Do you know anyone who has used a gun for self defense?

Do you know anyone who has used a gun for self defense?

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Everyone is scared of shoot outs and the world needs less guns.

I don't own a gun and won't be buying one anytime soon, but I may think about it later down the road.

That said... If every teacher in the building was equipped with the pistol do you think it would be better or worse than

cowering, helpless, idly waiting for the police while a killer looks you in the eyes and raises a rifle.

I def think we need to look over the laws, have some psychic evaluation, and more tests but the folks saying ban guns are silly in my opinion.

a world where only the police, and government can carry guns... :smh:

and for the record, as a man, i cried many times today for the children. it hurt me big time.
Mental issues are undoubtedly at the cause of all of this. No one in their right mind kills 27 people, with 20 of them being children.
Personally, I've always been of the opinion that video games play a significant role in situations like this. A video game might not be related to this particular case, but I think it's high time we evaluated the type of game material we're exposing children and young adults to.
Remember, there are numerous studies that have shown that the brain is still developing well into the teenage years, still maturing. But from an early age, kids are playing these violent games, first person shooters, that ultimately desensitizes them to violence. The violence of a gun, and the act of killing--taking a human life--is trivialized as fiction, with little to no real world consequence. Worse, it's advertised as "fun" and heroic. (Think of VR Training missions from the Metal Gear Solid series). You combine this lack of real world awareness, lax gun controls, experimentation with psychoactive drugs (another favorite pastime of the "young" generation), and a still developing brain, and you have a recipe for distaster.
This is a multi pronged issue, it's not just a "gun control" issue.
We need to evaluate gun laws; we need to evaluate drug laws; we need to evaluate entertainment geared towards children and young adults; hell, we need to evaluate American society as a whole, from revisiting certain portions of the Bill of rights to our bloated military industrial complex. All these things are in concert and interrelated. To address one, we must address them all.
The killer may very well have been sick (mentally), but chose to abandon a treatment course because of the stigma associated with mentally ill people. Likewise, in my opinion, America is very sick and it behooves us as a nation to seek treatment. The naysayers (see the NRA, the military industry apologists, Americans holding on to archaic conservative traditions, etc) will plead otherwise because they fear the stigma associated with progressive change, the stigma of getting better, but if we continue this farce that everything is fine, then things will only get worse--like today. Things seriously need to change when children aren't safe anymore and the school-ground isn't a sacred place/space anymore.

You say lax gun laws, I want to know what laws would have stopped what happened today. Obviously from you calling them lax you have expansive knowledge on the subject right?

Someone determined to commit violence will, whether it be a machete, a bomb or a gun they will find a way. Evil exists in this world and there is no way legislate them out of existence.

By lax gun laws, I mean the law that allows anyone to purchase a gun. I will always be against gun ownership, but i realize that you can't prevent citizens from attaining guns. Ok that's fine.

It's a whole 'nother ball game when people are allowed to purchase "COMBAT RIFLES" and the like. I mean, really, what good reason could you possibly have for needing a combat rifle? Are the Nazi's invading? The Russian perhaps? Or maybe the Martians are? Ohh wait, lemme guess, the stag you're hunting has a bullet proof hide?

You can't give me one good reason why any decent, peace loving citizen, would want to own a combat rifle.

You need it for protection? A load of crap. If we're going to take protection into our own hands, then why are we wasting tax dollars on local and national law enforcement agencies? Better yet, why have we given our trust to these local and national law enforcement agencies if we don't believe that we'll be protected.

The right to bear arms is an outdated and archaic provision. In the past, it mattered because the threat of invasion was very real. The need to protect one's self and family was very real. There wasn't an established agency geared toward the defense and the protection of citizens, thus it behooved citizens to arm and defend themselves. We don't live in those times anymore, so why must we hold on to a right that is out of context in the modern era? Worse yet, why are we making available weapons that are far more lethal than necessary for situations that are few and far between, to damn near nonexistent?

If you allow citizens to freely access weapons, then you give psychopaths the freedom to use them to hurt everyone. Why? Because all psychopaths were, at one point in time, normal law-abiding citizens themselves.


Tyrannical government.

Ahh yes, that literally old argument.

The government will one day order american soldiers to go and oppress their own friends and families.

Yeah I see that one working out really well...:lol:

Fear truly is a powerful emotion. Just sprinkle a bit and marvel as the populace destroys itself from within.

Trust, a tyrannical government in this day and age wouldn't resort to violence to oppress you. Thus to combat with gun violence would accomplish very little.


What do you think you're doing now? You're against guns because you fear them. You fear what they can do to innocent people, so you want to ban them.

If anything, this stance on banning weapons is destruction from within itself. Instead of the government swooping in and having to force its citizens to give up their right to bear arms, the fear surrounding weapons is actually making the job much easier because individuals like yourself are actually more than happy to give up that right.

The right that our founding fathers fought for.

I'm an able bodied man with enough smarts to avoid situations that may compromise my well-being, as far as being alive is concerned.

My fear largely stems from unfortunate incidents like what happened today. I fear for little children who still have their innocence being killed my a man who was able to acquire very lethal weapons because he was viewed to be responsible and sane. That's what I fear.

We're are witness to increasingly crazier assaults with deadlier firearms by supposedly "responsible" citizens and people want to pretend that more guns and little to no restructuring of the current gun laws is the answer. Absolute ******g madness.

Everyone is scared of shoot outs and the world needs less guns.
I don't own a gun and won't be buying one anytime soon, but I may think about it later down the road.
That said... If every teacher in the building was equipped with the pistol do you think it would be better or worse than
cowering, helpless, idly waiting for the police while a killer looks you in the eyes and raises a rifle.
I def think we need to look over the laws, have some psychic evaluation, and more tests but the folks saying ban guns are silly in my opinion.
a world where only the police, and government can carry guns...

and for the record, as a man, i cried many times today for the children. it hurt me big time.
them having guns would do to little to no prevail... I mean 1. they are teachers teaching... Are you saying they should have a side piece on one side/one hand and a chalkstick in the other?

2. we say in an incident where a teacher was manhandled by student/students... lets say this happens hell lets say a fight occurs between students... teacher goes to break it up and a student takes the gun from the teacher.

3, Lets say they dont keep it on them but locked up in their desk.... if a unsuspected person with a gun comes in the room by the time said teacher gets key, unlock desk etc... he would be already shot and more ppl would follow..

Plus everyone isnt comfortable with guns...nor despite even giving them training simply cant shoot...equate that with nervousness you might have teachers..out of far and simply not mastering the art of shooting end up hitting a innocent person.. So then what are parents going to have a sigh of relief that they kid was shot/killed by a teacher who was only trying to stop a person from shooting up the place?

Not even to mention we have had instances where teachers frustrated etc...stressed and attacked students...with physical force. How would them legally having a gun make this situation better?

What about the teachers who molest etc... lust for kids/students.. You dont think them having a gun would heighten and already bad situation?

Giving ppl who are often times overworked/underpaid/extremely stressed and frustrated free range to have and use weapons is just stupid.

Youd have teachers basically pulling off trayvon martins..etc... Oh you sass me... You was yelling/up in my face...Oh i had to use it to break up a fight... Oh he was reaching for my gun so i shot him... Or the i thought the student had a weapon etc...or tried to stab me with scissors etc... and so to protect myself i shot the kid...
Everyone is scared of shoot outs and the world needs less guns.

I don't own a gun and won't be buying one anytime soon, but I may think about it later down the road.

That said... If every teacher in the building was equipped with the pistol do you think it would be better or worse than

cowering, helpless, idly waiting for the police while a killer looks you in the eyes and raises a rifle.

I def think we need to look over the laws, have some psychic evaluation, and more tests but the folks saying ban guns are silly in my opinion.

a world where only the police, and government can carry guns... :smh:

and for the record, as a man, i cried many times today for the children. it hurt me big time.
them having guns would do to little to no prevail... I mean 1. they are teachers teaching... Are you saying they should have a side piece on one side/one hand and a chalkstick in the other?
2. we say in an incident where a teacher was manhandled by student/students... lets say this happens hell lets say a fight occurs between students... teacher goes to break it up and a student takes the gun from the teacher.

3, Lets say they dont keep it on them but locked up in their desk.... if a unsuspected person with a gun comes in the room by the time said teacher gets key, unlock desk etc... he would be already shot and more ppl would follow..

Plus everyone isnt comfortable with guns...nor despite even giving them training simply cant shoot...equate that with nervousness you might have teachers..out of far and simply not mastering the art of shooting end up hitting a innocent person.. So then what are parents going to have a sigh of relief that they kid was shot/killed by a teacher who was only trying to stop a person from shooting up the place?

Not even to mention we have had instances where teachers frustrated etc...stressed and attacked students...with physical force. How would them legally having a gun make this situation better?

What about the teachers who molest etc... lust for kids/students.. You dont think them having a gun would heighten and already bad situation?

Giving ppl who are often times overworked/underpaid/extremely stressed and frustrated free range to have and use weapons is just stupid.

Youd have teachers basically pulling off trayvon martins..etc... Oh you sass me... You was yelling/up in my face...Oh i had to use it to break up a fight... Oh he was reaching for my gun so i shot him... Or the i thought the student had a weapon etc...or tried to stab me with scissors etc... and so to protect myself i shot the kid...

You are using logic in a discussion with pro-gun people that believe that the world would be a safer place if every man, woman, and child owned and carried a gun.
By lax gun laws, I mean the law that allows anyone to purchase a gun. I will always be against gun ownership, but i realize that you can't prevent citizens from attaining guns. Ok that's fine.
It's a whole 'nother ball game when people are allowed to purchase "COMBAT RIFLES" and the like. I mean, really, what good reason could you possibly have for needing a combat rifle? Are the Nazi's invading? The Russian perhaps? Or maybe the Martians are? Ohh wait, lemme guess, the stag you're hunting has a bullet proof hide?
You can't give me one good reason why any decent, peace loving citizen, would want to own a combat rifle.
You need it for protection? A load of crap. If we're going to take protection into our own hands, then why are we wasting tax dollars on local and national law enforcement agencies? Better yet, why have we given our trust to these local and national law enforcement agencies if we don't believe that we'll be protected.
The right to bear arms is an outdated and archaic provision. In the past, it mattered because the threat of invasion was very real. The need to protect one's self and family was very real. There wasn't an established agency geared toward the defense and the protection of citizens, thus it behooved citizens to arm and defend themselves. We don't live in those times anymore, so why must we hold on to a right that is out of context in the modern era? Worse yet, why are we making available weapons that are far more lethal than necessary for situations that are few and far between, to damn near nonexistent?
If you allow citizens to freely access weapons, then you give psychopaths the freedom to use them to hurt everyone. Why? Because all psychopaths were, at one point in time, normal law-abiding citizens themselves.

Seeing has how you're not a gun owner and by your comments I can tell that you're ignorant to some things in regards to firearms, let me educate you.

Do you know what you have to do to purchase a firearm? Do you know about the NICS

Do you consider this a combat rifle?

Do you considered it deadlier than this?

If so why? Both are semi-auto except one fires much larger rounds than the other.

Also as you can probably tell by my name I do in fact own an AR15 rifle. Why? Because it's a great rifle. It's lightweight, accurate, reliable, modular and ergonomic. Yes I use it to protect my home because I rifle is always superior to a shotgun or a pistol and if I happen to miss my target the 5.56x45 round will actually penetrate less than shotgun or handgun rounds because it's fast and lightweight. Another huge benifit to is my GF can shoot it if need be.

I don't live in a fantasy world were if I call the cops they'll be there instantly. I realize I may need to protect myself. If someone breaks in your home and wishes to do your loved ones harm who do you plan on protecting them?

The 2nd Amendment as an ultimate check on an out of control, tyrannical government you know kind of like the ones or founding fathers fought against. I still don't understand why you think the military rifles are more deadly than say a hunting rifle?

That's the thing about freedom, it's kind of dangerous.

We're here to exchange ideas and learn, so please educate me on the prerequisites necessary to own a gun. I'm all ears...:smile:

To be honest, to me, a gun is a gun. If you've been trained adequately in the use of a firearm, which every owner should have been, then you can just as easily "defend" yourself and your family with but the most basic of pistols as you would with a "combat rifle".

A bullet doesn't discriminate. It tears through flesh all the same. Knowing this, I can't fathom how y'all can justify owning a weapon such as this:

View media item 171502

for the purpose of "defending" one's family.

What, 9mm bullets wont provide sufficient protection for your family? What, a rifle is lighter and easier to use than a handgun? What is it, because I really want to know why people are so fascinated with these kinds of weapons. Do you feel bigger, and more manly having this to "defend" your family?

And you'll have to pardon me, but I can't take y'all seriously with that Tyrannical government bull.

Tyrannical governments don't just appear out of thin air. They are usually years, decades, centuries in the making. In America, we have very real powers to stymy the growth and proliferation of so called tyrannical elements. If we've sat there and allowed a despotic element to rise to absolute power, then dare I say we deserve to be subjugated. "We need guns to protect us from a tyrannical government" is a bull **** excuse made by indolent citizens who took their freedoms for granted. You want to protect your family from a tyrannical government, then become invested in day to day running of this country. Don't wait until the **** has already hit the fan, because by then your guns wont do much.

Furthermore, and lastly, who decides exactly when a tyrannical government is upon us, necessitating a need and use of firearms to take back the country? I ask this simply to force y'all to think deeply on what tyranny means. Truth be told, tyranny and despotism will vary depending on who you ask. It's subjective. Thus, when you've convinced yourself that the answer to tyranny and despotism is armed gun violence, then realize that you're fermenting a very dangerous brew.

Just 4 years ago, with the election of our very first black president, a huge segment of the American population was convinced that America had gone to hell and we were witness to the rise of a tyrannic and despotic government, headed by Obama. If you believe that gun violence is an appropriate response to tyranny, then we can infer that you support violence against the president and all those who voted for him, right? Can you see how problematic this is? We live in a country where people think the government is tyranny for its proposed health care policies. We live in a country where people find taxation, to decrease the deficit, to be a despotic affair. Should the masses mobilize and storm the White House with guns blazing every time they're convinced that the elected administration is being tyrannical and obstructing their freedoms, thus effectively ushering in the age of American despotism? Surely by now you can see where I am coming from.

As cliche as it sounds, violence was never the answer, and gun violence will never resolve personal and/or political distress.

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You are using logic in a discussion with pro-gun people that believe that the world would be a safer place if every man, woman, and child owned and carried a gun.

Want to know the best counter is to a bad guy with a gun?

It's a good guy with a gun.
You are using logic in a discussion with pro-gun people that believe that the world would be a safer place if every man, woman, and child owned and carried a gun.
id also like to add to the ppl who are saying oh its cool if everyone is properly trained...I know this is flawed being a former active member in the army... Despite basic training...and pre deployment training... we still had guys who under pressure/fear etc... couldnt hit a barn with a b.b. And thesee are ppl who are trained specifically if need be to use guns to shoot kill. I think to many ppl think getting a high killzone rate etc.. on the latest halo/c.o.d and all of a sudden if they were place in a hostile situation.. a situation thats stressfull, compiled with fear,emotions etc... that the average joe on the street is gonna be some marksmen.. cool calm collected shooter.

Im not gonna even touch what would occur in just everyday situations where ppl are stressed and let emotions get the best of them and they make rash, ill-advised decisions without the aide of a gun...It would jsut be total chaos. I mean youd literally would have everyday altercations/run ends that often end in physical altercations escalate to folks drawing guns on each other on some wild wild west quickest in the west... Mixed with fear,emotions etc... and tons of ppl would get hurt and/or killed in the process
You are using logic in a discussion with pro-gun people that believe that the world would be a safer place if every man, woman, and child owned and carried a gun.

them having guns would do to little to no prevail... I mean 1. they are teachers teaching... Are you saying they should have a side piece on one side/one hand and a chalkstick in the other?
2. we say in an incident where a teacher was manhandled by student/students... lets say this happens hell lets say a fight occurs between students... teacher goes to break it up and a student takes the gun from the teacher.

3, Lets say they dont keep it on them but locked up in their desk.... if a unsuspected person with a gun comes in the room by the time said teacher gets key, unlock desk etc... he would be already shot and more ppl would follow..

Plus everyone isnt comfortable with guns...nor despite even giving them training simply cant shoot...equate that with nervousness you might have teachers..out of far and simply not mastering the art of shooting end up hitting a innocent person.. So then what are parents going to have a sigh of relief that they kid was shot/killed by a teacher who was only trying to stop a person from shooting up the place?

Not even to mention we have had instances where teachers frustrated etc...stressed and attacked students...with physical force. How would them legally having a gun make this situation better?

What about the teachers who molest etc... lust for kids/students.. You dont think them having a gun would heighten and already bad situation?

Giving ppl who are often times overworked/underpaid/extremely stressed and frustrated free range to have and use weapons is just stupid.

Youd have teachers basically pulling off trayvon martins..etc... Oh you sass me... You was yelling/up in my face...Oh i had to use it to break up a fight... Oh he was reaching for my gun so i shot him... Or the i thought the student had a weapon etc...or tried to stab me with scissors etc... and so to protect myself i shot the kid...

So if you're in a room and you know someone is coming to kill you in the next 2 minutes, and you had the option of a gun or a banana you'd pick up the banana ? People do bad things, and are frustrated all the time without killing people.; For every killer there are thousands of more guns resting peacefully at someones bedside. A gun is a deterrent from stupid ****, someone tried to steal a car when i was younger and my neighbor came out pistol drawn, and they took off. Who knows maybe a firefight could have been all the time they needed to stall and get the police there. So all the what ifs about teachers killing students or forcing molesting is a bit silly to me. In the perfect world there are no guns. We don't live in it, if my enemies have guns I'd feel safer with one than without.

Restrictions, psychological evaluations are fine, but this take the guns away from everyone mess is so stupid.

EDIT: I don't care if someone is the worst shot in the world and hits the ceiling every time. They stand a lot better chance of detering, halting, and fighting back a killer than a weaponless individual.
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So if you're in a room and you know someone is coming to kill you in the next 2 minutes, and you had the option of a gun or a banana you'd pick up the banana ? People do bad things, and are frustrated all the time without killing people.; For every killer there are thousands of more guns resting peacefully at someones bedside. A gun is a deterrent from stupid ****, someone tried to steal a car when i was younger and my neighbor came out pistol drawn, and they took off. Who knows maybe a firefight could have been all the time they needed to stall and get the police there. So all the what ifs about teachers killing students or forcing molesting is a bit silly to me. In the perfect world there are no guns. We don't live in it, if my enemies have guns I'd feel safer with one than without.
Restrictions, psychological evaluations are fine, but this take the guns away from everyone mess is so stupid.
um i dont think the dude is going to the front office and making an announcement...hey im such and such headed to such and such area of the school and i have a gun and i intend to use

Im pretty sure person is going to use element of suprise esp...considering that if teachers etc were allowed to have weapons they the person intending to shoot up school would know this... Also in the case of like a colombine... Um so now teachers need to have a degree in both the field they are teaching and in the art of shooting. A guy who from the distance waits to snipe kids comming out for recess...isnt gonna announce where he is hiding, or wear some bright colored bullseye target clothing.

So what the teacher suppose to stand over the kids as they play kickball in the prone position... with a sniper rifle.. maybe a scope... constantly on the lookout for perhaps a person off lurking undetected that may shoot up the school.

Or better yet have armed trained shooters at all classroom doors... hallways... etc.. entry points..bassically guard every school in the nation like its the white house?

Even if you had airtight airport security... ppl still would get in and if unsuspected will be able to shoot ppl. Not only that if they did infact do this.. just like the airport youd have everyone complaining about the hassle (parents etc visitors of the school etc) in the same sense they do at airports immediately after 911.

Not to mention the cost of this...From insurance... the hired security... the cost of everyone having a liscence and paying for guns... Ppl are fickle they be like yea sure for now... but when the bills come in and the hike in taxes needed to fund this comes in general public would be singing a different tune.
[COLOR=#red]I will chime in about this tomorrow. My lady is making me watch a movie with her. Hopefully by the time I post there will be more logical discussion. Let's not focus so much on the instrument as much as the person who committed these heinous acts. To politicize this event is taking the focus away from the mourning and grieving process.

I'm sad, I have children myself and all I can think about is the loss of the children AND the adults in this. Too bad that situations like these divide our country instead of galvanizing us.[/COLOR]
We're here to exchange ideas and learn, so please educate me on the prerequisites necessary to own a gun. I'm all ears...:smile:
To be honest, to me, a gun is a gun. If you've been trained adequately in the use of a firearm, which every owner should have been, then you can just as easily "defend" yourself and your family with but the most basic of pistols as you would with a "combat rifle".
A bullet doesn't discriminate. It tears through flesh all the same. Knowing this, I can't fathom how y'all can justify owning a weapon such as this:
View media item 171502for the purpose of "defending" one's family.
What, 9mm bullets wont provide sufficient protection for your family? What, a rifle is lighter and easier to use than a handgun? What is it, because I really want to know why people are so fascinated with these kinds of weapons. Do you feel bigger, and more manly having this to "defend" your family?
And you'll have to pardon me, but I can't take y'all seriously with that Tyrannical government bull.
Tyrannical governments don't just appear out of thin air. They are usually years, decades, centuries in the making. In America, we have very real powers to stymy the growth and proliferation of so called tyrannical elements. If we've sat there and allowed a despotic element to rise to absolute power, then dare I say we deserve to be subjugated. "We need guns to protect us from a tyrannical government" is a bull **** excuse made by indolent citizens who took their freedoms for granted. You want to protect your family from a tyrannical government, then become invested in day to day running of this country. Don't wait until the **** has already hit the fan, because by then your guns wont do much.
Furthermore, and lastly, who decides exactly when a tyrannical government is upon us, necessitating a need and use of firearms to take back the country? I ask this simply to force y'all to think deeply on what tyranny means. Truth be told, tyranny and despotism will vary depending on who you ask. It's subjective. Thus, when you've convinced yourself that the answer to tyranny and despotism is armed gun violence, then realize that you're fermenting a very dangerous brew.
Just 4 years ago, with the election of our very first black president, a huge segment of the American population was convinced that America had gone to hell and we were witness to the rise of a tyrannic and despotic government, headed by Obama. If you believe that gun violence is an appropriate response to tyranny, then we can infer that you support violence against the president and all those who voted for him, right? Can you see how problematic this is? We live in a country where people think the government is tyranny for its proposed health care policies. We live in a country where people find taxation, to decrease the deficit, to be a despotic affair. Should the masses mobilize and storm the White House with guns every time the word tyranny is associated with the government? Surely by now you can see where I am coming from and simply stated, gun violence IS NOT the right way to resolve political distress.

In my state if you are of good mental health and you're able to pass the NICS you're good to go. The waiting period in my state is 3 days for a handgun and same day with a shotgun or rifle.

A gun is not just a gun. In terms of stopping a threat it goes rifle>shotgun>pistol.

Bullets do not just tear through flesh all the same. Some do it a whole lot better than others and when I'm defending my family I want the best. I'll go into ballistics with you a little bit. Historically, handguns are poor man stoppers. Whether it be 9mm, .45 or whatever they tend to punch little holes are easily stop by low level body armor. And yes criminals do wear body armor sometimes and a pistol will not defeat the threat. Pistols are also notorious for over penetration. We can talk about people or a bed room wall here. Pistol rounds are heavy and slow so they keep their momentum. Rifle rounds such as the 5.56 are light and fast and when they hit a barrier such as dry wall rapidly lose velocity. They also punch through soft armor with-out a problem.

Like I said I own an AR15, I know where it excels and where it lacks. There is a reason SWAT, FBI HRT, and SOF use AR/M4s during room clearing/CQB. The reason is that's one place is great at. So why should I limit myself to an inferior weapon because you think it's scary?

When a government no longer abides by the democratic republic process on which it was founded we than have a tyrannical government.
been reading more and more... apparently in israel the teachers are all required to carry guns.

you guys can probably help more than i can since you're such pessimist, find any negative articles involving this? :rolleyes
been reading more and more... apparently in israel the teachers are all required to carry guns.
you guys can probably help more than i can since you're such pessimist, find any negative articles involving this?
you arent suggesting because something seemingly works one place it will another... namingly here... the environment... morality, living conditions, principles... values and way of life amongst other things is totally different then america
Yes a few of my friends have a gun safe in their living room. I myself don't own a gun, unless you count a bebe gun. 
So if you're in a room and you know someone is coming to kill you in the next 2 minutes, and you had the option of a gun or a banana you'd pick up the banana ? People do bad things, and are frustrated all the time without killing people.; For every killer there are thousands of more guns resting peacefully at someones bedside. A gun is a deterrent from stupid ****, someone tried to steal a car when i was younger and my neighbor came out pistol drawn, and they took off. Who knows maybe a firefight could have been all the time they needed to stall and get the police there. So all the what ifs about teachers killing students or forcing molesting is a bit silly to me. In the perfect world there are no guns. We don't live in it, if my enemies have guns I'd feel safer with one than without.

Restrictions, psychological evaluations are fine, but this take the guns away from everyone mess is so stupid.

EDIT: I don't care if someone is the worst shot in the world and hits the ceiling every time. They stand a lot better chance of detering, halting, and fighting back a killer than a weaponless individual.

So you are talking about a situation in which a killer is most likely coming for me with a knife, because we have made it hard for the person to get guns. So it would be a knife fight at home or if this "room" is somewhere else, I'd have to act like I'm a young Steven Segall and fight a person that has a knife.

To summarize, you keep your enemies from getting guns and you offer assistance to people that are mentally troubled. There are 2 major factors that allow these mass shootings to occur, easy availability of guns and the mental state of the person. To say that you only want to focus on the mental state of the person is ridiculous. That's like saying you want to look athletic/muscular but you are only going to go to the gym and aren't going to watch what you eat, or vice versa.
I often ask myself why people in the hood buy illegal or unregistered guns, when legal guns are so easy to obtain. ***** sporting goods sells them. After a 15 minute background check and after signing a couple registration forms, congratulations, you are now the proud owner of an ar-15 with 80 rounds of ammo.

I think there''s something that needs to be said about how easy it is to buy a gun legally in comparison to buying one off the black market. You and i can literally walk into **** sporting goods right now, and come out with a brand new gun with no problem. Try getting one off the black market though... Guarantee you you'll be searching for weeks even months. If you're white good luck trying to get a dealer from the hood to sell to you. On the black market they also tend to go for 3-4 times as much than at the store.

So i feel like the idea that the shooter can easily obtain an unregistered gun is a lie.
I often ask myself why people in the hood buy illegal or unregistered guns, when legal guns are so easy to obtain. ***** sporting goods sells them. After a 15 minute background check and after signing a couple registration forms, congratulations, you are now the proud owner of an ar-15 with 80 rounds of ammo.
I think there''s something that needs to be said about how easy it is to buy a gun legally in comparison to buying one off the black market. You and i can literally walk into **** sporting goods right now, and come out with a brand new gun with no problem. Try getting one off the black market though... Guarantee you you'll be searching for weeks even months. If you're white good luck trying to get a dealer from the hood to sell to you. On the black market they also tend to go for 3-4 times as much than at the store.
So i feel like the idea that the shooter can easily obtain an unregistered gun is a lie.

no paper trail man...

not just people in the hood do this
I often ask myself why people in the hood buy illegal or unregistered guns, when legal guns are so easy to obtain. ***** sporting goods sells them. After a 15 minute background check and after signing a couple registration forms, congratulations, you are now the proud owner of an ar-15 with 80 rounds of ammo.
I think there''s something that needs to be said about how easy it is to buy a gun legally in comparison to buying one off the black market. You and i can literally walk into **** sporting goods right now, and come out with a brand new gun with no problem. Try getting one off the black market though... Guarantee you you'll be searching for weeks even months. If you're white good luck trying to get a dealer from the hood to sell to you. On the black market they also tend to go for 3-4 times as much than at the store.
So i feel like the idea that the shooter can easily obtain an unregistered gun is a lie.
Unfortunately, many people in the hood have had some kind of criminal charge in the past. I can imagine that may make the process a bit more difficult.
No, I don't.
I have a question, NT fam. How does a civilian like me go about acquiring a license to bear arms? Am I able to go to classes and what not to obtain a firearm license?

Depends where you're at. Usually you can get a rifle at 18, and a handgun at 21. You don't need a license to open carry, but a license is needed for concealed carry.
Never one who used it in self defense, but I know of someone who has pulled it in self defense, and it did save him.
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