DMX Interview (speaks on Jay-Z beef, doesn't like Drake & Rick Ross)

Feb 18, 2010

at 10:00 mark he speaks on Drake & Ross, The Dog is officially back
Listened this morning, this is how it should be today. He didn't say he was wack, just not a fan. It's like people are scared to say %@+* like that, it's weak. Wouldn't say Ross was nice, just not impressed.
X is that dude glad some grown men aren't afraid to speak their mind in the industry today

I've been waiting to hear his airport story. Dude is hilarious, "he was disrespecting my authority"
askign for dude's license
Originally Posted by CashBanks

X is that dude glad some grown men aren't afraid to speak their mind in the industry today

Pretty much.I'm not feeling the record with MGK though but i hope X can make a cpl more hits.
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by CashBanks

X is that dude glad some grown men aren't afraid to speak their mind in the industry today
Pretty much.I'm not feeling the record with MGK though but i hope X can make a cpl more hits.
"all these d
riders tryin to corrupt the game" - Pun
Yeah it irks me when artist say stuff like yeah I'm feeling so and so...knowing damn well that artist is trash. Not saying Drake and Ross are garbage, but dudes being politically correct are not really keeping it hip hop. When you could voice your opinion without fear of being ostracized in the industry...I remember those days somewhat.
I understand the point of him being truthful and just out and claiming he doesn't like an artist. However i don't believe for a second that artist these days don't want to speak their mind it's ya'll the fans who make it damn near impossible.

Considering X is at a point where there is nothing to lose and people already expect this behavior from him its fine. Now lets say Jay-Z made these exact same comments.

What Will Follow

- Every blog, Mediasite will have this as there biggest topic as if it's takeover

-The next month or two of interviews are going to be Filled with questions about Drake & Ross, leaving all the important info behind such as discussing music The artist is working on, New ventures, generally anything positive

- You have an entire generation of idiots who now feel that your "Hating" on young dudes, and they are now obliged to choose sides in the battle and completely disregard any of your music

- Ross & Drake are now all over radio itchin to say your name out on radio interviews and blogs, no good music comes from it and basically your adding to the problems in hip-hop.

Hell perfect example is 50 Cent, say what ya'll want about the man but when he has an opinion he's gonna speak on it EVERYTIME, and Imo that led to a bunch of meaningless beef which helped with the demise of his career.

And in some cases you even have the few artist who may take it to a physical level because you called there music wack and they our upset. Dudes gotta realize that there is a reason artist don't say whatevers on their mind, because they understand the media and the simplistic views of a lot of the fans. Truthfully Speaking your personal opinion on how bad you think an artist is does absolutely 0% good and helps nobody.
Originally Posted by tyisny

I understand the point of him being truthful and just out and claiming he doesn't like an artist. However i don't believe for a second that artist these days don't want to speak their mind it's ya'll the fans who make it damn near impossible.

Considering X is at a point where there is nothing to lose and people already expect this behavior from him its fine. Now lets say Jay-Z made these exact same comments.

What Will Follow

- Every blog, Mediasite will have this as there biggest topic as if it's takeover

-The next month or two of interviews are going to be Filled with questions about Drake & Ross, leaving all the important info behind such as discussing music The artist is working on, New ventures, generally anything positive

- You have an entire generation of idiots who now feel that your "Hating" on young dudes, and they are now obliged to choose sides in the battle and completely disregard any of your music

- Ross & Drake are now all over radio itchin to say your name out on radio interviews and blogs, no good music comes from it and basically your adding to the problems in hip-hop.

Hell perfect example is 50 Cent, say what ya'll want about the man but when he has an opinion he's gonna speak on it EVERYTIME, and Imo that led to a bunch of meaningless beef which helped with the demise of his career.

And in some cases you even have the few artist who may take it to a physical level because you called there music wack and they our upset. Dudes gotta realize that there is a reason artist don't say whatevers on their mind, because they understand the media and the simplistic views of a lot of the fans. Truthfully Speaking your personal opinion on how bad you think an artist is does absolutely 0% good and helps nobody.
I agree with all this. Blame these WWF fans
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by tyisny

I understand the point of him being truthful and just out and claiming he doesn't like an artist. However i don't believe for a second that artist these days don't want to speak their mind it's ya'll the fans who make it damn near impossible.

Considering X is at a point where there is nothing to lose and people already expect this behavior from him its fine. Now lets say Jay-Z made these exact same comments.

What Will Follow

- Every blog, Mediasite will have this as there biggest topic as if it's takeover

-The next month or two of interviews are going to be Filled with questions about Drake & Ross, leaving all the important info behind such as discussing music The artist is working on, New ventures, generally anything positive

- You have an entire generation of idiots who now feel that your "Hating" on young dudes, and they are now obliged to choose sides in the battle and completely disregard any of your music

- Ross & Drake are now all over radio itchin to say your name out on radio interviews and blogs, no good music comes from it and basically your adding to the problems in hip-hop.

Hell perfect example is 50 Cent, say what ya'll want about the man but when he has an opinion he's gonna speak on it EVERYTIME, and Imo that led to a bunch of meaningless beef which helped with the demise of his career.

And in some cases you even have the few artist who may take it to a physical level because you called there music wack and they our upset. Dudes gotta realize that there is a reason artist don't say whatevers on their mind, because they understand the media and the simplistic views of a lot of the fans. Truthfully Speaking your personal opinion on how bad you think an artist is does absolutely 0% good and helps nobody.
I agree with all this. Blame these WWF fans

Well said ty
let's hope DMX's words help the problems what's going on in hip hop today. there sure is alot of ********rs who just follow whats hot at the moment or being played on the radio. i ain't gonna front either i do listen to Drake's music but he is part of the problem
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