Do you keep in contact with your exes?

Originally Posted by MisterP0315

Nah. Only complicates things.

Sometimes, "easy smashes" aren't worth the trouble in the end.


Sometimes you gotta learn how to be your own best friend.
Many try to hit me up usually when they want somethin from me which leads to me not hittin them back.

One shawty texted askin if she could use my bathroom, when she called I did not answer tha phone.
Originally Posted by Taj gibson

My ex cheated on me with 5 dudes form my crew but i still love her so we still remain friends, might get back with her soon too

true love never dies


Depends in how things ended. Some I don't speak to, and some I'm still cordial with.
Nope, had to get over it so why keep reminding yourself of her? 
Besides, shes put on weight... 
The funny thing is if you read OP's reason for why he wants to remain friends with his ex, you'll see why people usually never feel comfortable with their gf or bf being friends with an ex..OP straight out said he just wants to be friends with her so he'll eventually have a shot at getting with her
...That's the same mentality a lot of girls/guys have, which is why I avoid being friends with an ex...Don't want one trying to hit me up while I'm with my girl, saying stupid things that get me in trouble when I don't even feel the same way in return
I'm not with mine. The most recent one I wanted to be friends when we broke up, and we agreed we would be. That lasted for like 2 days and then she just cut off communication. Never heard from her again.
I just say " THANK YOU BASED GOD" You know for damn sure she is getting it from someone else. Just saying. Thats what i tell myself every morning when I wake up and she is not there.
Originally Posted by Taj gibson

My ex cheated on me with 5 dudes form my crew but i still love her so we still remain friends, might get back with her soon too

true love never dies

especially if this isn't sarcasm

I don't keep in contact with exes anymore. Learned my lesson awhile back.
Nope, the relationship was too deep. I can see if people keep in contact w/ exes from casual relationship, I can't understand when they do it when the relationship was deep. They send me merry xmas, happy bday, etc. text, and I respond w/ a simple thank you, thats about it. I muted them on instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr. I dont want to see whats going on in their lives, but don't want to seem like the heartbroken bum who is bitter.
Originally Posted by Taj gibson

My ex cheated on me with 5 dudes form my crew but i still love her so we still remain friends, might get back with her soon too

true love never dies

, but nah i don't.
Nope, it's nice to see them every now and then but that doesn't happen b/c they live in different states
my ex sends me birthday, thanksgiving, christmas, new years, etc. texts...

that's about it.

don't really see any point in talking to her regularly.
I guess it depends on the situation, like if the breakup was mutual/amicable, then it'd be different and I guess it be okay to keep in touch with an ex.

But personally, since my breakups weren't clean, then no I don't keep in touch with mine.  There's a reason why they're called "exes."
Me and my ex from high school will stop talking for months and sometimes years...she always hits me up from these random numbers talmbout "what's up stranger" makes me wanna kill when girls say that
...she know I don't care about her but always tries to get me to like her saying "you miss me yet?" After talking for only 2 days after not talking to her for 7 months, thing is I wouldn't mind being cool with her but she aint changed since we broke up..she still a !**!, with a baby on the way that she think I don't know about

In short I don't know any of they numbers
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't keep in contact with any of them because I was never that close to any of them before we began dating..IMO, unless you were friends with that ex for like 3+ years before dating them, there's no need for it...Usually a man or woman will keep their ex as a "friend" because they can't get over the fact they're no longer part of their life..That excuse "oh, I don't wanna lose her as a friend" is tired as hell...I got enough friends

Also, being friends with an ex will often lead to drama in future relationships where someone isn't comfortable with their significant other being friends with someone they once dated.

Oh yeah, and if your ex cheated on you or just dumped you for no legitimate reason and you keep her as a friend, you're a loser
(not directed at OP, just a general statement)
This x 10000000000000000 but like others have said on birthdays stuff like that I text them or leave a vm but outside of that nothing.
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