Do you guys live with your bf/gf?

Is this the same guy that wants you to have his kids two years from now that you talked about in the other thread?
and to answer your question:
My boyfriend and I don't technically live together but we stay at his cousin's (who is also his bestfriend) house maybe 4-5 maybe even 6 days out ofthe week. His cousin is hardly ever there so we have the place to ourselves most of the time. Can't really explain the housing situation cause it'skind of confusing but we do call it "our house" and when we stay there it's all gravy. I have a toothbrush there!
All in all the situation is

We get to "play house" without actually living together.

i was going to move in with my ex after we were together for about 3-4 month. she was going to get the spot, and i could just visit not live there
reasonwhy was because we didnt know each others tendencies and just space issue. if we were to get in a fight, i wouldnt have no where to go. plus she said if wemoved in or i visited frequently, we would be smashing all the time. in house ({}) FTW. that she would end up pregnant. we broke up about 4 months later.

plus alot of gf/bf i know that moved in with each other, ended up having a child within a few months after moving in
The day you move in with your bf/gf, is the day you are gonna start the count down for the break up day.

IMO you should only move in with your significant other if you 2 are married and im not saying this from a conservative stand point.

When you move in together, you 2 mutually agree to make a different commitment to make things work. Not just emotionally speaking but also financially. Unlessyou with a girl/guy who expects the rent to be paid from just one end.

Alota my friends who have ended their relationships, or are having sour relationships right now, start when they moved in with their gf/bf. And some of themare stuck, because they have no where else to go or just in denial because they are so used to the lives they are leading. They are staying with their partnersjust because they can not live independently, and can not move back in with their parents because of pride. It is just sad to hear things like "you know iwould leave if i had my own place"

But some ppl still do it. And their reasons sometimes are extremely idiotic.

1) Im moving in for the freedom
2) Im moving in so i can have sex and be as loud as i can
3) Im moving in cuz i wanna see him/her all day

fam, listen. its hard to give you a str8 up definite answer because moving in with that signif. other is a big step and it MAY/MAY NOT affect the relationship.even if it does have an effect, it may well be a positive one.

ive been living with my girl for 2 years, and we go to same college. and i can happily say we are happy as hell living together. now, issues that concerncouples who think about moving in together include:

1. getting tired of ALWAYS seeing that person.
2. over time, noticing the little things he/she does that eventually will annoy you (annoying habits, stuff like that)
3. what if you get into a fight, how can you maintain yourselves while living with each other.
4. what if, god forbid, you 2 break up? (think about all the drama that can come of this as a, you bring another dude home and u let him slide,while he in the apt
5. you see where im going with this.....

now mind u these are all LEGIT and real concerns. however i've come to realize that it can depend on each of your day to day lifestyle.

in my case, im an electrical engineering major, so my $!! is busy all the time. my girl? pre-physical therapy, while working 30-40 hrs a week. this REALLYlimits the time we spend together to the point where we never get tired of seeing each other. (hell if i pull all nighters, i got 2 days without seeing her
) so thats for #1.

for 2, i know her well enough that im used to everything she does already so nothing is gonna be a surprise for me.

3, we both discussed this together, and well, we never do nethign to get us pissed off to the point where i can't stand even her name. naturally, therewill be scuffles as anyone one on NT will testify to, and thats natural in a relationship, but im sure its nothing talking it out won't solve.

4, not that i can see into the future, but our relationship is one which i can say i don't see us splitting.

Im sorry for the long post, but i def feel you on this and thought i had to share my 2 cents with you. this is my experience/thoughts on this, and i think youshould take it with a grain of salt. its just to give you perspective.
like i said, it may be great for you two, or it may just be to early, who knows. the only real thing you can do, is DISCUSS THIS WITH HIM. talk it all out, cuzthe last thing you wanna do is regret it. and if it works out, than fantastic, you'll enjoy what i enjoy.

(btw, you'll never have to worry if you horny ever again. constant $!! at home on standby just being real.
i was gonna type something long and drawn out, but nevermind..
follow YOUR heart and YOUR plans on the future and DO IT!!!
milbert wrote:
Is this the same guy that wants you to have his kids two years from now that you talked about in the other thread?
and to answer your question:
My boyfriend and I don't technically live together but we stay at his cousin's (who is also his bestfriend) house maybe 4-5 maybe even 6 days out of the week. His cousin is hardly ever there so we have the place to ourselves most of the time. Can't really explain the housing situation cause it's kind of confusing but we do call it "our house" and when we stay there it's all gravy. I have a toothbrush there!
All in all the situation is

We get to "play house" without actually living together.


Yes Michelle, it's the same guy that wants me pregnant in 2 years.

NiPxD wrote:
The day you move in with your bf/gf, is the day you are gonna start the count down for the break up day.

IMO you should only move in with your significant other if you 2 are married and im not saying this from a conservative stand point.

When you move in together, you 2 mutually agree to make a different commitment to make things work. Not just emotionally speaking but also financially. Unless you with a girl/guy who expects the rent to be paid from just one end.

Alota my friends who have ended their relationships, or are having sour relationships right now, start when they moved in with their gf/bf. And some of them are stuck, because they have no where else to go or just in denial because they are so used to the lives they are leading. They are staying with their partners just because they can not live independently, and can not move back in with their parents because of pride. It is just sad to hear things like "you know i would leave if i had my own place"

But some ppl still do it. And their reasons sometimes are extremely idiotic.

1) Im moving in for the freedom
2) Im moving in so i can have sex and be as loud as i can
3) Im moving in cuz i wanna see him/her all day


I always used to say to myself -- never move in with any man that you're involved with untill there's a ring on your left hand.

I've seen so many ppl break-up because they've lived together and that's something I wouldn't want. It's so much eaiser to call it quits inthe heat of the moment and sometimes not everryone can bounce back from that. In terms of the financial stand-point, I once jokingly told him that I would onlymove in with him if he paid 75% of the rent and he actually said ok but I would have to pay the phone bill. Thank goodness this isn't something thatwe're jumping into if that, I believe he just saw it as a solution for us to both get out but we don't know when. I asked hin last night if he wasserious and he said "well I wasn't joking" and that's all we really talked about. I ended up putting his niece to sleep and then went tosleep myself.

Originally Posted by sreggie101

fam, listen. its hard to give you a str8 up definite answer because moving in with that signif. other is a big step and it MAY/MAY NOT affect the relationship. even if it does have an effect, it may well be a positive one.

ive been living with my girl for 2 years, and we go to same college. and i can happily say we are happy as hell living together. now, issues that concern couples who think about moving in together include:

1. getting tired of ALWAYS seeing that person.
2. over time, noticing the little things he/she does that eventually will annoy you (annoying habits, stuff like that)
3. what if you get into a fight, how can you maintain yourselves while living with each other.
4. what if, god forbid, you 2 break up? (think about all the drama that can come of this as a, you bring another dude home and u let him slide, while he in the apt
5. you see where im going with this.....

now mind u these are all LEGIT and real concerns. however i've come to realize that it can depend on each of your day to day lifestyle.

(btw, you'll never have to worry if you horny ever again. constant $!! at home on standby just being real.

1. I'm one helluva busy person: work full time at the moment + one day of nannying the kids I used to take care of full time, school is alsmost here and Ivolunteer at Children's Hospital. I barely have time for myself because when I get home all I want to do is sleep. He's pretty busy himself with schooland work thus the reason we only see each other once or twice a week. It kills the sex life because I have one big %!+ sex drive.

2. I can def see that bugging me but from what I see from him at his house, he's pretty clean and willing to do stuff too. You never really know thoughuntil you move in with them -- just like how I found out my best friend was a SLOB when we moved in together.

3. Funny how you say this because my best friend told me last night that she would abandon me as her best friend if we moved in together. She said she couldsee us fighting badly every other week and I would end up sleeping at her house.

4. If we broke up ... I have no idea. That's happened to him before too, him and his ex had to live together for 3 months after they broke up and she hadthe audacity to bring other dudes around. That's pretty ballsy if you ask me, couldn't and wouldn't do that because that's just maddisrespect. On top of that I think they were still sleeping in the same bed while all that was happening and he was trying to work it out with her but thatjust wasn't happening.
yeah im 21 & live with my GF/BM all is well as long as your guys respect each other
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