Did you ever get jumped?

We know from that sucka **** u said u do. I'm legit surprised u ain't been whooped on for that ****. If I did that **** when I have nothing to do with what's going on and threw some blows, I would have a swollen face the next day.
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We know from that sucka **** u said u do. I'm legit surprised u ain't been whooped on for that ****. If I did that **** when I have nothing to do with what's going on and threw some blows, I would have a swollen face the next day.

You don't know wtf your talking so go back to your seat. I may not have clarified my reason for doing what I did but it wasn't on your level of comprehension. What not known need not be explained.

Like I said you do not wanna see me. Ok.

We'll be friends before foes. I never had a personal enemy in my entire life. Some folks just have it coming to them ie tough guys like you.
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Idc what u talking about. If 2 dudes doing their 1 on 1 thing and u snuff one for no reason u need to *** whooped. Luke I said u do that to the wrong person u might not see daylight again.
My 2 life best friends were tough guys like you and I beat both they *** before we became friends. With a host of other guys whom I made put some respect on my name.

We ain't talking about killing anyone. You took it away outta proportion. Tough guy.
Never been jumped, but in 1st grade this white racist **** who had been repeatedly crossing the line with me wanted to scrap during recess. It wasn't much of a fight though. He swung at me and I just grabbed him by his collar and tossed him into a nearby electric pole as hard as I could. He was hurt pretty bad, and as he was attempting to get up, 3 of my friends ran from the sandbox and started kicking the crap out of him, like the dudes on Office Space stomping out the copier and fax machine. Funny thing is, I never got in trouble, nor my friends, and dude didn't tell his parents nor the teachers. As a matter of fact, I don't even remember seeing any teachers :lol: :lol: ahhhhhhhh, to be a kid again

My boy was squaring up with another dude over a girl. They went at it, then one of the other dude's friends ran in and BOOTED my boy in the face. I ran in to drag the kid off my boy and got jumped on by a few more people. I had a can of soda in my hand at the time, so I ripped it in half and started throwing haymakers with sharp *** aluminum in both hands. Thankful to this day I didn't catch anyone because who knows what would have happened. Stupid kids.

Damn ya boy got ran up on like

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My 2 life best friends were tough guys like you and I beat both they *** before we became friends. With a host of other guys whom I made put some respect on my name.

We ain't talking about killing anyone. You took it away outta proportion. Tough guy.

Where u from hijo
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To all you who've been jumped... better learn to put Pat and Joe together...

Nah but I stomped and snuffed a few dudes, I wasn't even involved in the fights I just wanted to put in my 2 cents.smh

I'm 1 hombre you don't wanna **** with I kid you not... not now not ever.

I'm a better person now, I promote peace and tranquility...

:lol: at "type of dude you don't wanna mess with"......and you sneaking ****** to get 1-2 hits in when they getting banked :rofl:
First time was 2nd grade. I started going to a new school and my sisters went to the middle school next door. This dude named Paul and his boy used to hate hard Cuz i walked in that *** swagging. I used to go to the hoodest/worse schools so most people were poor and bummy. Pops used to buy me all the js back then and kept me in the nautica sail boat joints. First week had this one chick choosing and ol boy liked her but she hopped on the winning team. One day when I was walking out dude put his arm around me and said they wanna show me something and kicked me in my stomach and started jumping me. At the time my mom's was doing real bad so we were living with her friend, her friend had a son named Terrell, why this ***** just sit and watch (never trusted light skinned ****** from that day forward). I ain't gonna front, I got up ran and hopped the fence and got my sisters. Idk if I told stories before but my sisters goons, straight scrapping *** *******. They came and beat the **** outta dudes and held one down while I beat his ***. Then when we got home they beat my *** for losing (2 on 1 -_-). Mom's came to the school the next day Cuz we got suspended, they said they did it Cuz i thought I was all that [emoji]128529[/emoji]. Hating *** boys. I got other stories getting jumped too but that was the 1st time ever.
Outside you getting jump this was a funny story. Story def rings bells tho I remember fools hating in elementary too bc I was styling on em. They never tried me tho
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My 2 life best friends were tough guys like you and I beat both they *** before we became friends. With a host of other guys whom I made put some respect on my name.

We ain't talking about killing anyone. You took it away outta proportion. Tough guy.
I ain't take it no where, that's worse case scenario what can happen doing that lame **** u think is cool. Yea nothing can happen, u can get whooped on but u can get killed for that **** too. Somebody need to tell u Cuz evidently u think everyone gonna wanna square up with u after u stomping em out over something u had nothing to do with.
Imma cool quiet guy, I ain't gotta brag but ask ANYBODY who knows me or of me am I 1 to play around with.

Being a Rebel is natural for me...

I'm done. Carry on.
My bad man, u right I just asked Ray Ray and them about u they said u Loco bro. They once seen dude stomp a man in his face when another dude already knocked him out. U got it sir, sorry.
Imma cool quiet guy, I ain't gotta brag but ask ANYBODY who knows me or of me am I 1 to play around with.

Being a Rebel is natural for me...

I'm done. Carry on.
Get a Kanye gif for ya avy and you're 95% there.
Imma cool quiet guy, I ain't gotta brag but ask ANYBODY who knows me or of me am I 1 to play around with.

Being a Rebel is natural for me...

I'm done. Carry on.

Yeah, you sound like you got crazy juice and bust those dope moves. :smh:
Was walking home with another buddy from baseball practice and there was a group of four teens who approached us trying to rob us.

One kid ran up to grab my buddies duffle bag, but he held a tight grip on it. Started swinging at him and kid was KO. Other three surrounded us and i pulled out my baseball bat like sting and the three other kids slowly approached. The next few seconds were a blur but i remember striking a kid in the mid section/nuts and him crumbling as i stomped him down. My other buddy staggered the another and next thing i see is him suplexing the other guy onto a honda accord. We didnt know what to do so we grabbed their wallets and left
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Was walking home with another buddy from baseball practice and there was a group of four teens who approached us trying to rob us.

One kid ran up to grab my buddies duffle bag, but he held a tight grip on it. Started swinging at him and kid was KO. Other three surrounded us and i pulled out my baseball bat like sting and the three other kids slowly approached. The next few seconds were a blur but i remember striking a kid in the mid section/nuts and him crumbling as i stomped him down. My other buddy staggered the another and next thing i see is him suplexing the other guy onto a honda accord. We didnt know what to do so we grabbed their wallets and left

So after defending yourselves from a robbery, you guys commit a robbery :rofl: :rofl:
Was walking home with another buddy from baseball practice and there was a group of four teens who approached us trying to rob us.

One kid ran up to grab my buddies duffle bag, but he held a tight grip on it. Started swinging at him and kid was KO. Other three surrounded us and i pulled out my baseball bat like sting and the three other kids slowly approached. The next few seconds were a blur but i remember striking a kid in the mid section/nuts and him crumbling as i stomped him down. My other buddy staggered the another and next thing i see is him suplexing the other guy onto a honda accord. We didnt know what to do so we grabbed their wallets and left
So after defending yourselves from a robbery, you guys commit a robbery
Was it really robbery though papi?

Maybe they happened to find the wallets in their possession

Was walking home with another buddy from baseball practice and there was a group of four teens who approached us trying to rob us.

One kid ran up to grab my buddies duffle bag, but he held a tight grip on it. Started swinging at him and kid was KO. Other three surrounded us and i pulled out my baseball bat like sting and the three other kids slowly approached. The next few seconds were a blur but i remember striking a kid in the mid section/nuts and him crumbling as i stomped him down. My other buddy staggered the another and next thing i see is him suplexing the other guy onto a honda accord. We didnt know what to do so we grabbed their wallets and left

So after defending yourselves from a robbery, you guys commit a robbery :rofl: :rofl:
That's turning the tables 4real :lol:
That's what you suppose to do :lol:

Any time some stranger attacks you, take all their possessions after you laid them out.
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