Do you allow yourself to cry?

I haven't cried since 2000 when my cousin died. I was getting fitted for a suit to wear to her funeral and just broke down in front of everybody.

Nothing since has hurt me that bad to move me to tears.

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Never in front of anyone, only when I'm alone.

yep....but my mother made me upset yesterday when we was talkin about MJs funeral...she was like... "where you gonna put me when i die? i dont want to bein the ground, cremate me and put me in a nice urn over your fire place!"..(her
...then i started tearing a lil bit)

she knows how close i am to her, and i dont have a father anymore...the last thing i want is for her to go..
....but she apologized for kiddin around like that..
I don't even feel like crying most of the time. When something bad happens to me I just look at it as part of life.
Haven't cried in near a decade.

I just don't feel emotions like that. Unless a close family member passes or something equally sad happens then I can see myself crying.
Yeh I do..not just for random things, well not publicly. When my cousins passed, I let go.I don't see the point in trying so hard to put up a front. Ifsomething hurts you, it hurts you.

I know I'm a man, so I don't worry about what it looks like. Actually, I think I healed faster than some of my other loved ones that chose to hold itall in.
Crying is weird for me....

there are really small things that make me cry (a commercial, movie, etc.)

But generally a sure way to make me cry is to hurt MY feelings---you make think it's small, but I could potentially cry.

Death is something that doesn't usually make me cry....or I don't know. Like, I love MJ but I wasn't even close to crying at all, and I didn'tcry when Obama got elected. So, I don't know--
Originally Posted by ireminisce

i don't cry in front of people . . i like people to think i'm strong mentally.

You realize there is nothing unstable about crying, right?
oh yeah. The older I get, the more emotional I've gotten. I switched birth control too so now I get PMS again. I forgot how much this sucked, I cry ateverything
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Always cry when you feel like it. Growing up with just my Father was a unique experience where I was not allowed to cry. I was baited into crying, and then when I gave in my father would call me a girl, and told me to shut up. No child should go through that.

Thankfully my Mother was always a phone call away, and girlfriends became a shoulder for my sorrow. If you hold it all in it will kill you. Nothing feminine about crying, when I cry it always feels amazing real talk. I hope I provided some mature advice you didn't expect on NT.
real talk

but i tend to hold EVERYTHING in. i stopped crying a few years ago, i just decided that even if it turns my heart dark and cold, i just cant see myself doingit anymore.

as #+!*%* up as that sounds... its sad but true
I keep it in, things barely get to me, but if I must I will. Nothing is wrong with showing emotion.
if you say you dont cry or you havent done it in a while you lying....aint nothing wrong with sheddin some tears everynow and then for serious reason butcrying for little things like a love story in a movie then you got problems dude...and dudes all serious about ohh i dont cry you full of it...look at maximusfrom 300 that dude whaled out "MY QUEEN!!!!" right before he gets stuck full of arrows that dude let out some tears too even though its a movie hestill a G at the end of it.
NATURAL.. all NATURAL, we all cried when we came into this world so its a part of life.Youre not born masculine all macho with no emotion. From the gate you come into this world crying. I think as we mature us men have a tendency to want to do itin solitude because some may feel that expressing the hurt and pain you have inside will show to others that you are a weak individual. Im NOT SAYING crying isfor the weak, im saying that we chose to do it when nobody is around because we may want to keep that mentality that were strong individuals and that you wontbe looked on as a person who shows you can be an emotional human being. It goes to when you are raised by parents who want thier boys to be strong, mostfathers looked down on you if you cried because you could be called weak or labeled vonurable in his or others minds. Letting your emotions out is veryhealthy than to keep it bottled up and let it turn to frustration and in time will turn into anger and cause horrible actions down the road...
Last time I cried was when my boy drowned. But, other than that I dont remember. Other than reacting to someone closes death, crying is unacceptable to me.It's a sign of weakness. I dont care what anyone says. I will never manifest my inner-thoughts. Also, whats the point? Does it make things better? No. Thesituation is the same as it was before you shed a tear, so its completely purposeless. Rather than cry, I lift weights. Whenever I'm mad or hurt bysomethin, I go to the gym and just pound out the sets.
Save it for the big things in life, do it in private, and do it big. It's natural stress relief for the human body.
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