Do you enjoy your job NT fam?

I'm taking you're still in the DC area fams? How does one go about nailing or searching for a government job? Have any recommended Search portals or sites? Will gladly appreciate it. Are most of these jobs in the DMV?

Yes I am currently still in the DC Metro area. I have a position being offered in Northern Cali potentially in a few weeks in a similar field.

Here are some good sites to use:

Two sites to look for Government positions:

A quality site for private sector/contractor positions:

A message board for federal employees or folks looking to get into the federal/public sector:

The DMV has tons of federal positions as it is pretty much the center of a lot of federal agencies/military bases. You have the entire National Capital Region with the Pentagon and almost every agency has a federal building in the DC Metro area.

There are tons of other positions across the nation though. For instance, my girl's father is located in Long Island and he does Government Contracts (this was a mere coincidence and the only thing we have in common).

Your best bet at obtaining an entry level position is through one of the many agencies' Intern Programs. They are really solid ways to start your career and these are not some rinky dink internships that your friends will be doing. They are usually 2-3 year programs with a lot of specialized training and travel. Folks usually start out as a GS-07 or so (roughly $40,000+ give or take depending on where you live) and by the end of the program will be a GS-11 going for the GS-12 ($80,000+). That's over a $10,000 raise each year for your first couple of years for just completing your trainings, classes, showing up to work and not getting fired.
I live I Minneapolis. I'm a cook. I like the work but alot of the time the Co workers suck. I just walked off my last job because my chef was the biggest douche I ever worker for. Now I started a new one and this dude kept making sideways comments at me and after the 3rd one I basically told him to **** off and don't talk to me like I'm his son. He proceeded to get in my face trying to scare me I just shrugged it off and went to smoke. My chef saw the whole thing and told him not totally to me like that and I told my chef thanks but I can defend myslef. This is my 6th shift only :lol: dude is a **** and I've worked for my chef before so he'll always have my back. But this is what I have to deal with. I need to get back in a Latino kitchen. These white dudes think they are God's gift to food.

But yeah I like my job but there is always one or two guys everyone hates. They weed themselves out though.
Keep your head up man, that's what I'm trying to do. Left a job I thought I hated for a job I really hated and left 3 months ago, haven't had any luck even though I've had a couple interviews. Looking to move to Colorado, partially for the marijuana because I enjoy it and I see it being big business in the near future, plus I have family in the Denver area. Graduated in May of '11 and have been applying ever since for "real" jobs. **** is so lame. Most important thing is don't try and live up to what your friends are doing or people on FB (if anyone still uses that). Just do you man and you'll be happy. Don't mean to sound preachy and **** but that has helped me a lot.
Worked at Whole Foods when I was 18-20. Definitely MILF haven and some cute co-workers to boot. Actually one of my better job experiences thinking back.
hell yea, if life wasn't so expensive i would've stayed there just for the experiences
Sometimes it's not about loving exactly what you do, if you love where you do it at (the environment/location you live/work) and love the people you work with.

Excellent point. I cant stress enough how important this is. At the end of the day work is going to be work. No one likes work (or else it would be called playtime or a hobby and not work). Its the atmosphere and people you deal with on a daily basis that make or break the job.

Well damn. I thought you were going to say you made around $50k. I made $26-30K at my gig at juvenile treatment facility bro. With a freakin' degree. What type of lifestyle to you live if you need more than what you make (+ double including your wife's salary)? I feel like I'll never in my life see that type of $.

Thank you for the response. Getting along with co-workers is essential. Also having co-workers with a similar work ethic is important. Nothing worse than doing more than everyone else, yet watching them make the same (or more). :smh:

actually i think my bro-in-law does something similar to what you do. i know he works at some place with juvenile delinquents (but not like straight up juvie jail). I cant imagine that hes making that much money and he seems to work long hours.

As far as my lifestyle, its moreso an issue of cost of living. Living in LA is not cheap. I mean, obviously you can find some parts of LA that are cheaper than others, but quite frankly I'd prefer not to live there. It really comes down to a matter of preference. Both my office and my wife's office are on the west side of LA (Beverly Hills area and Marina Del Rey area respectively if youre familiar with socal geography). We like the area, and dont want to have to deal with tortuous commutes. We also really like our neighborhood, even though we pay through the nose to be here (forget about mortgage payment, prop taxes, or anything else, my HOA dues alone are almost $700/mo). All in all though, I think it worth it.
Where are you from? Dallas,Tx
What do you do for a living? Purchaser/Buyer
Any specialized training and/or education? no and just high school diploma

love my job been here for over 10yrs :smokin. started in the warehouse and now in the office. getting paid over 50k to spend my bosses money.
Where is a good place to live within the United States as far as jobs go? I also wouldn't mind a place to live with a warmer climate to help kick this SAD.
Eh what I do pays the bills, it's just a job.
I can't wait to start my career ( cop ) and thinking about going the military route to help.

you dont think cop is a stressful career?

cops also have like the highest divorce rate of any profession.

I know it's stressful but I've done so much other stuff over my lifetime that this is the only thing I've wanted to do.

And I'm single now, don't plan on being in a relationship till I get my life together.
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