Do you agree with this theory on dating?

basically....thats why some end so fast....they find out who the other really is and dead it
That's not how you start an honest and mature relationship.

Right now I'm dating to find someone to fall in love with. Sounds crazy, but I'm 21, never been in a relationship for more than 3 months, and it'salways been because I was acting one way when I got at a chick but really wasn't that way, and usually she was doing the same thing. I'd rather pass upa chick who's throwing me empty game waiting for me to throw game back and vibe with a chick who is actually good with conversation and knowledgable aboutstuff. I want to get with a chick who is into something and can get me interested in it, and in turn I can put her on to the stuff that I'm into. Alot ofchicks pretend to be into stuff so they can keep me interested because they have a false conception of me being some type of Eric Benet / Maxwell cat. In turnI feel the pressure to seem "artsy" and "intellectual" and it's cool for a bit but then each of us sees that it was all a facade.
Really, I'm not dating a girl unless I see myself with her for an extended period of time. I don't want to waste my time at all. If I'm not gettingthat vibe then I'm just gonna milk it for what its worth. It might be a physical attraction at first but ima def lookfor something further afterwards. If Idon't see it....dueces
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

basically....thats why some end so fast....they find out who the other really is and dead it

The truth will set you free but it sucks in some situations.
Originally Posted by drock2010

Thats why I always act myself

I don't change for anybody

if you like me good if you don't oh well

dudes who come correct up front are the ones I like---if you a !**+#!!, just be one from jump so I can at least know what I'm dealin' wit'
<----waits for everyone to quote dirty and say he's right even if they were going to post the opposite
That theory does not apply to me.
I'm real 100% of the time, I'm not good at lying or acting.
I rather say nothing than lie.
nah I'm always 100 ........ but then again I usually don't date ... atleast that's not what I call it ...... it's weird/amazing the things ppllet you get away with by just being honest
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

act yourself.
but you don't have to real your WHOLE self all at one.
See I can relate to that, I'll "watch my step" the first day I meet a girl but it lasts only for a day, too much work to pleasesomeone with charades.
pretty much.thats why they say, you never truly know a person until you live with them.
I don't put on an act, but I don't put myself out there 100% in the dating phase. You don't get to really know a person right away anyways, ittakes awhile. That's kind of the entire point of dating. The time frame until a person becomes comfortable enough is going to be different from person toperson.
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