Do you consider yourself a Baller?

Originally Posted by C Money 88 05

nope I'm not ballin, I got some baller bands still but that's as far as that goes.

other people stay saying I'm a baller though just because of my shoes/polos/hats/phone and because I live comfortable with my money, but that's just because I:
1. know how to save
2. use discounts whenever possible(hardly buy without one anymore besides some shoes)
3. plan out most of my purchases/splurge moments and generally stay to it.

maybe that makes me an economical baller? I still say no though.

this and also compared to all my friends, yes on a budget.their all broke n owe tons to loans which i learned from them. and having enough dough  to move out my parents place n get my own n also planning and putting down on trips throughout the year mostly traveling by myself .
No, and that's why I always have money. I make good use of my funds by not being wasteful, so if there's something I need, I have the cash to get it.
I'm ballin more than the friends I went to school/hang out with...Being the most ballingist guy in your circle ftw
maybe not "balling" in terms of my money situation or assetts, but I'm in college

I am balling with my life and keeping myself happy, and thats all that really matters. So yes, I am definately balling.
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