, you don't give a damn about anything  else except your next high. It changed my parents so much mentally too. It was like they became so disconnected from society and did not know what normal was anymore. If that makes any sense? I know it can be rough though man. If you need anyone to talk to about you can post here or PM me about. I dont mind talking about it. 
i can speak from experience, that the drugs ARE your life when youre using, i was a heroin addict for almost 4 years, i got clean in april, thank god my parents were not addicted to drugs or else i would of had nothing to motivate me to get my act together i also had a supportive girlfriend, last year i spent my x-mas smoking heroin in a hotel room in the bad part of town all by myself.

there was times when i was withdrawing so bad i put the barrel of my shotgun in my mouth and thankfully i locked my shells up in my also took for a friend of mine to get killed, for me to get my ish together, he broke into some dudes house took some heroin and a gun so they took him and killed him in the desert... when you get clean it feels like youre picking up your belongings after a tornado, everyday i apologize to my girl for the ish i put her through, and try to visit my family on the weekends, i was not allowed to come over when i was using or see my lil brother, now he is allowed to come over every weekend and i took him school shopping, something i would've never been able to do before or ever thought id  ever do...
Gatzby, that's a helluva story my dude. I wish u the best fam, I know that's an absolute beast to deal with. God bless homie ....
I was born in the 80's, what u think? But thankfully my mom was smart and bounced so I never really had to deal with it on that level.
SoleWoman, GatzbyGordon, KingKoopa,  Thank you for the replies!

GatzbyGordon, You seem to have had a hell of a fight and it takes a lot of strength to admit what you did, it gives me hope. I am happy to hear that you are clean now man, and I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

KingKoopa, I am sorry to hear about your mother. Thank you, im sure that is not something you share very often and im sure its not easy.

SoleWoman, It can be hell emotionally to live like that, I hope he is doing ok.
Props on kicking the heroin. My boy smokes it daily going on 10 years. He's a trust fund baby and always has money. I don't think hewill ever stop. He is more motivated to keep smoking so he's not sick. That's what he told me last time I talked to him about it.
SoleWoman, GatzbyGordon, KingKoopa,  Thank you for the replies!

GatzbyGordon, You seem to have had a hell of a fight and it takes a lot of strength to admit what you did, it gives me hope. I am happy to hear that you are clean now man, and I am very sorry to hear about your friend.

KingKoopa, I am sorry to hear about your mother. Thank you, im sure that is not something you share very often and im sure its not easy.

SoleWoman, It can be hell emotionally to live like that, I hope he is doing ok.

Not mom but pops and I couldn't care less actually. I'd say a lot of people I know have had experience with someone in their family addicted to something. Just the era and environment we grew up in.
My dad was when I was growing up (probably still is) We don't have any contact he tried to take money from my mom and never filed the divorce papers. I have no respect for that man.

Also worst dealer ever, you deal but we are always broke?
My parents are abusers.

Never touched any drugs myself at all.

I make more money than both of them combined now :smokin
Thank you to everyone who posted a reply and offered to talk.

KingKoopa, Sorry, didnt read your comment right. Man you seem like a tough dude.  but I hear what you said.

beardedkevin, Im sorry to hear that. That is one reason I am worried about my pop, he has a family to take care of and if anything happens to him idk what they or I will do. 

DJYoung08, I am sorry to hear about that, Im glad to hear you made something positive out of your life.

twizzi, idk what gas is but I am sorry if you are in a similar situation.

from my heart thank you guys for being honest with me..
it sucks that it takes something really extreme to happen to get someone to stop using or to at least attempt getting help,

it also sucks if that person has a mental illness that was never diagnosed because then you dont know if the problems were caused by the drugs or the illness.

a person should also want to get clean..and also  have some incentive or motivation to get their ish together..the last thing a person wants to hear is that they're a piece of sh**

i dont pay any mind to the people that say "they can stop anytime" or other ignorant comments like that, it only shows how sheltered and close minded they are..

i attend NA meeting 3 times a week and im the youngest person there everyone else is over 35 or so, there is lawyers, prison guards, nurses.. all walks of life,

addiction does not discriminate.
GatzbyGordon, I hear you man. I worry everyday that something exteme will happen before I get a chance to change things.  Im worried that if anything happens to him I wont be able to keep things together for our family, or myself.

I have enough on my plate to have to deal with this, but when it rains it pours.
....just feelin it right now, hate the holidays.   if anyone else going through something similar how do you deal?  who do you talk to? 

But seriously no. My dad has hinted he dabbled in herb back in the day but he was never an addict.
i attend NA meeting 3 times a week and im the youngest person there everyone else is over 35 or so, there is lawyers, prison guards, nurses.. all walks of life,

Where are you, by the way? There are some good young people's AA meetings in Berkeley if you're in Norcal, but NA is full of old people around my way too. And they all have hella clean time, too. I was trying to do 90 in 90, but work/ my brain got in the way. I might start over and do that once I get a sponsor. Do you have one? I'm resistant to it, but I guess part of me wants to go back out. I know I can't though.
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You should just ask him. Look for the signs..What drugs is he addicted to?
I caught my dad smoking a J when I was 8 he told me its was a Cig and went on to say every adult needs a smoke every now in then

I'm 17 now smoked weed and so does my dad he told me smoking is the only thing that keeps him together and by no means in my mine abuses it but then again I don't see him very much since he lives 700 miles

Over the summer I was with him and we had one of father so talks. Me and my dad are very open about things and he told me he was a cole head for about 15 years, he told me a whole bunch of stories and I believe his using caused my parents divorce but I don't hold that against him

Hang in there OP
You should just ask him. Look for the signs..What drugs is he addicted to?
Thank you for the reply, As far as signs just talking to him on the phone I can tell something is wrong. Calling me at weird times of the night, just acting or talking funny. Acting the way he did when he was using.

I think he was/is on meth coke or crack im not sure.  Everyone says come out and ask him, and I thank you all for the advice, but its easier said than done.

BrockBo, Thank you man.  Im sure it took a lot for him to be open and tell you all of that stuff. it cant be easy to admit to someone something like that
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