Do you look younger or older than you are?

Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

I'm 22 and I still get carded everytime I try to buy R rated DVDs.
Same here lady asked me for my ID when I was buying a UGK cdyesterday
For guys its the facial hair or lack there of that makes them look younger/older.

For girls its probably the way they dress/carry themselves that could determine age in others eyes.
Well considering I pass as 21 all the time and im 19..not that that's a big dif..but it is in a way.
im 19 and i get 25/26 one time i even got a 32 i think its better than looking younger for now.....
Im 24 and get carded pretty often. Some guy at 7-11 wouldnt sell me lotto until I could prove I was over 18 lollllll
Im 14 freshman... Ive gotten 19 before! Smh

Being tall and having facial hair isnt always the best... Appreciated for the most part tho
People always think Im 24-27

I HATE IT. I just turned 20 last Wednesday, It doesnt help that my profession is not something most people my age do..
idk i get mixed reviews...

from older people, they say i look older. like 24 or 25. im 20 in a month. maybe the height? demeanor?

from younger people, they say i look younger.

i got the baby face thing goin on
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