Do yall Miss High School or Middle School?

I DEFINITELY miss high school A LOT
Both were straight but I prefer middle school. 8th grade I had all the %!%+ on my **** word to Lil B. Being a pretty boy makes it easy
I miss high school for sure. I had the most fun probably my junior year. Senior year wasn't all that but if felt like I do almost no work the whole year probably because I had half a day
i was NOT cool in middle school.

HS i was cool but didn't realize until senior year, even then i was just playin a "whats cool to do/say/wear" game, though I was winning due to the Diplomats/Kanye West/Pharrell, NT, and eBay. Plus i was the "cool smart guy" so that worked for me. i look back nowadays at the people i hung w/ and broads i smashed and its obvious i was way cooler than i thought i was. guess i didn't have swag but that didn't matter back then.

i found myself my first week of college. hangin with some older cats off campus smokin blunts callin up skeeos on speakerphone.
high school...I didnt have a care in the world. I just went to see and talk to everyone. I kind of regret that now but not really, I had fun.
From High School all I miss is having no worries and chillin' with my friends..
If I could do it again things would be different though....
"Back in the days when I was young, I'm not a kid anymore but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again"

Definitely miss being a kid/teen in general.  Now if I could go back in time with the knowledge I have now
Man my elementary days was good too.

We had this one kid who was lactose allergic or whatvever whatever. Well one day this little gay kid(we was 9 and everybody knew he was gay and he still gay today) was eatting mad oreos and salt and vinger chicks. He wen't to high five the little milk allergic kid and when they did the high five, he forgot he had also drank milk and had milk on his hands.

THEN SHUN STARTS TURNING RED THAN A MUG MUG. The bald headed teacher starts freaking the hell out cause he didn'tg know what to do. The kid couldn't breathe. So the teacher carried the milk allergic kid to the clinic(mad elton john or proto j) and the milk kid was still red than a mug. We was all in the class being watched by the puerto rican janitor(I felt bad for dude cause he was getting bad to clean up dumps on seats and dirty mofos who puked in the hallways, control your lunch son)

The milk kid got better tho. He in the air force these days. I felt bad cause i ain't invite him to my laser quest party and nobody else every invited him to the laser quest parties cause shun couldn't eat pizza with cheese so parents had to pay extra for a non cheese pizza. It was mad sad than a mug mug.

I aint pick on nobody but this kid named Andrew. He was mad mad weird than a mug. In 3rd grade he was ok I guess. He had a party where we all went to watch those urban fellows in red white and blue shoot basketball and act a fool. Well the following year, son just went mad weird. All he did was read and pick his lips(shun never used capstick so his lips was always looking like somebody gave him herpes)

I aint see him much in middle school, but I saw him in my junior year of high school. Shun only wore sweat pants to school every single day(aint his FAMILY WAS MAD RICH) I figured something was wrong with his head or sunthing. One day he and I were in the office, I was waiting on my dad, and andrew spotted me and said sup shun, I replyed and then this shun tried to tell me I had a pimple on my head(duh shun we teenagers), then shun proceeded to attempt to pop it, I PUSHED SHUN down. Was like %%% you doing shun, that is mad weird than a mug mug. When I looked down at him on the floor, shun was grinning. Ain't nothing funny bout you trying to pop my bump on my head. Thats mad elton john or proto j

All the staff was just looking around. I took my i pod and mug outside and went and listend to lil wayne then some Prince and Tony Yayo.

Man just some weird stuff. Oh and then if you ain't wanna take a test or be in class(I mutha luving HATED SPANSIH CLASS, WHAT THE HELL I NEED SPANSIH FO? I'M IN MUG MUG AMERICA WERE WE SPEAK MUG MUG AMERICAN ENGLISH)

This one big booty etiopian girl was in the clinc the same time as me. Yall know how they used to keep the clinci beds next to each other to keep the sick kicks with the sick kids, well she was in the bed across from me. I swear her booty was mad big, I could have swallowed it whole man. Well chick was complaining bout a stomach ache, she turns over and farts.

Her fart englufs my nose and I'm in heaven(i know that seems gross, but I like fart pron) She said sorry I was like, its human nature. She seemed apperciative of that. I mean how many dudes will say its ok a chick farted. I eventually went home as did she. I went and played GTA and ate some old mac and cheese. Got better and got the hell out of that spansih 3 class with all them skinny alien looking chicks and urban youth who was lazy than a mug mug.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I miss HS so much. But 8th grade was probably the greatest year ever. SO much $%%@#%@ fun

But HS overall was much, much better than MS.
Same for me.
do i miss them? not at all, college feels so much better...PLUS i'm driving now

do i miss some of the girls I could have befriended and got close to? yes.
Middle school? Not really...hormones were running high with everyone. Probably the worst years for someone to want to teach.
High School- some aspects of it, senior year was pretty fun, I miss some parts of it, although I barely contact people from my high school now, it's crazy how people change so fast.
College- Definitely.
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