Do You Believe In GHOSTS??

i know spirits exist, my great aunt whom my parents were taking care of had died in our house back in 99 she died in the room that she stayed in, after herdeath her room was always ice cold, I hated being in there after that.

When I see one I'll be glad because I know there is life after death, until then I do not believe in ghost.
37% of Americans believe in ghosts. As a whole, they are more likely to have lower iq's, lower incomes, and lower educational levels. Just throwing it outthere.
As an atheist, it's hard to believe in anything supernatural.

So no. But some of my friends (religious and non-religious) do.
Originally Posted by curt2121

37% of Americans believe in ghosts. As a whole, they are more likely to have lower iq's, lower incomes, and lower educational levels. Just throwing it out there.

I've noticed your one of the more stuck up NTers that we have.
This one time we were at my friends house for a birthday, there was this group of 4 balloons, 1 red and 3 blue, we were chillen around his living room it wasabout 1 in the morning, all of a sudden the blue balloons started to pop 1 at a time...#%!?.. When they were all gone, after a few seconds, the red balloonstarted to move around like it was being pulled by the string..............

Me and the boys stared at this balloon getting dragged around the room for like 5 mins or so, freaking out looking like

Then one of my friends got up to see what was going on and It popped............
Things in the world (even universe) are beyond our recollection. Anything is possible so i wouldnt put it past it.

Ive at times felt uneasy due to the fact of something being around or even my eyes playing tricks on me. Who knows..
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

yes, because i'm filipino, fear of the supernatural is ingrained in us and comes natural to us.

F.E.A.R = False. Evidence. Appearing. Real.

I do believe in Spirits and Aliens.... I've seen an alien, but it was like a different dimension, i couldnt just up and grab it, it was not invisible icould see its whole body, but it was in a different place but infront of me at the same time.... weird

I've got an uncle who see's UFOs on the regular and claims to have seen aliens on his 40 acres of land he owns up north

My spider sense are tingling while reading this thread tho....
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

YoungTriz wrote:
yes.... to the asian people.... have ever slept on your back, and then knowing you were awake but you cant move or talk?? some nationalities say that a ghost is sitting on you... i have asked other races if it has ever happen to them and they have no idea what the hell im talking about...

its not just asians im mexican and it has happend to me so many times i dont think its sitting on you i've heard that supposely a spirit is trying to posses you or something like that

I heard its called sleep paralysis
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