Do you give homeless people money or people who ask for money who are homeless?

Originally Posted by Raginl3ull

Originally Posted by IchopSamples

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response

Thats cool my dude. Eventhough you give them money, they're gunna spend it within 30 seconds. Thats not gunna help out there situation. How can a dollar or two help them out?? What if you run into the same bum that you gave money to the other day, are you gunna hook him/her out again?? You're sayin it's hard to find a job right now, but that so untrue. Mcdonalds around my way is hiring right now. They can earn up to 17,289 Dollars after taxes, and there is welfare/Foodstamp programs also. Bums can get out of their current situation. It would be hard, but it's highly possible.

The way I see it is...a buck or two is not going to help them out right away.

Ya see what Im sayin?
You got a point, but not all homeless people are lazy or stupid. In my uncles case, he was abused badly by my grandfather and was never taught how to live on his own. He lived with my grandparents until he turned 40. That is when they sold their house and he was forced to be on the streets. He's been homeless for over 5 years now. He doesn't know how to manage money, can't hold a job because he hates it when people tell him what to do. In other words, there are a lot folks out there who just have issues and don't know how to deal with them, or don't have the skills or mentality to hold down a job in this society.

I never said that bums are lazy/stupid... Hell, there are bums that probably graduated from Harvard...I know that bums are in that situation from uncontrolableevents that might of happend in life. My main argument is that a buck or two will not help out a homeless person in the long run unless if they spent it onthe lottery and hit it big, but thats nearly impossible. I hope that your uncle see and recieves better things tho...and I mean that.

Ya get me??
Originally Posted by BritEyes12


I do.
are you a girl?

that's being a sucker and too trusting.
but do you.

why should i pay for anyone else who is doing nothing with their life other than standing outside asking for money?
put out some effort get on your hustle, hit the subway stations and do backflips, sing who cares. go apply for a job. but eff that nonsense. I'm not givinga cent. i did once when i was drunk cause i snapped on dude when he asked and i kinda felt bad when i saw him later but thats about it.
yall are really silly. im gonna dress up in my "outside work" clothes and ask yall sucka's for money. would you give it to me too?

if someone says they are hungry, i say buy em some food but that's about it, and thats all you should do.
lol some of you just sound so heartless. I aint rich but i give money here and there once in a while to the homeless.
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by BloodSugar

I once saw this one dude walk into the subway train yelling that he needs money to feed his children. Just as i was about to pull out a buck, i hear his phone ring and he pulls out an iphone and answers. He talks on the phone for the while and then hangs up and continues to ask for money. Everyone looks at him with the


I don't ever have cash on me, but I guess if I had a dollar or two I would.
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
Mayor log off, and go take a nap. It's hard for someone that lives in a home to get a DECENT job. You know a REAL job not Church's Chicken. A job with health benefits and above minimum wage. It is very easy to get a job at a fast food joint and make enough money to lift you up off of your feet. But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Yo, dog calm down. like i said above, what employer is hiring a homeless dude to work at really, lets use some actual logic. would YOU hire a homeless dude to work at mcdonalds if you were a manager?..lemme hear an honest answer. [size=%]dudes dont think outside the box on NT nor have common sense[/size]

Says the guy arguing for giving money to the poor.

Empathetic: Yes.
Logical:Far from
there's things that homeless people can do if they're willing to work. my dad is the super in my building. his whole staff is bums

all jokes aside they work mad hard cause he pays em good. he lets them stay in empty apartments in the building, or even in some of the extra rooms in thebasement. they throw out garbage , clean the building , paint, whatever he asks. every friday he buys them beer and a bottle of rum. these dudes work hardcause they know if they slack or dont do the job my pops turns his back on em.........
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by BritEyes12


I do.
are you a girl?

that's being a sucker and too trusting.
but do you.

why should i pay for anyone else who is doing nothing with their life other than standing outside asking for money?
put out some effort get on your hustle, hit the subway stations and do backflips, sing who cares. go apply for a job. but eff that nonsense. I'm not giving a cent. i did once when i was drunk cause i snapped on dude when he asked and i kinda felt bad when i saw him later but thats about it.
Yes i am a girl, what does that have to do with anything though?

You're acting like your paying for their rent. It's a dollor or two. Is it really that much to ask? Some people can't work and can't"entertain" you so what do you expect them to do? they're trying to live their life, if you don't feel like giving away a damn dollar, fourquarters, etc. then that's fine, but don't call me a "sucker" or too trusting just because i'm not heartless and actually care.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
Mayor log off, and go take a nap. It's hard for someone that lives in a home to get a DECENT job. You know a REAL job not Church's Chicken. A job with health benefits and above minimum wage. It is very easy to get a job at a fast food joint and make enough money to lift you up off of your feet. But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Yo, dog calm down. like i said above, what employer is hiring a homeless dude to work at really, lets use some actual logic. would YOU hire a homeless dude to work at mcdonalds if you were a manager?..lemme hear an honest answer. [size=%]dudes dont think outside the box on NT nor have common sense[/size]

Says the guy arguing for giving money to the poor.

Empathetic: Yes.
Logical:Far from
Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
Mayor log off, and go take a nap. It's hard for someone that lives in a home to get a DECENT job. You know a REAL job not Church's Chicken. A job with health benefits and above minimum wage. It is very easy to get a job at a fast food joint and make enough money to lift you up off of your feet. But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Yo, dog calm down. like i said above, what employer is hiring a homeless dude to work at really, lets use some actual logic. would YOU hire a homeless dude to work at mcdonalds if you were a manager?..lemme hear an honest answer. dudes dont think outside the box on NT nor have common sense
um like stated before a bum can take his $19,000 he earns annually. Get a motel wash up, buy clothes, and apply for a job. YES I would hire him.It's McDonald's...the same place that hires illegal aliens to work for an American company...with basically NO knowledge of the English language.

@ trying to apply "logic" to working at McDonalds. Ididn't know KFC was a classy establishment, where they had tough requirements for being hired.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

ichopsamles/dubai, why is it hard to believe?, last week i seen a old lady by the check cashing place hold the door for me and called the teller to tell her that i was here (i was making a delivery) and when i left, i gave her a dollar without her asking.

and another instance i was about to leave and this lady asked me for some change, and i gave her about 45 cents. random acts of kindness is what i live by. i only hope when i give them money that they are buying something thats going to benefit them

one more thing, i like how the majority of you is saying "they should get a job!" that really good logic? isnt it hard enough for someone that lives in a home to get a job and you telling these homeless people to get one? who in this thread can make sense?..think before you type a response
Mayor log off, and go take a nap. It's hard for someone that lives in a home to get a DECENT job. You know a REAL job not Church's Chicken. A job with health benefits and above minimum wage. It is very easy to get a job at a fast food joint and make enough money to lift you up off of your feet. But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Yo, dog calm down. like i said above, what employer is hiring a homeless dude to work at really, lets use some actual logic. would YOU hire a homeless dude to work at mcdonalds if you were a manager?..lemme hear an honest answer. dudes dont think outside the box on NT nor have common sense
um like stated before a bum can take his $19,000 he earns annually. Get a motel wash up, buy clothes, and apply for a job. YES I would hire him. It's McDonald's...the same place that hires illegal aliens to work for an American company...with basically NO knowledge of the English language.

@ trying to apply "logic" to working at McDonalds. I didn't know KFC was a classy establishment, where they had tough requirements for being hired.

-The Juice
this dude thinks i work at a fast food spot
..i bet my paycheck isfatter than yours fam
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.

Lots of ignorance flying around in this thread. You don't want to give money to the homeless? That's fine, it's you own choice. Butplease don't go around and make ignorant statements such as "they are lazy" and "they will buy crack". There is a serious perspectiveproblem within our society when we can see a homeless person and complain about how they are lazy and how they spend their beggings, instead of complain aboutthe fact that people are living without food or shelter.

Believe it or not, many people come on hard enough times, and it's always not there fault. It's a temporary thing- a woman who's left her husbandand is now living out her car is a good example. I hope you never become homeless but I take comfort in the fact that I know that not everybody in the world isas cold and selfish as you and might actually help. (Shelters, organizations, etc)
Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by Black Milk

But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Lots of ignorance flying around in this thread. You don't want to give money to the homeless? That's fine, it's you own choice. But please don't go around and make ignorant statements such as "they are lazy" and "they will buy crack". There is a serious perspective problem within our society when we can see a homeless person and complain about how they are lazy and how they spend their beggings, instead of complain about the fact that people are living without food or shelter.

Believe it or not, many people come on hard enough times, and it's always not there fault. It's a temporary thing- a woman who's left her husband and is now living out her car is a good example. I hope you never become homeless but I take comfort in the fact that I know that not everybody in the world is as cold and selfish as you and might actually help. (Shelters, organizations, etc)
the hell? i didnt say that. why is my name on that quote? but i agree with you though
Used to, until I almost got in a fight with a few different bums/people asking for money....

...also seen a fake bum before. Seen dude putting on a shaggy wig, and I seen his fresh haircut right before he put it on. Said never again, I work too hardfor this.

Shady people ruin it for everyone in my case.
Originally Posted by DeeeK

Used to, until I almost got in a fight with a few different bums/people asking for money....

...also seen a fake bum before. Seen dude putting on a shaggy wig, and I seen his fresh haircut right before he put it on. Said never again, I work too hard for this.

Shady people ruin it for everyone in my case.
arent you the guy that made the dirtylicious song? but anyway, i dont get when people say "i work too hard for this"...its a dollar,fam. even with the recession, its still a dollar
Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

But bums wont do that because they are LAZY, period. Once again I will bring another country into this, A person from Somalia would pray to the heavens if they had the opportunity that Americans have to even be able to put in an application at a fast food place.
Lots of ignorance flying around in this thread. You don't want to give money to the homeless? That's fine, it's you own choice. But please don't go around and make ignorant statements such as "they are lazy" and "they will buy crack". There is a serious perspective problem within our society when we can see a homeless person and complain about how they are lazy and how they spend their beggings, instead of complain about the fact that people are living without food or shelter.

Believe it or not, many people come on hard enough times, and it's always not there fault. It's a temporary thing- a woman who's left her husband and is now living out her car is a good example. I hope you never become homeless but I take comfort in the fact that I know that not everybody in the world is as cold and selfish as you and might actually help. (Shelters, organizations, etc)
there aren't womens shelters? And are theylazy? Yes. Get a job. I'm not going to explain again. I said if they want food, I have been gracious enough to give food. And some people end up homelessBECAUSE of drug use and alcoholism. By all means give your money away. Me? I'll take my dollar and gladly buy and Arizona Sweet tea and sip it in front ofa bum. Does that make me heartless? Maybe. But EVERY year I donate thousands of dollars to charity. So I'm at peace with myself. And Mayor I will gladlyadmit that your paycheck is fatter than mine. I too wish I could make money off of self produced grease and oil.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by JanJan414


once gave this man a dollar, came out the G station and he was opening a door to a bmw. smh. posers messed it up for the real homeless people.
yeah right
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