Do you have any unpopular opinions???VOL....2

when you ask for evidence of recipets and stuff that a basis/material of an argument.

now if want my honest testimony ill have holla at u later this afternoon gotta go to work. but be prepared.

Got you.

But yea, explain what you felt/saw qhen you get time
Yea there's different degrees of bullying. Some extremely harsh cases can lead to mental health issues as an adult which opens up a whole other can of worms.

Best to just nip it all in the bud.
I agree with you on the first one but not the last two
Football has become bootsi due to all the rule change. It’s a fn gladiator sport. We don’t know any better. If they up the pay and lower the rules, it can go back be prime. It’s in our human instincts to be savages. Like eating steak without the knife
Or when something unfortunate happens to you and you think back to a time you did wrong.

All BS
Supporting Trump doesn’t make you a racist
Voting for Trump, that action by itself does not make someone a racist in my book.
Even maybe supporting him in 2016 might even fall a little short of that. Even though there were other ****** up reasons people supported Trump besides being racist.

But since he became president he has broken every economic promise he has made. And he has been way more hawkish than he promise, way more than Hillary probably would have been.

So on economics and foriegn policy, he has completely flip flopped

One thing has remain consistent is that he promised to be hostile to minorities, and in that area he has followed through. From the Muslim ban, to attacking Dreamers, to upping raids, to destroying Civil Rights agencies and trying to suppress votes

So right now, at the end of 2017, when Trump has flipped on economics, and foriegn policy, and that he doesn't respect the rule of law, and nat you can overlook the fact he might be trying to obstruct justice right now....

But he has followed through with lashing out at minorities of all kind, especially racial minorities. Then yeah, it is only logical I think Trump supporters, those that have not jumped ship yet, are bigots and racist as well. Just like Trump himself is.
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Breaking Bad's first couple episodes we're kinda wack too. If the first season had been longer, I doubt I could have made it through.
Breaking Bad isn't overrated, just think when he went full Heisenberg, it got kind of cheesy.
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