Do men compare themselves to other men?

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:lol: I'm convinced it's a girl. If it's a dude then hey, pathetics gonna pathetic.

She's been a good sport for the most part since she hasn't left after 9 pages of no one taking her side.

Let this thread die. She got answers. Sheen about to post the pics. Proof is in da puddin, b.

If you choose to stay and participate, just know that NT is a beast that generally doesn't nurture female comfort. You're a good one if you get our respect, but don't expect it to just be given because you supposedly have a vagina and "a petite hour glass".
Why blinkin gotta be the first to throw on the cape :lol: I expected that from the likes of Diego or Lionblood not you bruh
Cuz it's a dude and most likely a trolling long time NTer at that.

If you know how it is around here it's pretty easy to make a thread under a fake persona and get a 10+ pg thread.

I'm a woman. I don't see why I would lie or keep up a persona for 13 pages for kicks.

This thread stopped being funny a long time ago. I think I would have exposed myself after men started pming me.
Who really knows why you sick dudes pretend to be females on NT. Maybe you need attention that bad that you don't care if it's from other dudes or maybe you homosexual and this is the only way you can get attention from dudes online.

It's happened several times on NT before. Word to TooMuchHoney being a dude.

So until I see some tagged pics you were born with a penis.

We need Nt detectives up in here to expose this fraud.

If the moderator thought I was fake or trolling, I'd be banned by now. My email is under my actual name. A woman's name.

Lol! This is crazy.
This is just evidence of how thorough your fraudulence is b :lol:

@Brolic Scholar
 just dropped that knowledge tho, @Kellyrep
 your backs against the wall on this one.
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I updated my browser, wiped my entire hard drive, reinstalled the mac os, went to the apple store and got a new computer and the pics are still not working..
Terrible joke Rusty. You could've done better.

Yeah you right, I shouldn't make light of what happen to homegirl. Sorry I let you down brah. Srs
Why blinkin gotta be the first to throw on the cape :lol: I expected that from the likes of Diego or Lionblood not you bruh

You're right. My bad for the slight cape. But the thread is getting traction for no reason. Like dudes said, 14 pages and NO pics?! NT doesn't condone stuff like this. Her and her man problems ain't worth it. If she ain't game to participate in the lulz or post a simple picture for verification, let her bounce.
15 pics.

Just stop. Let it go. Predicting you're not.:wink:
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:lol: I'm convinced it's a girl. If it's a dude then hey, pathetics gonna pathetic.

She's been a good sport for the most part since she hasn't left after 9 pages of no one taking her side.

Let this thread die. She got answers. Sheen about to post the pics. Proof is in da puddin, b.

If you choose to stay and participate, just know that NT is a beast that generally doesn't nurture female comfort. You're a good one if you get our respect, but don't expect it to just be given because you supposedly have a vagina and "a petite hour glass".

Not much gets under my skin. Nothing online bothers me. I can just cut off the computer.
@Brolic Scholar
 just dropped that knowledge tho, @Kellyrep
 your backs against the wall on this one.

It's an Internet forum. If he says my thread is wack, that rustles me about as much as saying I forgot to buy ice at the grocery store. I never buy ice.

I'd be more upset at leaving sugar out of my coffee then how well this thread is received by people I don't know who can't even decide whether I'm a female or not.

This is my whole perspective and has been my whole attitude since page one.
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