Do online job applications work?

Them sh*ts don't work; not for me atleast. I've applied to countless of jobs online & either no calls back or got *******tted on why i didn't get da job. That good ol fashion paper app sure worked tho. Paper apps>>>>>>>online apps.
Them sh*ts don't work; not for me atleast. I've applied to countless of jobs online & either no calls back or got *******tted on why i didn't get da job. That good ol fashion paper app sure worked tho. Paper apps>>>>>>>online apps.
You guys ever think about, that your resumes might not be well put together, or you are applying for jobs, that you don't qualify for/have experience for? My last job and current job were both landed thru an online app. Most big corps don't use paper applications. The online apps get sent to one central office and sorted and then if its a viable app, it will be sent to the local HR/recruiter.
You guys ever think about, that your resumes might not be well put together, or you are applying for jobs, that you don't qualify for/have experience for? My last job and current job were both landed thru an online app. Most big corps don't use paper applications. The online apps get sent to one central office and sorted and then if its a viable app, it will be sent to the local HR/recruiter.
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