Do You Wash Your Hands After Using the Restroom?

Yes and no.

Mostly yes.

Mostly no.

I wash my hands before I eat.

I wash my hands if I'm interacting with food or people.

I work with dirty stuff.

If you work construction or any other blue collar job you know the deal.

I piss in bushes all the time.

In between railcars n ****.

Gloves come off, I piss, gloves go on, and the day continues.

Job site is a whole different ball game
does everyone touch their **** while taking a piss? I never touch it, I use the waistband of my underwear to hold/control while i begin to stream. i still wash my hands, but yeah. I think it is more nastier to touch your junk before touching your hands.

It's never even occurred to me to try this before :lol: Idk how yall come up with this stuff :lol:
I wash my hands BEFORE I use the restroom cuz my hands have been touching everything and my **** is clean. So before and after.

*unless I’m at home alone I just take a ****in piss and go on about my b i

Came here to say this. My **** is clean as a whistle. Girl can come eat or do lines off my bidness
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I always wash my hands after, and sometimes before.

*unless I’m at home alone I just take a ****in piss and go on about my b i

The amount of penis bacteria on UPS digital signature pads must be staggering.
I dont wash my hands after i jerk it. The way i see it, i shower and wash my hands so i do it clean.

No dribble falls on my fingers cuz for one, im working with a monster, dos, my junk shoot out.

If i have a clean d and clean hands, what is there to clean?

Unless im at work, then ill rinse my hands.
endless diarhea...nah

toilet paper a luxury growing up
you're from ohio b L for eternity

but seriously, it's more than adequate. not really how me using my waistband equates to me not having substantial length.

Preach. I thought i was alone. Just peal the skin back utalizing the elastic.
Depending on what ive been doing/where my hands been if i wash em before.

Always after .. only time i dont is in the morning when that morning wood is strong and i can just hit that michael jackson thriller lean wit no hands
I think its a bigger more agregious fouk for those nasty _____ that dont wash their hands after taking a s***

Wouldnt believe how many dudes at work get up from the stall n dont wash their hands. When im in the stall regardless what they do when they walk forward to the sink im lookin thru the crack to see who it is and if they washed their hands that way i know!
I literally find this question absurd :lol: I said why is this even a thread? Must be filled with nasty *************.

The only reason I can see for not washing your hands, especially in public restrooms, is if it has no doors, you keep your hands in your pockets the entire time and you're only going in to look in the mirror.

Also, a lot of yall should be washing your hands before you touch your meat before you piss.
Absolutely wash my hands after using the restroom, no matter if it's a 1 or 2, public or at home.
I also use a paper towel to open the door after in a public restroom.
I've seen so many nasty dudes take a deuce and walk straight out is why I use the pound or fist bump to greet people.
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