Did Jay Cutler quit on his team??? vol. NFL Players Think So

My issue is him saying the coaches "told" him to sit. As if he could have still played if he wanted to...but the coaches didn't let him. If you're healthy enough to play, and you're the franchise QB, the leader of your team, in the NFC championship...how are you going to let a coach tell you to sit in the defining moment of your career? Think Tebow would have sat? nah.

And if you can limp off on your own, walk around the sideline on your own, and ride a bike on your own...then your %%$ can stand in the pocket and throw the ball with that "rocket" arm of yours. If you can't take a drop then tell the coaches to let you run the gun for the rest of the game. You have to at least try.

And even if the injury turns out to be serious...his sideline demeanor was pathetic. A leader doesn't sit on the sideline and sulk if he's truly hurt. Pump up the defense, help out your backup, watch from the sidelines and see what the defense is doing to see if you can pick something up that might help your backup. When you're a franchise QB, and a leader of your team that's what you do. His injury wasn't preventing him from doing any of those things. Yet he still sat on the sideline seemingly and probably not giving a F.
My issue is him saying the coaches "told" him to sit. As if he could have still played if he wanted to...but the coaches didn't let him. If you're healthy enough to play, and you're the franchise QB, the leader of your team, in the NFC championship...how are you going to let a coach tell you to sit in the defining moment of your career? Think Tebow would have sat? nah.

And if you can limp off on your own, walk around the sideline on your own, and ride a bike on your own...then your %%$ can stand in the pocket and throw the ball with that "rocket" arm of yours. If you can't take a drop then tell the coaches to let you run the gun for the rest of the game. You have to at least try.

And even if the injury turns out to be serious...his sideline demeanor was pathetic. A leader doesn't sit on the sideline and sulk if he's truly hurt. Pump up the defense, help out your backup, watch from the sidelines and see what the defense is doing to see if you can pick something up that might help your backup. When you're a franchise QB, and a leader of your team that's what you do. His injury wasn't preventing him from doing any of those things. Yet he still sat on the sideline seemingly and probably not giving a F.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Random thought, but I always found it weird that the same people showed Rivers a lot of love throughout his career and found ways to dump on Cutler

Rivers is a better QB than Cutler. I think Cutler's downfall with the fans and media is that his demeanor seems like he just doesn't care. The same could be said of someone like Tim Duncan but fortunately for Tim he has four rings. Unfortunately for Jay he has 0 and in a public where winning makes you a saint right now he is a villain.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Random thought, but I always found it weird that the same people showed Rivers a lot of love throughout his career and found ways to dump on Cutler

Rivers is a better QB than Cutler. I think Cutler's downfall with the fans and media is that his demeanor seems like he just doesn't care. The same could be said of someone like Tim Duncan but fortunately for Tim he has four rings. Unfortunately for Jay he has 0 and in a public where winning makes you a saint right now he is a villain.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

actually re-read it, all yall are dumb mother *!!@ ers, You, NT and players included.

good point about LT, cus when he sat the bench same people were crying, well why is he on the bench, why isnt he standing up... now its, why was Cutler standing and tryin to ride a bike (btw to help him get back out there) ...

the whole lot of ppl questioning anyone's injuries are Stupid.

btw, Where was MJD last season the last 2 games when the Jags needed to make the playoffs?

yea, hurt on the bench, inactive...  throwing stones while living in a glass house...
 you tell em Mo Jones!!!
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

actually re-read it, all yall are dumb mother *!!@ ers, You, NT and players included.

good point about LT, cus when he sat the bench same people were crying, well why is he on the bench, why isnt he standing up... now its, why was Cutler standing and tryin to ride a bike (btw to help him get back out there) ...

the whole lot of ppl questioning anyone's injuries are Stupid.

btw, Where was MJD last season the last 2 games when the Jags needed to make the playoffs?

yea, hurt on the bench, inactive...  throwing stones while living in a glass house...
 you tell em Mo Jones!!!
Im not even gonna comment on whether or not I think he quit... He probably did have an injury to where he could not play but the "perception" is pretty bad. But, I couldn't give 2 %%%%@ about it at this point because the Pack going to the SB.

But, I got more of a problem with some (I said some before yall get too crazy saying "thats not me!!") Bears fans that are going insane about this.
Im not even gonna comment on whether or not I think he quit... He probably did have an injury to where he could not play but the "perception" is pretty bad. But, I couldn't give 2 %%%%@ about it at this point because the Pack going to the SB.

But, I got more of a problem with some (I said some before yall get too crazy saying "thats not me!!") Bears fans that are going insane about this.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

u can tear ligaments stepping down off a curb. there doesnt have to be some huge collision ...

ignorance is bliss.

Not saying you are wrong, but has there been an officially diagnosis of the injury? Your defense of Cutler is just as sickening as the people criticizing him. Especially since neither side knows the full story.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

u can tear ligaments stepping down off a curb. there doesnt have to be some huge collision ...

ignorance is bliss.

Not saying you are wrong, but has there been an officially diagnosis of the injury? Your defense of Cutler is just as sickening as the people criticizing him. Especially since neither side knows the full story.
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

LeBatardShow Dan LeBatard Show 

Is Cutler's dopey whiteness an issue? The loudest critics (MJD, Dockett, etc) are black. His loudest defenders (Urlacher, Kreutz) aren't.

50 minutes ago

LeBatardShow Dan LeBatard Show 

the face, pout, diabetes, pale skin color -- does it help frame 'not tough enough?" Or is it just that he wasn't taken off on stretcher?

LeBatardShow Dan LeBatard Show 

same circumstances: mcnair, vick, garrard, mcnabb don't get hit with that, right? does vince young? cunningham? what black qb?

Why is he trying to force the race card
, all those dudes would be killed by the media too given the circumstances. Plus McNabb played on a broken leg/ankle before if I'm not mistaken
Originally Posted by Ace Rawstein

LeBatardShow Dan LeBatard Show 

Is Cutler's dopey whiteness an issue? The loudest critics (MJD, Dockett, etc) are black. His loudest defenders (Urlacher, Kreutz) aren't.

50 minutes ago

LeBatardShow Dan LeBatard Show 

the face, pout, diabetes, pale skin color -- does it help frame 'not tough enough?" Or is it just that he wasn't taken off on stretcher?

LeBatardShow Dan LeBatard Show 

same circumstances: mcnair, vick, garrard, mcnabb don't get hit with that, right? does vince young? cunningham? what black qb?

Why is he trying to force the race card
, all those dudes would be killed by the media too given the circumstances. Plus McNabb played on a broken leg/ankle before if I'm not mistaken
Sean jensen from the Chicago sun times, just confirmed that they did the MRI, and it was a MCL tear. They're just trying to detemine the grade of severity of the tear...
Sean jensen from the Chicago sun times, just confirmed that they did the MRI, and it was a MCL tear. They're just trying to detemine the grade of severity of the tear...
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Sean jensen from the Chicago sun times, just confirmed that they did the MRI, and it was a MCL tear. They're just trying to detemine the grade if severity of the tear...
dudes about to wild out
Originally Posted by sickickz23

Sean jensen from the Chicago sun times, just confirmed that they did the MRI, and it was a MCL tear. They're just trying to detemine the grade if severity of the tear...
dudes about to wild out
Dudes on here that questioned his "heart" and "toughness", that "he quitted" and the "injury, along with those who tweeted, looking like idiots.
Dudes on here that questioned his "heart" and "toughness", that "he quitted" and the "injury, along with those who tweeted, looking like idiots.
By the way it sounds, it sounds like he tore his MCL. If that is true, tearing a ligament and going back to play is stupid. With the amount of inflammation and instability around the knee, playing effieciently would be close to damn near impossible with the amount of weight shifting and torsion on the knee that Cutler has to do.

As far a other players are concerned playing with torn ligaments...

Those players are conditioned to play with those types of injuries. If you tear and ACL or any interior knee ligament you need to condition your lower body is maintain the stability i.e. hamstrings, RB's are conditioned to do that with their regimen that's why most of the time with their ACL injuries mostly due contact tears as opposed to non-contact. Look at Dajaun Blair, he plays with no ACL on his right or left, but he's conditioned to play that way.

Didn't anyone see the trainers or doctors working on his knee on the bench? From what I was able to see they were performing knee stabilization assesments. They even showed this on ESPN.
By the way it sounds, it sounds like he tore his MCL. If that is true, tearing a ligament and going back to play is stupid. With the amount of inflammation and instability around the knee, playing effieciently would be close to damn near impossible with the amount of weight shifting and torsion on the knee that Cutler has to do.

As far a other players are concerned playing with torn ligaments...

Those players are conditioned to play with those types of injuries. If you tear and ACL or any interior knee ligament you need to condition your lower body is maintain the stability i.e. hamstrings, RB's are conditioned to do that with their regimen that's why most of the time with their ACL injuries mostly due contact tears as opposed to non-contact. Look at Dajaun Blair, he plays with no ACL on his right or left, but he's conditioned to play that way.

Didn't anyone see the trainers or doctors working on his knee on the bench? From what I was able to see they were performing knee stabilization assesments. They even showed this on ESPN.
After a day of thought, maybe we all (as football fans) were wrong to question the extent of the injury but I have no issue with criticizing Cutler's heart and mental makeup. Jay Cutler has shown mental lapses, poor body language, an aloof personality (weak leadership IMO), and missing desire his whole NFL career. KLJ for someone who follows and supports Cutler as much as you do, you've definitely seen it but probably choose to ignore or reject this truth. The man is not a leader point blank. Cutler hasn't shown the ability to motivate his teammates, he doesn't lead by example, and there's a lack of will/determination when he's on the field. Re-watch Fox's coverage to witness Cutler's poor body language ALL GAME. You say teammates or coaches "haven't taken issue," so respected NFL analysts don't count? Obviously the Chicago Bears aren't going to put their anointed franchise QB on the spot, that would just be bad PR and cause turmoil in the future. Lovie Smith, Olin Kreutz, and Brian Urlacher are clear leaders of the franchise. It would be disastrous to not defend Cutler publicly. They were prepared for the questions after the game. Doesn't mean that his body language isn't a problem. 
"How do you even know he wasn't?" Refer to the CBS Sports report posted right above your own comments and also re-watch how distant Cutler was on the sidelines after Collins/Hanie stepped into duty.

"A stoic personality" - No one said he doesn't care at all but perhaps he doesn't show he cares ENOUGH. Exhibit A: Look at Big Ben's leadership at halftime when the Steelers were down big against Baltimore. Exhibit B: Look how demonstrative and passionate Phil Rivers is for the Chargers. Cutler doesn't seem hungry enough for that Super Bowl berth given it was the NFC Championship against Chicago's most hated division rival. I don't mean just with his play, if he's severely injured there's other ways to help your team on the sidelines. He could have done way more to coach up and assist Collins and Hanie. He could have offered encouragement or motivation for the defense that performed so well for the Bears all season long. He could have motivated his receivers to step it up given his rapport with Hester, Olsen, Bennett, etc. 
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