Does Anybody Else Miss The World Pre 9/11? Vol. I Can't Be The Only One

I think what happened is we lost that 'invincible' feeling and were finally given a long over due reality check. Once 9/11 happened everyone panicked and their little bubble popped. People started to fear the worst of others and for a while, at least in my opinion, everyone was out to get each other. Hence, the Patriot Act, NSA wire tappings, etc. It's as if the trust was gone. It didn't help that the country sold out at the same time and the political process became a bureaucratic nightmare. Now things can't get done because no one wants to negotiate and no one wants to be wrong. It's likely that, so far the terrorists won, but what entity gave these 'Moral equivalents to our Founding Fathers' the resources to do what they did? Still, I think we've reached a crossroads right now, with the way the internet and social media has broadened horizons for everyone, it can only lead to more innovation and positive outcomes. But most people tend to look at the cup half empty and that's the biggest thing that I think has changed since that time. People, as a whole, have lost hope. The constant fear mongering has really demoralized people to the point that they've become lethargic and apathetic; look at obesity, the housing bubble, and the way our Government is run. Did 9/11 change things? Of course, but what I think it did was expose those who are truly responsible. Rest in peace to the families, and I know people will not like this, but I think 9/11 has started the process of helping us to get back to what we once were. In the sense that we know who the real bad guys are. Also, it's not just America that felt it, but the world (Arab Spring, China's opening up of trade, the investment in Africa, etc.). What happened is that the whole world woke up and realized we are all here together. Yeah, there's always events that are bad, but you have to see the positives, otherwise you just give them more power.

But that's just my opinion.
Do you not know any Muslims or something?

The op was talking about how great life was and the difference. That's what I was speaking on. Talking about the demographic that lost that...I see what you're saying but my but my point was directed towards that
This world has always been corrupt. I was about 16 when it happened, and I would say that the world was just as corrupt before 9/11. The events on that particular stage just brought everything to a broader spectrum. The information age magnified that.

Eventually, they will figure how to control the information age, and then everyone will think everything is cool again...

Back then, in highschool, they would run drug dogs through the school parking lot and randomly select cars to search. They would plant one or two seeds in the car seats and then threaten to expel the students if they didn't tell on their friends. And a lot of these people didn't even smoke weed and we all knew it. It was an obvious setup and these innocent kids were freaking out. :lol: The gov. was on some BS back then too, trust me. :smh:

The 90's were klnd of crazy too. I remember being in Dallas and some random car drove up beside us on the highway and shot out our window with a rifle and then just drove off. It was the window I was sleeping next to.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that the information age has brought your conscience more information for you to process than previous generations. This can be an illusion that more bad things are happening. But in reality, these bad things have always been happening. The reality is that today, we have better weapons to fight against corruption. THAT is what you should be seeing for the coming ages.
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I miss the 90's. 
you're like 12 years old though
I just turned 17 
i dont really remember much before 9/11 but i dont really remember much afterwards either.

i was too young to actively remember anything about 9/11 either. i just remember i was in 8th grade
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