do you feel sorry for those that "commit that"?

Psssh, suicide is NOT for cowards. You ever stand near a ledge and looked down? %@+ be having me SHOOK and I'm still behind a rail...

You don't have to be brave, but you're certainly no coward and I will not look down upon someone for doing themselves. Sometimes life gives youcircumstances that are unbearable, maybe you lost the only person/people you have in your life, just can't replace them. Maybe you have a terminaldisease/illness and don't want to impose debt upon your family. Maybe you have a mental illness that messes with you all the time to the point youcan't stop what's going through your head (Like morbid, evil visions and voices or something).

I don't know, like I said in that other thread "I can't call it". I'm not one to judge, last time I checked nor are any of you. Only Godcan judge those poor souls, not I, nor us. Live and let live, and sometimes, accept. Accept the choices other people make, you don't have to like suicide,no one does...But don't judge a person based on the final decision they acted upon in this life...

Thats not fair, and the dead deserve more respect than that...

On the other hand, suicide can be for cowards ONLY if that person is running from responsibility for his or her actions. Thats the only time I'd feel rightcalling that person a coward, other than that I can't say nothing....
i don't feel sorry...Its therapy out there..People go to school to help people out like this..
suicide or not...a life is a life....
it might seem selfish but you never know what the person was going thru...
yea it sucks for the family and loved ones, but to say you DONT feel sorry, cmon now...
I have sympathy, yes.... Just wish they woulda toughened up a lil' and try to fight through there situation. Majority of the time Depression leads tosuicide. When you're deep in depression, It's not too much anyone can say or do... Sucks to see folks deal with it..
I mean I do. My Step Aunt's Dad shot himself and you'd never know he'd do such a thing...prolly one of the nicest men I've ever met...reallyreligous...wonder what the motive was
Yes.Not cause there dead but I couldn't fathom the pain they must have been living in for this to even be an option. I feel more bad for the lives theymust have lived for it to get to the point. Some just don't think about things and kill them selves over something petty without truly thinking it over.But some feel they truly have nothing to live for. Imagine feeling worthless for so long having no one to make you feel you even matter. You guys are actinglike all these dudes kill them selves over one bad day. Most of these dudes feel like this for years and just keep going thinking they shouldn't give upand stick around waiting for things to get better. But it's only so long before you lose hope. You don't understand the courage it takes to take yourown life fully understanding what your doing. That's why these dudes are usually wasted or high out there mind when they do it.
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