diddy getting sued by beautiful cassie vol. freakoff

I guess both can be true. She got the ball rolling on taking him down while also just looking for a payout.

We say we cant stand golddiggers but alot of people sound perfectly fine with our justice system that incentivizes women to be just that. But i understand thats just the way it is, no sense in complaining

Bro, what?!!
Prisons got podcast studios now?

"podcast check homie, your hour is up"
I guess both can be true. She got the ball rolling on taking him down while also just looking for a payout.

We say we cant stand golddiggers but alot of people sound perfectly fine with our justice system that incentivizes women to be just that. But i understand thats just the way it is, no sense in complaining

I could understand making this complaint when it comes to some of these divorce settlements and/or child support settlements.. or estate benefits

but Cassie survived years of abuse and the US legal system has demonstrated time after time after time how it has failed those victims

hell given just the brief time period with which this was announced and the different light that has been shined on publicly known information, the system has failed not only Cassie but others well

she is directly a victim of this man for years
I could understand making this complaint when it comes to some of these divorce settlements and/or child support settlements.. or estate benefits

but Cassie survived years of abuse and the US legal system has demonstrated time after time after time how it has failed those victims

hell given just the brief time period with which this was announced and the different light that has been shined on publicly known information, the system has failed not only Cassie but others well

she is directly a victim of this man for years
I agree. True justice would be the perpetrator facing legal consequences so these actions cannot be repeated. Not just paying em off as a sort of band aid to make it go away and everyone say "get the bag gurl."
No wonder Puff survived as the boogeyman this long, smart as ****. Easy payout for him vs the reputation and financial hit he would take if it went to trial and stuff started coming out.

lol at thinking that this is over.

Puff played this all wrong. By settling, he may have opened the door for more people to gain confidence and file suits against him.

And even worse for him, there’s bound to be someone that says “**** the money, I want criminal charges filed! I want him to be cell mates with R Kelly!”
lol at thinking that this is over.

Puff played this all wrong. By settling, he may have opened the door for more people to gain confidence and file suits against him.

And even worse for him, there’s bound to be someone that says “**** the money, I want criminal charges filed! I want him to be cell mates with R Kelly!”
I agree, this will be a beacon for a lot of people to start talking against Puffy whether it’d be through the legal system or in interviews. Expect a lot of YouTube videos revolving around people who knew both Cassie and Puffy and co-signing on came out.
lol at thinking that this is over.

Puff played this all wrong. By settling, he may have opened the door for more people to gain confidence and file suits against him.

And even worse for him, there’s bound to be someone that says “**** the money, I want criminal charges filed! I want him to be cell mates with R Kelly!”
I'm searching for where I wrote that I think this is over but I couldn't find it. Must've quoted the wrong post.
I agree. True justice would be the perpetrator facing legal consequences so these actions cannot be repeated. Not just paying em off as a sort of band aid to make it go away and everyone say "get the bag gurl."

but the consequences in a civil matter are monetary in nature…

while some victims may be prepared to go through the rigors of a trial, it is alot especially when you’re dealing with these subject matters

and even if she was brave enough to put the info out in the suit itself.. it’s a whole other level to things when you’re having to take the stand and testify or hear testimony or deal with whatever defense gets cooked up
I did find it weird stuff like getting guns to go after Suge (which clearly nothing happened) and blowing up Cudi's car were added in the suit about abuse and rape but w/e it all adds to the spectacle.

Would have to go a bit further to con ect any of that to harm worth suing over.
Some men with a lot of power get off by flexing it. Making people do things they naturally would not to prove their control and momentarily satisfy their desire to feel greater than others.
I'm searching for where I wrote that I think this is over but I couldn't find it. Must've quoted the wrong post.

You said “easy payout” when it actually might go down as the biggest mistake he’s made assaults etc aside.

Ain’t nothing easy and this is only the beginning.
Question: Can one not do the repeated resets with civil suits?
Assuming you're referring to procedural delays, there's plenty of ways to delay in civil lawsuits but the overall time cost is nowhere near as much as in criminal prosecutions. The Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been under indictment since 2015 and his trial is set to start in April 2024.
Paxton's 9 year delay is a very extreme case of delay tactics but just keep that in mind.

Taking her story to law enforcement would definitely be sufficient in opening a criminal investigation, but those inherently take a lot of time even if they're given hard evidence (see the Trump or Hunter Biden investigations). Subpoenas take time, interviewing witnesses takes time, some might not cooperate, ...
So you're already starting off with a long timetable, which in these types of cases often doesn't result in charges being filed at all. The prosecution may have doubt if they can meet the criminal burden of proof and decline to file charges. If the investigation does lead to an indictment, that's more ways for procedural delays and a conviction is far from a guarantee regardless of the evidence. Rich and famous people get off on abuse cases all the time.

Civil cases are less prone to delay, but more importantly the burden of proof is lower. You're much more likely to win this case in civil court than criminal court.
This is just my personal belief but based on how Diddy operates, I think Cassie and her lawyers were fully expecting Diddy to immediately try to settle and kill the story.
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The rub here being Ellen is grilling Puff about this when that entire time she’s been abusive to her staff on this show. Hypocrisy run rampant :lol:

Then they end the whole segment dancing :rofl:
You know he wanted to pop her on her mouth badly the whole time. He probably ended slapping someone else after getting off set to vent his frustrations.
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