Do you know someone who fought in World War II? There probably won't be any left within 20 years

Originally Posted by Illuztrious

WW2 basically shaped the world how it is today, US as the sole superpower...Europe as our "children" (no disrespect).

I find it very fascinating. RIP to all those who fought.

Crazy times.

The wars in our generation were not wars at all.

Tell that to a vet of Iraq or Afghanistan, or tell that to the parents, spouses, and children of those who have died defending this country. They are definitely wars.
Originally Posted by Yoda

Originally Posted by sonunox34

It was considered your duty and manly and macho to sign up and go fight the Axis of Evil. There hasn't been another war since then with anywhere near that amount of motivation or voluntary soldiers.

This was during the time when men weren't such vaginas.

They get all the respect in the world from me.
LOL. Co-sign on the respect part.
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

The wars in our generation were not wars at all.

Nah. Regardless of if you think a war (Vietnam, Iraq) is justified or not, war is war.

Are the soldiers in todays war better equipped, prepared, and have better living conditions, absolutely. I'd say thats because of a better advancement of technology and knowledge.

Like I said, it doesn't matter if you agree with the wars we were/are in. They are wars though.

What I was trying to say with the "This was during the time when men weren't such vaginas." comment was that back then, men were MEN, not these little pretty boys who are scared if they get a wrinkle in their skinny jeans.

One of my neighbors back in Chicago was in Easy Company. The stories he had were fascinating since I love history, especially WWI/WWII stuff. Any veteran or anyone serving gets my wholehearted respect.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

you're on this little speed boat, smoke, screaming, bullets and bodies dropping everwhere and you're cell door is about to open in 30 seconds

what the hell is going through you're  your mind?
One of my favorite things to do is sit with my Grandpa and listen to his stories about war, when the movies were a nickel, and how much different the USA was back in his day.
WWII was the most important event in the history of the world, IMO. 50 million people died, countries were reshaped. It's amazing what happened and what people went through. I don't know any vets personally right now, my 8th grade history teacher was a WWII vet. (dude was like 70 at the time). I give them all the respect in the world, it's really the last time the U.S. had to defend itself against a real threat. Imagine if we had lost the war. The stakes were a lot higher than Korea, Vietnam, or Iraq.
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