Do you believe in dreams?

My belief is that dreams are all bull %$++ and if you wake up expecting one of your boys to betray you because you dreamt of a snake, or if you expect badfortunes because you chipped a tooth in a dream, then you're only gonna bring it upon yourself.
Originally Posted by carolinatarheels4040

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

talking about it possible to ever die in your dream? like in all the dreams i had and people i knew that had dreams....the moment they are about to die..they wake up.

This is going to sound odd, but I had a dream where I was shot in the head with a shotgun, and I could actually feel the shot going through my head, like slow motion, I don't really remember how it ended, but I didn't wake up at the end of it, I know that.
wow scarry. not to jinx you or anything but i heard that if you actually experience yourself going through the actual may be a bad omen*knock on wood*
Can anybody interpret these dreams I've been having?

One is me at the casino and I win a lot of money playing slots and there are two more where I randomly find money on the street.

Any help would be greatly appreciated especially because I really need money right now.
yup... it always parallels to something in my life.. sometimes I can figure it out sometimes its a blur
I strongly believe that dreams are a representation of your subconscious mind.
What ever you are thinking about before you dose off is what your dream is going to be based on...but alot of the time what you are actually "thinkingabout" you are not aware of.
I could get hip deep in this but if you want to read about what scientists think then google it.
The snake doesn't reflect anything that an actual snake is often represented by i.e. an individual who is unfaithful on business deals.
The snake in your dream was simply an external force that created conflict between you and your boyfriend. This could be literal physical or moral.

Look deeper than that.
Don't search for representation, search for metaphorical values in the "snake of conflict"
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

My mom told me if you dream of water then money is pouring in and good things are gonna happen, but when you chip a tooth or break your teeth in your dreams, somebody or something negative is really gonna happen. I just dreamed about water last week and boy, things are looking up. I do believe in dreams. As far as your snake??? You need to ask a dream translator. They have them.
dreams about chipping/losing teeth are attributed to aging in freudian study. i haven't heard anything about water meaning money. it's allabout the subconscious, you need to take the actual conscious physical object you dream about (snake, for example) and apply that to it what it may refer to inyour subconscious. think of it as a metaphor and you'll figure it out. i've been studying this for the past month or so so it's still fresh in myhead.
I heard for mexicans that if you dream about a snake then somebody close to your is gonna deceive you. just my 2 cent
I just woke up, and my dream was about my friend typing a paper, and he wanted me to read it out loud. In the first sentence, he had the word
"Incvite", and I didn't know what it was, and then he said it was supposed to be "invite", and for some reason that was extremelyfunny, and I woke up laughing
about it. I often have dumb dreams like this, so I don't really believe in them.
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